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Everything posted by Daf1983

  1. Would you need a 2 inch barlow lens to use with that? The ones I've seen have t ring which screws directly to the scope for prime focus, and a 1.25 inch adaptor for using with a barlow (Sorry for all the questions)
  2. Great👍 Is that one with a 2inch adaptor?
  3. Thanks, good to know what can be done, I just want to experiment a bit to begin with to see what's possible, I definitely plan on trying this. I have a barlow already, but need to buy a t-ring and adaptor. Out of interest, where did you get yours? Seems to be a lot of options on ebay/amazon which vary massively in price. I guessing a cheap one would do the job
  4. Hello. I've actually brought a second hand canon 600d by now, should be arriving this week. I've decided to keep the dob as a purely visual scope, although I might try a bit of lunar photography with it and the 600d, and maybe take videos of planet. I'm also planning on doing some non-tracking astrophotography with a 600d, a tripod and a intervelometer. I'm not expecting to get amazing results, but am mostly wanting to learn a bit about photography and astrophotography, and see how much I enjoy it, before investing in expensive gear. If I do find myself really enjoying it, I will probably eventually invest in a star tracker to use with the dslr. If I can get anything nearly as good as your picture of Orion, I'll be over the moon👍
  5. I have been up there years ago, but not at night. I imagine it's a great dark site, but I don't fancy hauling my 8 inch dob up there😉
  6. Beautiful shot! Moel famau is not that far from where I live👍
  7. That's interesting, as I've been struggling a bit with jupiter. I can just about see the bands, but nothing much more. Not sure if that's because of poor seeing, their low altitude or a combination of both. But I think some sort of filter could help
  8. Not too expensive either, only £6 dearer than the unbranded version from flo. Surely it's worth an extra £6 for the pretty box alone😉
  9. Thanks, I will add that to my ever growing wish list🙈
  10. I also managed to split the double double last week, but have bot got round to observing the double cluster yet, another to add to the list👍. I will definitely have another go at the dumbell, maybe from the inlaws garden, which is much more open. Which filters would you recommend?
  11. Thank you. I agree, star hopping is very rewarding, but very frustrating to begin with!😁 I was pleasantly suprised how clear it was from my back garden last night, could even see the milky way by the time I had finished my session. It's also nice that the nights are getting longer, and I don't have to stay up until silly o'clock to have some darkness. Mars and neptune are next on my list. Mars pops up above my neighbours house about midnight at the minute, so should be more than doable
  12. Hi there. Did you wind the eyeguard the whole way up?
  13. Had a great night of observing last night, for the first time since I bought my 200p in May, everything felt easier, less stressful and a lot more enjoyable. It was also the first time I had a chance to properly use my Sky and Telescope pocket sky atlas, and along with the the Telrad, I think this is a good combination for me. I started off in Hercules with a familiar target, M13, which is fast becoming my go to DSO, and definitely a favourite! I then moved on to a second Globular Cluster in hercules, M92. Whilst, not quite as impressive as M13, I had some really nice view of this with my dob and the 8mm BST. I then moved on to the Ring Nebula, M57. Again, this is becoming a favourite of mine, but for whatever reason, the views of this wasn't as good as I've previously seen. I think I might also need to invest in a Nebula filter to increase the contrast on these targets. Finally, I had planned to have a look at the Dumbell Nebula, but unfortunately, the neighbours house was blocking the view. I therefore turned my attention to M81 and M82, Bode's Nebula and the Cigar Galaxy. I hadn't planned on observing these, and didn't have a star hop route planned put to find them. However, I decided to start at Dubhe in Ursa Major, and using my finderscope, I moved one star at a time until i reached where I thought they should be. Then, I had a look through my Vixen NPL 30mm, and after searching around the while, I managed to find both. These are the first galaxies I have observed, and whilst I couldn't see much detail, I could easily see the core of M81, and the elongated shape of M82. It really does take the breath away seeing both at the same time. Finally, I moved the dob to the other side of the garden to have a quick look at Jupiter and Saturn, which were as impressive as always. All in all, a successful session.
  14. Hi. I have the same telescope, and have the the 12mm and 8mm bst, along with a vixen npl 30mm and a barlow. Personally, I would say that's more than enough to keep you going for a while. What I've noticed in my limited experience is that it's best to use what you have, and see if any other eyepieces are needed as you go along! For example, while I'm observing some objects, I find that I could do with something in the 15-18mm range, so this will be my next purchase when funds allow. With regards to recommended eyepieces, apart from bst's, I really like the vixen npl. But I'm sure others with more experience can help you more.
  15. I'm sure you'll love the 200p. Looking forward to hearing how you get on. Cheers Dafydd
  16. 3 months ago, I was in exactly the same position as you, trying to decide between the 150p and 200p skyliner. I eventually ordered the 150p....then cancelled the order and ordered the 200p instead. I'm so glad I did, as I'm very happy with the 200p, and if I had gone with the 150p, there would always be nagging feeling I should have stretched my budget that little further.( The jump in price from 6 to 8 inch is not that big). However, I'm sure you'll be more than happy if you decide to go with 150p. As for accessories, as merlin says above, the bst starguiders ar very good, I have bought the 8mm and 12mm. I also have the vixen npl 30mm which is also very nice, and not too expensive. I found the scope quite hard to use with only the original 8x50 finder, so I would highly recommend getting the telrad to complement it. It's made observing so much easier and pleasurable in my (limited) experience. This would probably be the first thing I would buy if I had my time again.
  17. Agree, a bit early to get excited unfortunately. Have found that the forecast changes dramatically from hour to hour recently, let alone from day to day! But I'll keep my fingers crossed for you😁
  18. I'd probably do the same if I was buying again. Good luck👍
  19. I noticed, it's my first ever telescope, and I'm very happy with it. However, I have read that the focuser is not the best, and that might be causing the issue when rotating the cheshire.🤷‍♂️ If you go for the premium cheshire, I'd be interested to hear if you have the same issues with that
  20. I have the cheaper of the two for 200p dob. It seems fairly well built but I've had 2 issues with it. Firstly, I can't see the 3 primary clips when centering the secondary in the focuser. I presume this is because it's a long cheshire. I've had to make a collimation cap for this part of collimation. Secondly, there is quite a bit of movement with the cheshire in the focuser, this means that the crosshairs don't stay exactly central when you rotate it. Please note that this is the only cheshire I've ever used, so I don't know if these are common issues with long cheshire eyepieces and the skywatcher focuser, or a problem with this particular eyepiece.
  21. Bortle 4 according to co and the light pollution website. A lot of housing development going on in the area at the minute though, so I doubt it'll stay like that for long😏
  22. I have the 200p, and although quite heavy, I can easily carry it from where it's stored in the shed to my garden in one piece. I also occasionally take it in the car to a dark site, when I do this I disassemble it into its two main parts, and reassemble it at the site, which takes 5 minutes max to do.👍
  23. I have the astro essentials version with my 200p. I can't see the 3 primary clips at all using it, and I find there is quite a bit of movement when it's in the focuser. Is it's the only cheshire eyepiece I've ever used, so not sure if it's an issue with the eyepiece, the focuser or (most probably) me!
  24. I also have a 8 inch skywatcher dob, and the view from my garden sounds similar to yours. I live in a bortle 4/5 zone, have a south facing garden, but the view in this direction is blocked by our neighbours house. I have unobstructed views to the east and west, and my own house blocks the view to the north. I have done 90% of my observing from my garden, and have seen plenty of dso. However, to see saturn and jupiter I have had to take my scope up to the inlaws house up the road, which is much less light polluted, and has unobstructed views in all directions.
  25. Do you think that would be an issue with a manual dob? Does anyone have experience using zwo cameras with a manual dob?
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