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Everything posted by Rusted

  1. You are getting far better seeing than I am! Look at that detail!
  2. Fascinating! I was looking for the bright arc nearer the lesser spots in the group but I didn't see anything. The arc was very bright in H-alpha.
  3. It all looks fine. What software are you using?
  4. Early cloud cleared to sunshine but the seeing conditions are soft and shaky. Best I have managed so far:
  5. Define "poor" in the context of the treasures in your signature.
  6. Very sensible. SGL Solar imaging is a bit niche at times. Very little response to most images.
  7. Flaring is clearly visible in the penumbra of AR3110. Well done! Well worth posting on Solarchat! EDIT: I see you have.
  8. Great start with lots of fine detail. I second the use of Autostakkert [AS!3] and ImPPG. After some practice at both you can be seeing a completed image in under a couple of minutes from capture.
  9. Later images as the seeing conditions improved. AR3110 & 3111
  10. Wet, windy and overcast morning. Followed by sunny periods after lunch. Too good a chance to miss. I hadn't captured AR3110 yet. AR3007, 3110 & 3111 respectively. Resized to 700 to look prettier on the forum.
  11. 80 minutes is truly infinite. For those of us with the attention span of a goldfish.
  12. Thank you for sharing your excellent photographs of this historical observatory.
  13. A cloudy morning gave way to sunshine. I quickly captured three spot groups before the seeing went to mush.
  14. A late return to the obs. to capture steadier seeing. Three images and a composite of all three using Ms ICE.
  15. I once ground, polished and figured a 16" mirror to f5. Bought the 18" PVC tube. Took it home. Tried to stand it up in the shed. Too tall by miles! Dogh! 😱
  16. Thank you Peter. It was an amazing spot group.
  17. Image of AR3102 captured on the 19th in soft and thermally seeing conditions.
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