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Everything posted by AstroNebulee

  1. Very true. I have to sit out with my set up when imaging as I'm in a communal area, the chance to get cold feet would be nice, since 13th October to now only had one session and it was full moon, hoping πŸ™„ to image the witches head nebula before Orion goes
  2. Hopefully yours will stretch in time πŸ‘
  3. The boots have arrived very quickly, they are lovely and comfy and even with a pair of thick thermal socks on I didn't have to concede to any blue tones of language πŸ˜‚
  4. Hi I am hopefully getting my zwo asi294mc pro camera soon and I use the asiair pro as my computer control for mount control, guiding and image taking. Currently I connect my zwo asi120mc-s guidecam direct to my asiair pro as I use a dslr for imaging presently. I've seen lots of videos where people connect the guidecam direct to the 294mc pro via the USB 2 connection, can I ask is this the preferred way to connect or is it still ok to connect my guidecam to my asiair pro directly as I do now? My set up consists of sw 72ed AzGti in eq mode with asiair pro. Mods feel free to move to the getting started with imaging thread if I'm in the wrong place.
  5. Thank you for the advice haha, I'm hoping as I'm a size 9 and could only order 9.5-10. 5 I shouldn't require the bad language haha πŸ‘
  6. I'm not sure if the op means the bar that connects the 2 focus knobs together, from 12.49 in linked video. I don't really know as this is just a guess 🀷
  7. The new eq firmware sorts out any issues most have had. I think having two az gti setups, one in EQ one in alt az is a perfect combination. As I said once afforded I'd buy another AzGti set and keep in alt az, perfect for lunar and planetary imaging and much easier to get up and imaging than dso where you needed cloudless windless nights, I really miss the Lunar and planetary imaging. Spent so much on my eq set up I wouldnt sell it, so another alt az set up compliments perfectly.
  8. Was thinking of eventually getting a second AzGti setup with a 102 sw mak on it for lunar and planetary imaging to save dismantling my deep space AzGti eq setup but that will be after I've hopefully bought the zwo asi 294mc pro. 😬
  9. Thank you @callisto, just purchased a pair of these in the hopeful optimism that I'll have clear skies before the nights start warming up again πŸ‘
  10. Once again +1 for badhex comments. I'm quite sure they'll just swap the mount and the scope won't come into consideration. By the way that's a stunning scope, I had one but sold it to fund dental work haha.
  11. Hopefully they can sort it for you very soon, as badhex said let us know how you get on. With all this cloud your mount will be back to you before the next clear sky easy.
  12. I agree with @badhexon this. If I were in your position I'd send it back to the retailer for repair or replacement. If it were just the azimuth stopping it could be a piece or swarf stopping it but combined with the power light issue, which I have never heard of before, send it back to the retailer, being only 2 months old. Where did you buy your AzGti from? I hope the retailer gets it sorted for you soon
  13. I'm not so sure. I have the asiair pro and because I spent so much on the actual AAP I wasn't going to take any risks purchasing a different power unit so I bought the recommended zwo power supply. Then at least I knew it was all working and compatible. I bought mine from @FLO and being 12v 5a output will power the AAP and any other extras powered by the AAP, it may be Β£33 but well worth it in my opinion. πŸ‘
  14. Yep I'm thinking that's what the white one (just to be ocd and match the mount πŸ˜‰) of mine will need, just ordered some imperial allen keys as couldn't find mine. I'll fire up the electric sander to adjust the height. Thanks again.
  15. Can I ask what brand of lid did you use, all the ones I've found seem to have to much height
  16. Hi Yes easy to achieve prime focus with the 72ed and 450d, I used to have this combination before I went to my 600D. I do have an ovl field flattener with mine. Do I just have scope then FF, then the Canon t ring then dslr attached and prime focus achieved. I don't use rotators with mine, I set the dslr to be as you'd look through it normally (like holding it taking a photo normally)
  17. Looks brilliant Ags, I've only managed 9 mins of data on M45 in 2.5 months, yours is excellent. The az gti is perfect to me, personally I quite like slight halos in images πŸ‘Œ
  18. Here's my rendition of the double cluster in Cassiopea NGC 884 a 869. It was only 30 mins at 180sec 800 iso under a near full moon on 16-12-21. Once again it looks much better on the laptop before saving as jpg to post. Clusters are not my fav to image, but after 2 months of cloud was glad of something.
  19. Sounds brilliant Ags well done, it's a fantastic image and great processing πŸ‘
  20. How is your AzGti going, have you had any clear skies to try out your new settings, happy Xmas πŸŽ‰
  21. Hi, I've got the cluster image processing atm, only half hour of data as to windy, I've currently set my scope up here know as I'm gambling on a 2 hour patch of clear sky heading my way but we'll see. The celestron power tank sounds just the job indeed I used to use the talentcell battery pa k for the az gti, but since getting the AAP I dangle an extension lead from my flat window and power that and dummy battery pack for my dslr too.Have fun with your skytee & 102, Happy Xmas 😊
  22. Hi all, how is everyone doing in the az gti world here. I did manage to get the scope out on the 16th December and only could image the moon and tried the double cluster in Cassiopea (image to come) as the moony was near full. Hope you all have a lovely Xmas and get loads of astro goodies and clear night's over the Xmas period! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…
  23. First time getting the scope out in 2 months due to cloud, moony was near full so no deep space imaging possible, but good to get the scope out imaging again. Here is my colourised image of the moony from 16-12-21.its a total of 102 exposures at 100iso taken with my sw 72ed AzGti Canon 600D processed in pipp, as3, registax and ps, looks much better on the laptop than here.
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