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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. From SkySafari similar to our view but not as close. 7BC, December 4th.
  2. Definitely the second one. Seems the band width is more in tune and uniform. The orange peel affect over the whole disk is more uniform which also indicates better tuning. The first image you can see the opposite is the case. Also the filaments are more pronounced in the second also indicating better tuning. Well done.
  3. Yes, definitely Jim, enjoy it for the pure delight of the wonder's of the night sky (well, and day time sky in my case, solar observer, lol).
  4. Yep, I guess it's because the event is something we haven't/can observe in such a long time that makes the wobbly image's significant. The moment of being there and seeing it with our own eye's, a bit like total solar eclipses.
  5. Comet's of naked eye visibility don't last six months as far as I know. Usually only whilst nearing the sun. Unless of course it was a very large brilliant comet. But that would surely have been recorded by Chinese star gazers of the time. It's intriguing none the less.
  6. I think one of the obvious but neglected part of the story about the birth of Jesus Christ and the star of Bethlehem is as the story unfolds from the biblical context is that the Magi saw the star rise in the east, they started traveling west following the star arriving in Bethlehem not to find Jesus Christ as a baby in the manager but in a house. It was approximately six months later. The star was then in the West. Thus six months for the star to rise in the east to west. The Magi didn't actually turn up at the stable according to the biblical accounts in the new testament. It therefore couldn't have been a comet, a meteor or a conjunction of planet's as these would have been moving faster than a fixed point of light that the Magi followed for quite some time.
  7. It's swings and roundabouts, I'm greedy and have both a pulsar dome and a roll of roof. I like them both, but different. The roll of roof shed is open to the whole of the sky so you don't need to keep outside. I'm in the warmroom which is nice. Downside is wind if it's slightly windy on the scope's. The dome has a small shutter opening so I have to be in there and move it manually every so often as it's not motorized. Something I'm going to do next year. It is a pain to have to rotate the dome by hand every now and again. I like the dome because you're away from the wind and no light trespass enters the dome from neighbours lights or street lights which is a problem with a roll off roof open to all the elements.
  8. Managed to find a gap in the clouds this evening and took these images of Saturn and Jupiter. Closer than my previous images. Canon 1000d and 500mm telephoto lens. I'll add a previous image from a three nights ago on the 16th.
  9. Welcome to the forum and ask those questions that you may have about the hobby.
  10. Hi vineyard, solar observation/imaging is completely different than any other form of imaging. Getting the tuning right is paramount for both to get the best out of your set up. I did do a tutorial on how to tune your ha scope a while back here on SGL. It's a learning curve but once mastered it's easy every time. The only caveat is when you have cloud going across the disk which makes it a little more difficult, not impossible, but a little more difficult. Found the title below. Imaging Technique to attain on band HA and full illumination
  11. Hi, yes, tuning is off, it should be a uniform illumination of the disk. Edge's usually slightly darker. Re: reference my image albeit from my Lunt 60mn DS. I use a Zwo ASI 178mm. Mono camera and add false colour in PS CS2 ( old, lol ).
  12. Not sure you can aluminise or silver pans to make a telescope, unless they're parabolic 🤣
  13. I power my hi-tech astro focuser via a usb hub. Not sure if the Eaf would be the same.
  14. Hi, welcome to the forum. Hopefully you'll get sorted out with eyepieces. Have fun with your new hobby and ask questions if needed. Your questions are important, they may be what others are thinking but afraid to ask.
  15. Brilliant build, well done, makes such a difference having an obsy. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Great you had some sun today, brilliant, thanks for sharing. I've been clouded out for days.
  17. Just arrived today a Lunt 2inch Herschal wedge and polarization filter, thanks to Vin. Also a solar finder for the 80ed frac. I'll now be able to image in white light and hydrogen Alpha. Hopefully get a Ca-K filter in the spring then I can image in three of the main wavelengths in the spring and summer. Assuming we get some sunshine 🌞 lol.
  18. Hi all, just got these quick shots with canon 1000d modded + 500mm telephoto lens. 10sec exposure @ ios 200
  19. This was taken a while ago but never processed. Canon 1000d modded + 500mm telephoto lens.
  20. Brilliant, thanks for sharing, I managed to get some data through high misty cloud yesterday, rain and cloud today 😭
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