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Everything posted by Stardaze

  1. Thanks for the tip, just managed the first one and I'll start the second when the kids are in bed 😀
  2. I’m staggered that no brands supply replacement caps. Ive recently bought a secondhand Ethos and would like to replace the cap, the Eyeguard is an expensive option at £33 to replace the cap.
  3. I can’t see it at all either without an O-III filter from my garden (bortle 5)
  4. Marmite is a yeast based spread here in the UK that you either like, or not 😀 I think I’m going to try the Baader contrast booster and see how that fares with the planets.
  5. I’m intrigued with the neodymium filter @jetstream seems a marmite filter?
  6. Following this tip from John here, I too have done the same and is much better. The other tweak was to rotate the focuser 45 degrees too, to sit more horizontal when the OTA is at 45 degrees. Old pic of mine attached, have moved the telrad down a bit since.
  7. As a lighting engineer, you should be able to request the design detail and it should not be over-lit. The urban standard is 30 lux (15 in rural areas) and so anything above that is unnecessary. LED lighting is much easier to control light-spill over traditional lighting and if flood lights are needed for large areas (car parks) then asymmetrical versions are best, as they are mounted on the horizontal axis. If it’s just building security (5 lux), then there are alternative options that control light-spill. Some councils are very strict in my experience, but residents do have a strong voice where lighting is concerned. They will be able to have a lighting design produced to quantify light-spill on neighbouring properties. Obviously the glare directly from the luminaries will come down to the types used.
  8. I think that’s handy as I’m sure you would have the option of using either sized filter. Might actually save a bit of money and buy the 1.25” baader Contrast boost filter as that will only be used for planets with the 8mm and 6mm (when I add one).
  9. Is anyone else using Ethos in 1.25” mode? Seems strange to me that they need extra extension / rings for best 2” adaptation, especially given the price point. Was there a concession in there to make them dual sized?
  10. There was a lot of talk about filters on a recent thread and clearly the higher priced filters have tighter band widths, the cheaper variants are a little looser, given the lesser process, so it's a lottery as to how good they are. I decided to buy a secondhand Astonomik O-III as I desperately wanted to see the Veil too. Whilst they are expensive, I knew I'd end up buying a premium version at some point and I also didn't want to blame my kit if I failed to see what I was seeking so bit the bullet. The TeleVue Nebula UHC is on the list in time for Orion this year..
  11. Thanks Don that’s really helpful. At least I know that the 8 and 6 are going to both be the same, the most problematic at that.
  12. Early days for me, but definitely nestled. Find it nice to have some contact than hovering. My badly made point elsewhere was that I need to add some extension to increase the focus point. @John with the baader 28mm extension, does that change the clamping point? Or do I need parfocal spacer rings? Only need a couple of mm to gain focus?
  13. I like nestling too 😀 I am right in thinking that an extension will reduce the amount of focuser extension needed
  14. Just given my new Ethos it’s first light and am very impressed. Only issue Is that it tops out the focuser, but with the click lock I can clamp it a few mm out to gain focus. Guess an extension / spacer rings are a necessity. The field seems much flatter than my APM 13 but didn’t compare, got lost in some globs.
  15. I'll revive this thread as I'd like to know whether to buy a neodymium or Baader contrast filter. However, to finish the above click-lock debate (thought I had) the issue with the threads was that the click lock has a 0.75mm thread, whilst the Bresser is 1mm. There was a workaround with the Bresser to click lock attachment / 20mm extension - they just needed swapping around, which FLO discovered, so all screwed down properly and overall the click lock is a massive improvement. Anyway, with the best of Mars being just around the corner I thought I'd try a contrast booster. The neodymium seems to suffer a split opinion but noted recently some using Baader's contrast booster. As a sub-question, I was going to add a neutral density filter a while ago to reduce a full moon, would either of these add some reduction anyway, negating an ND?
  16. I hadn’t read much around the Ethos beforehand John, so I’ve realised this morning the need for one. I’ll get one ordered up as adding the O-III is handy for some planetary nebulas. Also covers the protruding 1.25 central piece which is always a good thing in my book. Looking forward to seeing what some of the current globula’s render with it.
  17. After all of this, I’ve managed to find an 8mm Ethos secondhand for the same as the Delos new. Can’t wait to give it a whirl but the forecasts still don’t look good for the week. Realised that I could do with a Baader 28mm extension too so something else to sort. I’ll have to keep an eye out for a 6mm to match at some point, but really happy with my core 100 degree EP’s (20/12/8) for now.
  18. Another new addition this morning, and my first green and black one. Managed a good deal secondhand, similar to a new Delos that I was going to buy. It’s slowly coming together, bit of a mixed bag, but the 6mm ethos is next on the list to replace the ES. At that point I’ll need to replace the foam too as it’s a bit butchered.
  19. Looks like you’ve simplified your set perfectly. It’s a slippery slope I foresee.. what size nanuk case is the bottom image. I have a 910 and already need a foam replacement
  20. The dew control telrad heater is only £16, worth looking at. Going to get a little heater for the shed, which will be where my EP case is, so helpfully they will be ok.
  21. Out of interest John, what are supposedly the best of the range? I have a feeling when I have a complete set (not all Ethos, APM 100 deg too) I may swap the APM 13 out for an Ethos, if I find a good one at the right money secondhand. But that's a way off yet..
  22. Thanks for the info. it's going to be a little trial and error I guess. I am going to add a shield too I think to my next order. Have wondered whether a DIY shield for the RACI might negate a heated band being needed there?
  23. I've been kitting out my shed as a little solace from the cold this winter. I have a petrol stove for a brew and an old fishing table is handy, along with an adjustable stool (dob user). I'm not great in the cold and do need a new jacket this year so I'll make a note of any that come recommended. I know from fishing in the cold, if you're not wrapped up properly, it's no fun. The plan is to wheel the dob in at the end of the session for the night and not need to head into the kitchen and disturb everyone on later evenings.
  24. I'll follow this too as I've decided to go the same route with my dob (30, 20, 13, 8, 6). I'd rather have 3 excellent EP's than 6 average ones. My dob is 10" so the jumps aren't quite as large as you have there though.
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