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Everything posted by globular

  1. Thanks @pixies. DarkSky and CO use the same data so will give the same forecast. (And CO is good for another year or so - and even beyond I'm sure they'll find a data provider - so I'll stick with them). I was hoping to augment the CO / DarkSky info with one from another source / forecasting model - ideally one used and recommended by a SGL user. More sources = better picture. In theory at least. Oh well.
  2. Is that android only @Pixies? I've searched on ios but can't seem to find it
  3. One site quotes 860g another 23.9oz (=680g). I guess the 1st site typoed 680 as 860 and I picked the wrong one to visit. So I am just like google..... provide the wrong information blindly without checking the source.
  4. I've had some success with a DGM Optics NPB filter and 1.3 degrees (40mm in by 8" F/10) at my 20.4 mag back garden. I only get part of it and it's faint but without the filter I get nothing. I'm still new to this game but I can't get enough of the amazing views on offer.
  5. 860g apparently. I seems to be turning into your weight google assistant 😁
  6. Nice comparison The Hyperflex has stated FOV of 40 @ 21.5mm and 60 @ 7.2. I estimate it's about 55 @ 10mm, so it should have looked similar to, if not a little larger than, the BCO. (I have the Hyperflex but not the BCO so can't compare them as you have).
  7. Baader 45° erecting prisms no good? Or all Baader prisms? I don't want to hijack the thread, but I was thinking about the Baader 2" Prism (#2456117) for my 8" Edge HD. Should I think again?
  8. I'm actually thinking of a filter slider... so I'd slide in 2" or 1.25" filters (or no filter) as required. This is independent of the EP barrel size (other than making sure the field stop of a 2" EP is < 20mm if I'm using a 1.25" filter in the slider) so I wouldn't use an adaptor like the above as such. It amounts to basically the same thing though - except it happens a bit earlier in the light path - so I'll post back with results once I've tried it.
  9. You're right, of course. I was thinking about the ES100 range - which are all 2" even the 5.5mm. I've not yet built up my full range of EPs but want to try and make sure any purchase I do make (e.g. these colour filters) last me wherever my EPs purchases take me.
  10. Thanks @vlaiv. So I can't push it too close 28mm but should be fine below 20mm or so, say? I want to get some coloured filters for planetary use - which also tend to be at higher magnification and hence narrower fields stops (15mm and less in my scope). So I figured the extra real estate on 2" ones will never be used and I can save a few £ by getting 1.25" ones. (Baader ones are £52 each for 2" and £36 for 1.25" - so it's like 3 for 2 if I go 1.25"). (Note I have a very nice DGM NPB filter which is 2" - and it needs to be because it's used on DSOs at medium to low power on EPs with field stops right up to 46.5 (Pentax XW40)!)
  11. Hi all, If a 2" eyepiece has a field stop of less than 30mm then can it be used with 1.25" filters (suitably mounted in the light path) without any issues across the entire fov? Thanks.
  12. Official figures are 1036g for the ES12/92 and 1175g for the ES17/92. I trust John's scales more, but they are not far off.
  13. I'm thinking about the ES17/92. Is it really 1300g and not the 'official' 1175g?
  14. me too 😢 On the bright side ClearOutside was fairly accurate 🙂
  15. Gotcha, thanks @Pixies if you find a supplier of matching bolt cases please post to let us know - I've had a look and can't find anything I fancy.
  16. I like that idea. What's the insert made of / what is it @John?
  17. So that's the reason for this...? 😁 Thanks for the tip
  18. The announcement isn’t on the show, the show has moved to after the announcement so they can talk about it. Agree it probably isn’t that BIG though or else it would have been released by now.
  19. Looking good. I suspect the blips in pulsecount you were seeing before were caused by memory overflows when writing to bin[] when you had the -1 offset in wind direction. So the fix (to +15) fixed both issues.
  20. My scope's optimal back focus is apparently 133mm and with the Baader Prism that I have my eye on having a light path of 100mm (plus a bit for light absorption within the prism glass) I reckon there is a bit of spare space for a filter slider. I'm not imaging so I don't need to be bang on it. I did search for 'filter drawer' threads before starting mine, but it didn't pick up your 'filter slide' one. Small world. Glad I bumped into an expert!
  21. That was my thinking @Stu. I was just a bit worried there must be some serious flaw, perhaps optically, as no one seems to do it - or rather no company seems to be pushing sales of it for this purpose. I guess they are happy making a living out imagers. (Or maybe I've not been looking in the right places).
  22. Found this (from Baader via FLO) so maybe it is a thing to do this after all. I'll put it on my 'maybe one day' list. At £130 for all the bits it's not cheap.
  23. Filter drawers (and wheels, etc) seem to be targeted at imaging; and I think I understand why: * filter changes are common. * spacers are often needed to get optimal focus so why not have a filter drawer doing something useful rather than just a spacer. However does anyone find them useful for eyepiece observing? It feels tempting to me to be able to side in a filter, change to another, use no filter, etc all without removing eyepieces, threading filters on and off in the dark, etc. And maybe focusing is easier? Am I right that there would be little or no refocusing as filters are added or changed when using a filter drawer? If this is a good (or not a bad) idea then does anyone know how to do it? I'm looking at the ZWO 2" M54 Filter Drawer (so there is no narrowing of the clear aperture in my 2" set-up) and was hoping to slot it in between the diagonal housing and the baader clicklock that currently screws into the diagonal. However I can't seem to find adapters to go from 2" to M54 and back again. Thoughts?
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