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Neil H

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Everything posted by Neil H

  1. I have one of these knobs microlight it's really good
  2. Hi Alison welcome sounds like a nice set up you have , it will soon be sorted great minds on this forum
  3. Have the put volt meter on the power out plug are you getting 12 volts , you may have had a power spike and blown the adaptor If you have only used it once it may have been a faulty one checking out put will tell you if it's working if mount power up from laptop I would say the power adaptor is dead Tip is positive just so you know to test
  4. Hi I would like some advice on Collimation please . Ok to Try and keep short I have a laser Collimation tool which I test and was out so adjusted and is now spot on , when I collimator I take my time and get it 100% , now for what's happenings I collimate the telescope so it's spot on later on I let it cool down outside of I check Collimation it's out a lot out So now i take telescope out to cool down and collimate once it's cooled down i get it 100% (pain in the dark it has a plate on the back tiny screws) if after 1 to 2 hours I recheck the Collimation it out by a lot again , is this normal ? It's not just this telescope ( skywatcher 150/750 F5 ) my old ( powerseeker 114 ) did the same Do you just collimate your scope and just not check it till the next time you set up for the night viewing ? Am I being or worried about Collimation ?
  5. Hi that long bolt is for latitude your need about 51 degs but if you Google your location it will tell what you need but I think your need to keep adjusting to get scope at the angles you need for different object's It's not a EQ mount so all tracking will have to be done my hand eye As for upgrade that depends on how much you want to spend and type dobs gives you a big aperture for price Reflector telescopes are nice on an EQ mount , there is also go-to telescope but all will need a better eyepieces than they came with plossl or super plossl take a look in FLO link is in the page header there is 2 of many different types https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-300p-flextube-dobsonian.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/reflectors/skywatcher-explorer-150p-ds-eq3-2-eq3-pro-goto.html
  6. Well it's not raining so out I go in the wind , so earlier today I flocked the telescope I also did the back and mount of the secondary mirror , so it was a little windy but some nice break in the clouds after I changed mount and scope it's never tracked very well till I switched from northern to southern hemisphere now it tracks , so this just be due to motor mounted on the right of EQ mount as looking from back
  7. Hi and welcome from wet and windy UK
  8. Hi Ron welcome just remember there is no silly questions I am new to and ask loads
  9. Hi I was as you are now there is 3 ways to go buy a really good telescope set up asap or make do with what you have , make do with 130 and look for a better scope , I don't know how your off money wise but a go-to would be the better way to go the tracking is better for taking photos , the bigger the aperture the better just remember you have to be able to move it and mount the scope a 300 is 12 inch mirror it's a big scope Try and get to a shop or club and look at the size of the scopes being used there is always the dobs best value for money but the mounts are wood so can rot
  10. Hi the Celestron don't seem to Mark there mirror which is a pain I had the powerseeker 114 and to line it up was a guessing game the skywatcher I have now is marked so much nicer So all you can do is get it to were you think it's right , I used to do mine after the scope had cooled down outside just before I used it
  11. Hi it's strange no one has answered you I will try I am new myself , tripod if it's the cheap light weight one that comes with EQ1 and EQ2 you can remove legs from the top mount and put child's play sand I it to add weight keep tapping the leg so the sand compacts down , need to see photo of tripod to tell what you have , some EQ mounts have a polar scope of you don't make sure the telescope is inline with the mount point tripod North then adjust the mount to point at Polaris lock the mount on the tripod now Don't move tripod or mount all you can move now is Dec axis of RA axis using the clutches ( make sure the telescope is balanced), yes you will get some strange looking angles but this is normal , have the scope in the rings tight enough to stay put (balanced) but loose enough to turn so eyepiece is in a position to look into ( no handstand needed) now you should be able to track with slow motion control Once we know what mount you have you can look for a strip down video etc , but you may not be able to fix it my EQ1 was bad your lock on a star lock clutch up and telescope will drop 3 inches well got rid of mount Keep an eye out on eBay for a good second hand EQ3 or above , this may be worth a look https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Celestron-AstroMaster-CG-3-Mount-For-130EQ-90EQ-Telescopes-In-Yorkshire/293302761663?hash=item444a34f8bf:g:dLgAAOSwmaJcR0Wr As for photos some thing like this ds has shorter focus length https://www.firstlightoptics.com/reflectors/skywatcher-explorer-300p-ds-neq6-pro.html
  12. Hi and welcome from one newbie to another , nice photo
  13. Hi it does look a great mount , there is no belt drive conversion , so hope the years are not to noisy
  14. Hi Joe that's me being lazy, go-to seem a nice way to go , my plan is get one really nice telescope on a good mount with go-to and this will last me till I push up daisies
  15. Hi guys it will be a massive pain to remove the rings 10mm bolts to keep undoing and in the dark never get them back in so will have to stay on the mount for now
  16. What I think I will do is strip clean and regrease , then see how I get on if it's a real pain with the rings wookie1965 found me a conversation plate to make it a dovetail ( I am saving for a skywatcher 200p on a EQ5 goto) so the 150/750 is only for now , I may still keep it when I have the new one , I need to weight up do I spend on this old mount or keep saving for my new one ,new one is winning right now Thanks guys for all the input I will keep you posted
  17. Neil H


    Hi this is a really nice telescope and it's brand new well in your price range https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SkyWatcher-Explorer-150P-6-Parabolic-Telescope-EQ3-2-Mount-UK-10912-20448/133185825860?epid=1305237472&hash=item1f027e6c44:g:cJAAAOSw6MVdj0bT Or this one just over but is Bigish https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SkyWatcher-Explorer-200P-EQ-5-Newtonian-Reflector-Telescope-10923-20464/401462710746?epid=4034356770&hash=item5d790ad1da:g:WeIAAOSwmcFbyHYm
  18. Why not go for it life gets boring if your not learning
  19. Thanks Helen great course waiting for the moon one to start
  20. Bryan your have to be quick for it to be free if you pay your have more time , there are some great courses on that site ,I see the wind is picking up bummer , I may just strip down my EQ3-2 mount clean and regrease over the weekend , this is the norm get a new Telescope and you can't use it for weeks roll on the summer
  21. I am up your way every night , lovely clear skies this week a bit cloudy back at Luton
  22. Hi it's ok clear skies when I am at Work cloudy when I am off lol , want to try out my new telescope but weather is going to be bad this weekend , so I will have to do armchair astronomy with my books to read
  23. Hi Bryan the weather is ment to be bad this weekend I only get to use my telescope at weekends , so may have to to armchair astronomy and read my books There a free course on future learn it's about moons starts 17 Feb https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/orion/6/register?return=d4ccwmps
  24. Hi Beth welcome to an amazing hobby and the best forum
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