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Everything posted by alacant

  1. OK. So I loaded the master bias: right click -> statistics Does this look OK?
  2. Hi That's certainly the case with our dslrs. Not only noise, also other artefacts which make processing that much more difficult. Why put extra obstacles in the way? In fact we've found that dark frames also mess up any further processing, so we've lost those too. dslr summary: bias and flat calibration frames only and away you go. @lock042 maybe you could describe your 'how to make a synthetic bias' implementation in simple terms (without spreadsheets!) for those of us here who take the pragmatic approach to imaging? Or maybe a list of bias settings for popular cameras so we can simply type in the required values into Siril? Cheers and congratulations on reaching 1.0.0rc3.
  3. Hi The camera produces fits files. Best to save in that format too. Lose PIPP and the intermediate conversions. Set rggb as the debayer pattern in dss's fits tab. HTH
  4. Hi everyone Here are the results using a modest €30 filter. We separated the red and green and combined HOO. Thanks for looking and if anyone has had a go at this target with dslr and UHC, do please post your findings. 700d + nt150s. apilado y canales: Siril 1.0.0rc3 procesado: StarTools 1.8.522
  5. Do you mean as in Newtonian Reflectors if e.g. you don't blacken the inside of the tube/focuser/spider?
  6. Hi But it's the Milky Way. It should have stars. Thousands of them! Lovely shot. Another 4 hours would make it even better.
  7. Hi We recently had both a Williams (Swan Brand?) and a 72ed. To untrained eyes (mine) they do pretty much an identical job. In the fashion department, my gf described the former as cute. The SW was simply a telescope! Cheers
  8. As I'm hopeless at colour anyway, it's a quick way to get an idea of what maybe correct. That way, so long as you adjust only the saturation, something reasonable emerges. The method breaks down though if you have removed chunks of the spectrum. Cheers
  9. Hi It's under Image Processing -> Colour Calibration -> Photometric colour calibration HTH
  10. Thanks. I think you're right about the flattener. This is a ts-flat2 which I just measured at 132mm. The advertised distance for 400mm is 128mm. Gotta be worth a try at the latter distance.
  11. Hi No. It's just telescope - FF - camera.
  12. Hi Thanks for your post. I don't know I'm afraid. I'm not sure what causes it. Anyone? Cheers
  13. Hi everyone Yes, sorry. Another. Excuse: we wanted to see if our bashed around 72ed was up to the standard of the swan chocolate box we had last week. Apart from the rubbish focuser, I think it is. Colour. Not sure. This is what Siril's photo database made of it anyway. Thanks for looking. Any other dslr/72ed/m42 shots? 700d 72ed ISO800 siril 1.0.0 rc3 StarTools 1.8.522
  14. Neither did we. That's why we got lines. If you want circular stars from a mount with this error, just activate autoguiding. Cheers
  15. Mmm. We find it produces elongated stars. Maybe the theory predicts otherwise. Cheers
  16. JTOL as this was on a cheap 200... Hacksaw on focuser tube protrusion and mirror clips. Oh, and a replacement secondary. Details here.
  17. I don't think so. That gives a uniform line. Our vote goes to stiction or backlash due to an almost perfectly balanced telescope. The gear wheel is rarely round so at certain angles will need more nudges to overcome stiction whereupon it overshoots. .
  18. Hi Here we are with the rc3 from git. Quicker and more convenient than astap. Any part of the sky you like. Works best on linear. Here's an eos700d frame. Cheers and HTH
  19. Hi Yeah. Even stopped to f8 or smaller, the bundled 75-300 falls short in many areas, especially as you move toward the 300mm end of the zoom and on stars, well... If you want to stick with camera lenses at the longer end of your current range, the old Russian Tair 3s or 3a (300mm f4.5) triplets are good and available economically on the used market. Your filter with a 72 to 58 stepping ring would give you around f5. Nice. If you want closer still and have a suitable mounting, perhaps your second idea, the 8" telescope, is the way forward. Cheers and HTH
  20. Hi everyone A good example of how not to frame a shot! This was our last target, starting around 03:00. Looking at EKOS' Analyze, the seeing got better toward sunrise and the wind calmed. Thanks for looking and do post your dslr galaxies. 700d on nt150s apiliado: Siril. proceso: StartTools 1.8.522
  21. Hi everyone Managed to grab 2 hours under what I'm told are level 3 skies; the Cassiopeia 'W' lost in a sea of stars. Pity about the wind gusts, but at least they kept us dew free. There seems to be a milkiness about it, with nothing really black to reference. We ran it through Siril's photometric database as well as the usual StarTools process, but the greyness remains. Can't find any non-filtered renditions with which to compare. Anyway... Thanks for looking and do post your dslr monkeys. 700d on nt150s
  22. Hi everyone An unashamedly in your face rendition because my gf said it had to be 'more like Christmas'. Slow going with a slow refractor and accompanied by gusts of wind, but with the sort of sky where you lose the constellations amongst the stars. i suppose the clear night may have made up for taking only 20 x 8m frames. Thanks for looking and do post your dslr attempts at the same. Cheers
  23. Hi Without the indi and guide logs, we can only guess. A few ideas. Try 1 first. un-check the 'swap' box and try again using 2s guide exposures update the pi to the latest version of indi clear the calibration reset the guide parameters to default Using a step of around 900, perform a new calibration pointing south near the equator. Cheers and HTH
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