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Everything posted by Stardaze

  1. I’m not sure where to go with the 9mm myself. Currently have the ES 6.7 and 11 (82) along with the ATP 13 and buying the 20mm version next month. I’ve read a few comments that the ATP 9 is bettered by the Morpheus and at that FOV I’m not certain that I need 100 degree? Got a month to suss it out. What’s your opinion @Don Pensack be interested? PS. I do really like the ES 82s I have.
  2. Which atlas is this out of interest?
  3. I need a 20mm extender too which is £43 on it's own, so adds up. I measured the focal point of all my EP's. Both of my 2" EP's focus at 32 and 34" on the focuser currently, (tops out around 10mm more) whereas the 1.25" were around 18-21". The click lock gives 43.5mm and so add the 20mm extender = 63.5mm. The measured distance currently from the extender to the top of the 2" EP holder is 58mm. It's £140 outlay, which will have to wait till next month. Yup
  4. I'm hoping the click lock system when I do buy one at the end of the month will take the sloppy fitting out of the equation too.
  5. Have you noticed anything different between the Cheshire and lasered collimation?
  6. Good read and carbon stars are a new one for me to explore. Antares is also ‘between the houses’ for me too but didn’t look too bad the other week. It didn’t look like it was going to be an option tonight good but it’s currently quite clear. Definitely a night I could do with a grab and go system 😂 edit: a good view of Antares from a top bedroom window right now in the binoculars.
  7. The bundled black tripod deal works out £100 cheaper then a stainless so might just be the sensible option. I was thinking that the stainless could future proof me for other options later on? Thanks for the info, I like the look of the AZ5.
  8. Definitely will go the AZ5 route over gti but not certain about the black bundled tripod in the kit. Prefer the stainless version but, would I still need an extension?
  9. I think I’m swaying towards the SW 127, seem nice little units. How are the stock focuser and diagonal? Do they need upgrading straight away?
  10. That’s an nice looking scope that I wasn’t aware of. I’ll look into that.
  11. Manual is good for me. Not bothered about DSO we have the dob for that, just fancy a travel option that is good for planetary and lunar, maybe the odd cluster. Maybe I could ensure the legs are stable enough for a frac addition later on? Could be a xmas present to myself later in the year..
  12. Thanks John. I was looking at those scopetechs earlier. From what I’ve read, seems like you need to spend a bit more on a frac ideally? There’s the AR127? The mak is nice and portable but how good is the output?! Would it be an impulse buy that gets sold later? Maybe a 130PDS could do a job too for that budget but the smaller form of the mak appeals. Is the AZ-5 better than a gti Mount?
  13. I think that further along the track, I’d like a nice frac, maybe a 120ED. But, I keep thinking about a small mak to complement the 10” dob as a portable scope for lunar, planetary and the odd cluster. How good are the 127’s? Do they resolve well or is it worth saving a bit for a 150 skymax? Be interested to hear your thoughts..
  14. That's a nifty solution. I'm glad mine hasn't needed any counter balancing, yet. Loving the mods, shame I asked @Ricochet about his mods in another thread, would have been better suited here. I have pinched one of those ideas and am trying to find a B&Q store with the shed mate levelling feet, my local store didn't have any! My favoured spot in the garden isn't level, and whilst it's not absolutely detrimental to how the dob works of course, I just wanted a make it better, so I have cut a circular piece of 18mm ply ready for said levelling feet. I also need to have a move around in the shed which is close to my little preferred spot. In the winter months, it will make a good place to have the EP case under cover and will also be where I store the dob overnight following a session, makes more sense than anywhere else.
  15. Perfect, that’s what I’m after Mark. Maybe the metric search would have found them?
  16. I do like to see people’s dedication to their pursuits and the lengths they’re prepared to go to. Great thread and a good inspiration. Next year I plan to put together a mobile system with some travelling in mind.
  17. Was thinking that you’re missing one of those to the ‘collection.’
  18. Thanks Don, the APM 20 is my next purchase, so I had the replacement in mind having noted you mentioning it previously. People lose caps, and so I’m quite surprised how scarce they seem to be over here in the UK? Still haven’t found the right version? Ironically, the cap I want to replace is on an ES 24.
  19. I think you’ve got the wrong end of what I’m after here, I just need a cap as a secondhand 2” EP I bought has one that is very loose. They don’t seem so plentiful for sale?
  20. Has anyone a good source of the above. eBay seems to mostly be 1.25”?
  21. To be fair, it was a single copy. I just didn’t like how marked the perspex was, though in use, in the dark, you wouldn’t see those marks. The telrad does have a very small dimming range on the potentiometer, for sure.
  22. Ah thanks. They could be discontinued
  23. I’ve gone with the Telrad as the Rigel I ordered was poor in build. Welcome to the bresser dob club! Can I ask where you got the Rolson straps, I’ve been searching and can’t find them.
  24. I think so yes. The current extension, combined with the “2 Adapter measures 55mm. The baader 2” is 43.5mm. My focuser rack tops out at 42mm and my widest EP focuses at 34mm... The 10mm looks to be needed which is £40. And is why I haven’t swallowed it yet
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