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Everything posted by alacant

  1. Hi If you don't want to shorten either the focuser or the main telescope tube then perhaps best to go with the GSO. Specify Europoean shipping at the checkout. Cheers
  2. Hi everyone Managed to find a bit of blue in this one. Channels loaded in ST Compose as HOO with blue in NBAccent. So doable without more financial outlay on the latest must-haves;) Really faint and diffuse this one. We went with 8 minute frames. Do post your dslr attempts at the same, especially if you've got results with shorter exposures. Thanks or looking and clear skies. eos700d @ ISO800, angeleyes UHC and an in-your-face version with the red background stuff:
  3. Surprising. Post a link to the data if you like. I'd put good money on the second -and any subsequent AutoDevs- being taken with non-optimal ROIs though. Excellent images anyway. Well done. Cheers
  4. I think the older models had 2" focusers too though. Ours looks like this:
  5. Hi That's the 4 element Petzval. If it's anything like its big brother, the 152s, you're in for a pleasant surprise:) The f10 objective lens is converted to f5 by the second doublet giving a nice flat field and colour correction. Cheers
  6. On a standard install of Ubuntu 20.04, even on a modest i5, it's fast. Are you sure you have the latest version with all the cpu threads in use? I'm sure that this would be if interest to the developers who are sure to suggest a fix. Cheers
  7. Hi It's the GSO. The only issue is that of its focus position, which is around 5cm further away from the tube as compared to the position without a cc. Great for the 150p, quite a turning force on a 150pds. HTH
  8. ST works best with linear data. Anything else you do before opening the new stack in ST will deteriorate the results obtained therein. Cheers.
  9. The same stuff you do with the bias and flat frames in dss before you stack. I'd recommend both calibration and stacking in Siril.
  10. Hi everyone Apologies in advance. I just wanted to put the case for the cheepo refractor. This one shared the session with our heart, including removing the filter around 02:00. It turned out sort of dreamy this season. Oh, and total failure. We tried merging a visitor's L-extreme data in the hope of finding a bit of red: nada. Not sure if there is any. But it could do with a bit more colour. Otherwise, there's a bit of detail emerging despite a budget of of only 10 minutes for processing. One for a cloudy night perhaps. Thanks for looking and do post your dslr attempts at these three. 700d on 72ed ISO800 ~4h StarTools 1.8.516
  11. Hi I think the sigma may have click stops for orientation. If so, just replace the camera and take the flat frames. You may be lucky. It's very difficult to process without. The f-ratio is irrelevant for dark frames but lose them anyway with recent eos'. Go easy(ier) on the background. Post -a link to- the stack if you like. Cheers
  12. Hi everyone Cheepo refractor, with an attempt at HOO. The filter reflects a lot of light, so we used 8 minute frames. Even so, it still doesn't look much like. Indeed, a broken heart. Thanks for looking and do post your dslr heart images. eos700d @ iso800 calibración: Siril procesado: StarTools 1.8.516 A NBAccent
  13. Excellent job. Suggestion. Fit an m5 nut and then three more springs to the locking screws; 6 springs in total. Cheers
  14. Exactly as recommended. Do nothing in Siril apart from calibrate and stack.
  15. Hi To make sure you have your data in the best shape possible (we need every gram we can muster) be sure to read the dataset preparation detail. Cheers and good luck
  16. Hi Very nice detail. Well done. Strange. That shouldn't happen. Did you do anything to the data before you loaded into st? Maybe have a look through the dataset dos and donts? Post a -link to- the data if you like. Cheers
  17. That's how I find it. I'm happy to change it to whatever you like. As you have said several times, in ps it's essential to set the background before proceding. Get that wrong and there's no hope. I agree. I'm not happy with that approach. It doesn't work for me and it takes ages. If it works for you though, great:) Cheers
  18. Hi everyone. Thanks to flo and to all who posted. Lovely detail. StarTools 1.8.512 with S in NBAccents. Thanks for looking.
  19. No need to be. On a superficial level, have a look at the StarTools app -there's only one screen- and see if you can find anything to do with levels/curves. I placed a link here which may help further. If not, I'm certain that @jager945could fill you in on what's what far better than my level of technical english will allow;) I think it good that alternative methods of processing images are emerging. Of course, if you're happier with curves and masks, just stick with it. Cheers and HTH
  20. There's quite a good 're-sample' under 'Geometry' but it seems to lose the faint bits which StarTools' 'Bin' retains. What we haven't tried is a Siril re-sample followed by subsequent processing in StarTools. Maybe then, the outcome would be similar... ?
  21. Hi There's a tutorial for those upgrading/migrating from PI to StarTools here. HTH
  22. Hi. You need to begin with an extra 10mm of spacing to give around 65mm, shoulder of the adapter to sensor. That works for aps-c but we've no experience of full frame with the big ES. Maybe a starting point though? IIRC, Bresser told us 'anywhere between 65 and 70'. HTH
  23. Hi Banding. Hands on with a selection of 24mp eos': some do, some don't. If you want to be certain, all the 18mp sensors we've tried are clean. 600d, 700d, 4000d etc. HTH
  24. Don't know them but looking at your images, I'd stay right where you are:) We allowed out trial of pi to expire. The calibration and stacking part of it is good but this is now more than adequately covered by Siril, which is open-source. Beyond that it, like ps, is just another collection of unrelated stretch-and-hope modules largely unchanged since the 19-nineties. These days, there are alternatives. +1 Linear data throughout.. No irreversible stretching. No levels or curves. No all-nighters. YOU decide how deep you want to go... A relief. Maybe the best way to decide though would be to take your data along to an astro club and see the alternatives being used first hand. Working in isolation with Internet and YouTube is perhaps not the best way to get going with new stuff. Just our €0.02 but HTH anyway.
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