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Everything posted by gilesco

  1. What you are saying is implying that there is a lens in the focuser drawtube (which I don't believe is the case). We have the lens array at the end of the OTA, and that achieves focus at the camera sensor, we do have the field-flattener in between. All the focuser does is vary the distance between the lens array at the end of the OTA and the field-flattener / camera sensor at the other end. When I achieve focus with this set up currently the focuser drawtube is almost at full extension, so by inserting spacers between the focuser and the field-flattener focus would be achieved without drawing the focus drawtube as far out of the OTA as it is currently.
  2. Not seen any M74 or M65 spacers in the UK. Starizona have one, designed for their reducer: https://starizona.com/store/apexed-esprit-120-150-threaded-extension Available at Highpoint Scientific: https://www.highpointscientific.com/starizona-apex-ed-esprit-120-150-threaded-extension-for-0-65x-reducer-apex-e150ex In Europe: https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p12813_Starizona-Apex-ED-Esprit-120-150-Threaded-Extension.html No delivery until new year (and I'm in the UK, so will just wait and see for the time being).
  3. There's nothing in the subs to indicate it is an issue. I just get worried when the tube is extended that far out, I do automated focusing (Sesto Senso 2) when I am absent from the scope, the ticks range from 0 - 97500 or so, focus position is at around 82000 - I would just be more happy if I was achieving focus at nearer the 50000 (around half way the tube extended). I was more interested in whether other Esprit 120 owners find their focus position that far out.
  4. Yes, I'm talking about putting a spacer at the focuser end (at the M74 or M65 interfaces), simply so that the drawtube doesn't need to move as far out, I'm not talking about changing the distance between the lenses.
  5. So, I have the following imaging train attached to my Esprit 120: Stock Focuser --> 3" to M74 adapter --> 9mm Filter Cell Adapter --> Esprit 120 Field Corrector --> 20mm Spacer --> ZWO OAG --> ZWO Spacer --> ZWO Filter Wheel --> ZWO ASI1600MM. With a tape measure I can see that I have the 75mm backfocus needed on the Field Corrector, and my imaging is good. I have only been out once so far and got good results, but I couldn't hope but notice that my "in-focus" position on the drawtube was at least 75% focus tube extended. It didn't seem to introduce a specific issue, but would rather the in-focus position be with the draw tube less extended. I suppose that I could try and find either some M74x1mm or M65x1mm spacers to go somewhere between the Field Corrector and the Focuser, but these seem few and far between - anyone have their focus position that far out on the Esprit 120? Is it an issue? Could it cause draw-tube sag? Anyone recommend a spacer available in the UK?
  6. To avoid adding more unnecessary weight - my set up is very similar, but with a CGX - I am ordering some perspex sheeting and drill some holes through it to try and mount my PPBA and Pi4, I'm hoping that this will be lighter than another large steel plate, but good to have an alternative here, does anyone know of a UK retailer who can supply that part? Just thinking that delivery from the EU to the UK might be hampered over the coming months....
  7. gilesco

    Hello from Devon

    A good first step is to join the Devon and Cornwall Club on here, I don't think any of us have met up physically - although the weather and COVID-19 restrictions continue to put pay to that. I wonder that, as FLO are based in Exeter in Devon, whether they would sponsor or help organise some local focused meets... of course, nothing is going to happen until after the pandemic restrictions are more or less lifted, and they already get involved with the community in general through Stargazine, IKI Observatory competition data and so on, so don't know what value would be for a more local focus for them.
  8. gilesco

    Hello from Devon

    Hello and welcome, you may want to join the Devon and Cornwall club on here, not much activity, but the more that join the less that will be an issue, and we share certain things that we have in common, like this abysmal weather, for instance 🙂
  9. Certainly, just making it clear to the OP that the initial scope, lens is less important than the mount for longer exposures.
  10. I bought a £2000 mount and put a £200 OTA on it until I could afford something better. Not telling you to go down that route, but investing in the mount at first is a good idea...
  11. No, but I take cheques 😆😆 I expect Steve to chip in soon and remind us that returns and exchanges are extended to end of January, and I expect most astro retailers have a similar deal.
  12. Astronomers are an odd sort to cater for at Christmas and Birthdays, what we want and what we really really want, costs thousands of pounds, and is beyond the budget of most people. Must say though, that the FLO options for gifts have been well thought out to not offend potential gift givers on price etc... If you are considering giving an astro friend a present, I would recommend the voucher route though, will save a lot of false smiles on the day, when they get a collimator for their refractor. Happy Birthday, by the way.
  13. Ah... noise, each exposure contains noise, 300 sets of noise is worse than 30 sets of noise. Also signal, 20 secs contain more signal than 2 secs. So generally, 30x20s is going to be better, assuming you are aligned. Dr Glover has a great talk about this, it is linked to on my website blog, or you can search YouTube for it.
  14. I looked on other forums, and it is a type of thermal grease/paste that is used to help transfer heat away from the sensor during cooling - much in the same way that you apply thermal grease between a computer CPU and heatsink. All people who have experienced the issue have said they had no problems cleaning the lens (It seems that ZWO gave instructions on how they could do this, and did offer the users to RMA / Repair / Replace). As FLO have already mentioned they have not had any reports or returns of the ASI2600 with this problem, it is most probably likely that the issue was restricted to a particular batch, and was caused by a faulty gloop machine which applies a dose of thermal paste during assembly. I suspect that none of that batch was shipped to the UK.
  15. Hmm... you really don't have to take imaging up as something ultra-serious. Sure you can get extremely complicated set ups and they deliver really good results, but even I started by holding up my smartphone's camera up to an eyepiece to get a picture of the moon, I even managed a star cluster with that method, and pictures of some smudges, which might be galaxies. Then, yes, I admit I started to get a bit more complicated, and I started on a slow journey (still on it now), but I don't have to go at any fast pace, can always switch the camera train for an eyepiece and vice-versa in 5 minutes or so.
  16. It collapsed completely overnight: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55147973
  17. Something like this? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/diagonals/baader-clicklock-flip-mirror-ii-star-diagonal.html
  18. You can, if you're with BT, but I suspect with most telcos, bar premium rate numbers from your line, it doesn't cost anything to put into place. There should be some IVR that allows you to know the cost of a premium rate call before you actually get connected.
  19. Yes, quite, it is quite boring for me, I'm just sat in my office, only time I'm by the scope is when I'm setting up, polar aligning or packing it all back up again, and I don't think I've ever sat by a telescope, either standing for visual, or imaging inside in the warm.
  20. As someone who has been waiting 14 weeks for an order to complete (fair to say - it is mostly complete now , and cannot blame retailers for the current issues really - it did say 40-60 working days on the items when I ordered them) FLO are fulfilling orders in the order that they were ordered, so to know when your particular order will be fulfilled you'll need to email them directly, and quote your order number, or if asking on the forums, then perhaps mention when you ordered it, although that might add some guesswork for them.
  21. I may be a little OCD, but the apostrophe in the title of this thread is really nagging me....
  22. I ordered my Esprit 120 with the field flattener, that was back in mid-August, the Esprit finally arrived last Friday, no field flattener though, FLO said the ones they received were not sent with any adaptors from the factory, so would have been unusable. So they're now searching for the adapters so that they can complete the order. So perhaps check with FLO on this, as it sounds as if something is amiss with recent flattener deliveries.
  23. Yes, sometimes I think if you go out there looking for problems with a product then you will inevitably be able to find some way of justifying not buying it. I still think looking at results of particular kit configurations on sites like astrobin is a better way to make a judgement.
  24. To protect the micro-focuser I think. It's only present on the side with the fine-control.
  25. Well, yes, you can't just leave it there on your coffee table, can you... it will take up less space once unpacked after all. Open it, open it!!!
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