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Everything posted by ScouseSpaceCadet

  1. The mount azimuth stiffness does vary - some are a little looser than others, however the binding in one spot is a definite fault so unfortunately this is a warranty job if you don't fancy diving in. If it wasn't windy It's likely the twitch is being caused by the binding mount and it's also possibly having a negative impact on gotos. Reading your previous posts they read like you're doing everything right.
  2. After the first time trying to use the mount spirit level I didn't bother again! If using the aluminium kit tripod stick with the tripod level. If I'm using a steel tripod, then out comes the cheap DIYer's spirit level. When using point and track (for instance a lunar only session) I just step back and guess. 😮 The twitchiness in your video to me just looks like a stiff breeze is catching the telescope? Varying degrees of azimuth binding is one of those common faults. My first mount had that too and was returned. However there is a user fix: Take note of the 6000 views. Suggesting this a very common problem?!
  3. Astronomy is as social as you want it to be and you can also choose to engage with others at your own convenience, much like fishing. Being alone with your kit during a clear night can be a tremendously relaxing and contemplative experience, however sharing one's time with the like-minded can be fun and rewarding. As for shopping being a top hobby, that must surely be an invented statistic? 🙄
  4. Great tips and vids thanks all. Mine developed up/down play in the alt axis. When the clutch was tightened, I could grab the vixen clamp and move it back and forth a few millimeters. Obviously with a telescope attached this can play havoc if you swap a lighter eyepiece to a heavier one. The whole caboodle dropped so an object disappeared from view. So a couple of nights ago I inflicted my lack of expertise and nonexistent engineering skills on the mount. Simply taking the cover off, removing the large alt gear and putting it all back together seems to have fixed it. I did lose a tiny screw right before attaching the cover. It took me twenty minutes to find the screw using a head torch! If you're feckless, don't be afraid to have a go if the mount is out of warranty. 😀
  5. Like most of the latter posts, cruising the lunar surface with a Skymax 127 and AZGTI for a hour and a half. 214x with the OVL Nirvana ES 7mm was just enough for the slightly wobbly seeing and my floaters.
  6. Unfortunately I'm in work in the morning but the sky is super clear. So after midnight, thirty minutes were spent outside with the binoculars. I was very surprised to bag M81, M82, M65 and M66 with 15x70s from my urban garden. Particularly M65. I've not managed that with a telescope!
  7. Considering my dark sky is blue-grey the result was good. The last two nights have been incredibly clear though.
  8. Earlier I took the missus in the garden to look at a smashing crescent 🌒. Then back out again at 8:30pm for the CPRE star count (12), and again at 9pm for a quick look with the 15x70s at M42 and M45. I'm off to get some extra layers on and set up the 4" and AVX for a long night. Probably a frustrating night because against my better judgement I won't be able to resist having a crack at the Leo Triplet and Markarian's Chain. ...
  9. I almost forgot due to the poor weather... however tonight is clear, so before Orion disappeared behind neighbouring trees, the count was completed at 20:30. This year the grand total was a surprising 12. Seeing is good but the sky looks obviously washed out by light up to around 60°.
  10. As described above, a 32mm plossl is likely the best budget candidate. I've owned the Astro Essentials version and it was good for the price.
  11. The modest collection is definitely getting there with the addition of some higher end eyepieces this last six months or so. The medium term goal is to replace the Starguider 5mm and Baader BCO 6mm with their Vixen SLV counterparts. The former eyepieces do the job but I'm smitten by the 4mm SLV. It hands down has beaten my previous 4mm eyepieces in every way, so I have high hopes the 5mm and 6mm will do the same! Longer term I will replace the Altair 24mm UFF. The presented image, eye relief, fov etc I'm happy with however I'd prefer an eyepiece of similar quality but not as heavy...
  12. Last week an *bay seller had a huge sale of used astro kit. My modest purchase was an immaculate Altair UFF 15mm. Surprisingly I was the sole bidder, so hopefully it's very good and a huge bargain!
  13. If you can stay up until around 23.30, with an 8" dob and dark skies I'd be having a crack at the Leo Triplet galaxies (M65, M66 & NGC 3628). A little star hop down from from mag 3.3 Chertan/Theta Leo. From my light polluted nightmare I've managed to find M66 with a 6" reflector but the others were frustratingly invisible. ☹️
  14. If you haven't tried this already, to improve accuracy, when the alignment star is roughly centred, swap to a higher power eyepiece to complete alignment.
  15. It is a beauty indeed. I'm glad I kept mine despite waivering for months. The AZGTI saw use today for the first time since last July. Solar observing using a Skymax 127, filter and solar finder. The 24mm Altair UFF presents a solar disc with room to spare. I had a good look at the latest sun spots.
  16. I assume you can now run Synscan and choose 'Use Location Sensor'? If so, you're good to go.
  17. Yes.😀 Have you checked in your phone settings, Synscan app has permission to use location? Also before alignment ensure the telescope is level and pointing north.
  18. I liked mine but it was floater city so sadly sold on. The Vixen SLV 4mm is nowhere near as bad. I wonder is this due to the much reduced fov, eye relief, element grouping, coatings or a combination?
  19. Tonight is actually clear but still approx 20mph winds and the sky seemed very bright until later in the evening, so the scopes stayed inside. However around 11pm the wind had dropped a little and the sky darkened a bit, so I couldn't resist a quick peek with the 15x70s. Hand held for twenty minutes they do shake less than the 10x50s but the forearm strain kicks in. A mini tour of the usual but never boring (to me) brighter Messiers plus a scan around the constellations Cassiopeia & Orion. This winter has undoubtedly been the worst for observing. With very few clear nights and switching to a 9-5 job last spring, the binoculars are a godsend. Although the bad weather has a silver lining - I've read four astro books this winter. Since taking up astronomy three years ago, I've read 10x more books than the preceding ten years!
  20. 5kg is the stated load limit. Others will disagree but for optimal performance in the standard alt az mode at least, keep the total load including eyepieces to 5kg or less and stick with shorter telescopes for instance =<102mm f5 refractors and 90/102/127mm Maksutovs. One configuration sold is a 130/650 reflector but that is a very lightweight model with a cheap focuser and fixed abs plastic primary mirror cell. Your 102mm f7 refractor with finder, diagonal and eyepieces will strain the mount due to the weight+length. However others use the mount like this. If you read the whole thread and check the pics you will see what works well and what doesn't.
  21. If you're really interested in the AZGTi check out the owner's thread:
  22. +1 for the pistol grip. Works great with a monopod.
  23. At the price point, there's nothing else as compact and versatile. They do have a 12 month warranty and the common faults show up quickly. Also, there are plenty of guides should you run into a problem out of warranty. Up from the AZGTI in price would be equatorial goto mounts like the EQ3 and EQ5. However I'd suggest you don't rush into buying another mount just yet. See how you get on with what you have.
  24. The dew shield is pretty much essential and the AZGTI would carry the Skymax 127 easily. They're useful little mounts, if you get a good one. If personal experience and the forums are anything to go by, manufacturer quality control is a bit hit and miss...
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