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Everything posted by Earl

  1. That's a first! top image mine, bottom image is the one Sam took doing a night-lapse
  2. A 50mm F1.4 I had one with my Nikon a few years ago and didn't get on with it, however, I'm not sure if it was just I did not get on with Nikon... Take 2
  3. ARGH !!! even a 2inch filter when attached on the GoPro in Wide modes shows in the corners!

  4. Off to the Gower tomorrow morning for two say with the kids

  5. Are 2 inch filters 48mm thread size?
  6. Making the most out of the clear nights!
  7. I really need to find a Darkskies place to do these.
  8. USB nice on paper, naff ports and even the C port need improvement imo for serious applications.
  9. Met said clear... so i took some cloud trails.....

  10. Don't zoom in and pixel peek it is a mess
  11. No vignetting on none wide angle view selection, I have ordered a cheap 1.25 inch filter to try it out. Im not convinced on the thread pitch on the 52mm but it connects
  12. I also do try to have gear which is multi-use so you can get more bang for your buck.
  13. I was looking at the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini which is more to my budget and as I understand it has daytime uses, now if I get an automated dolly with it....
  14. The cloud is a major problem here in the UK, I invested tens of thousands into gear about 10 years ago, and yes I did enjoy what I did, the money would have been much better spent on a remote imaging subscription for me. I appreciate that not all feel that it's a valid way of doing it, however for me it would have worked out fine. Currently, I cannot afford to consider even that option so I tinker with old camera gear, a drone and a GoPro (the drone is a debatable luxury as it also suffers from weather restrictions, and flight restrictions (not too bad as it's a sub 250g drone)). I keep looking at star trackers but is it worth the outlay for it to be sat in the house 300 plus nights a year?
  15. Get a small tripod, phone holder and a remote control, that should all be pretty cheap, and then you can use the camera's long exposure modes to take sky photos.
  16. I have picked up a step-down converter (from china so might take a while) to see if I can get a 1.25-inch filter onto my GoPro as a 2-inch is overkill and far more expensive.
  17. I tried a Light pollution Filter on my GoPro and it reduced everything, I'm sure there is a filter which enhances contrast but can't recall what it was. 1) which is it and 2) is it worth pursuing for night-lapse 30-second exposure?
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