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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. @Littleguy80 They are nice eyepieces. I purchased the 'other' one from @F15Rules, then someone asked I knew asked me if I was selling it... and I did. I replaced it with a Circle-T 12.5mm Ortho a few months later.
  2. My TeleVue Ranger moonlighting as a 'white light' solar 'scope with a Lunt solar wedge.
  3. Hi @Tenby2 and welcome to SGL. I have just read the linked post above. The Vixen GP/DX is copied but never beaten! - unless it's a Losmandy or other heavy duty mount. Vixen GP/DX's do come up secondhand time to time and I would seriously consider one. I never could get on with EQ mounts before, until I owned one. Mine does not have any setting circles for RA & DEC., but one of my better astro-decision purchases that I made. Just to give you an idea of its size, here is a photo with my 're-modded' Meade ETX105 attached... ...and "Yes!" that is a 2inch star diagonal on the back end.
  4. Vorsprung Durch Technik springs to mind - Audi TV commercial.
  5. What frequency or frequencies do they use? I am purely SWL/DX and contemplating SDR. Current 'rigs' are... Yaesu FRG-7 + FRT-7700 (atu), Icom IC-R5, (no SSB), Realistic DX-440 Antenna's are... a 'random wire' in the loft and a Slinky in the bed-sit room at ceiling level. 73's & clear skies.
  6. RT65CB-SWL

    Moonrise in Alps

  7. When are FLO going to start stocking them? ...or you taking orders? ?
  8. I was thinking the same thing. Must be the same design/developer studio/team. ?
  9. A TeleVue 13mm Nagler/Type 6 via FLO... From left to right... 13mm 'smooth-side' Plossl* ---> 13mm Nagler/Type 1 ---> 13mm Nagler/Type 6. * added for comparison.
  10. Polystyrene chips, air... plus whatever it was you have been waiting for during the past +/- 1ly.
  11. I love this 'scope more now... than when it had the 'original' Meade backplate... my 're-modded' ETX105. ? ?
  12. FLO... Please stop teasing me with your 'latest offers' from TeleVue & Lunt?

  13. Blimey @Gina... that Dorset scrumpy must me good stuff ...L@@k at the size of that ladybird/ladybug!
  14. I brought a TeleVue 13mm 'smoothie' Nagler from @25585 several months ago; then a TeleVue 13mm 'smoothie' Plossl from @mikeDnight a few months later. Makes for an interesting comparison companion. top... 13mm Nagler. bottom... 13mm Plossl.
  15. Hi Richard @25585... the 13mm 'smoothie' Nagler I brought from you is awesome... Tnx. I managed to get a vinyl end cap for the eye end too.
  16. It's a 'scope with port & starboard navigation lights.
  17. This little 'bad boy'... a 1.25" 7-21mm zoom e/p, (including bolt-bottle). Feels nice & smooth when changing focal lengths and looks perfect for grab'n'go sessions too. edit: received a 40mm rubber end cap for it yesterday [13.06.2018], via http://www.nipon-scope.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=47&zenid=8ec0496fc7a004d85a0105a4367add44 as it did not include one.
  18. We should have a new SGL competition - 'Spot the Dust Bunny'
  19. The TeleVue TV85 maybe an old design, but still is a sexy looking refractor... though I prefer it in the green finish.
  20. @Froeng link here ---> https://www.efoam.co.uk/pick-n-pluck-foam.php
  21. Oh dear Ben! that's a bit of a after all the effort, work & time you have spent on it last month. First thing I would do is give Steve at SCTelescopes a phone call (+44 7934 063893) or send him an email before attempting a DIY repair. If you can manage to push baffle back on, then you maybe able to let a thin cyanacrolite adhesive do what is called 'capillary action', (i.e. a drip of the adhesive follows the join). I do this to join to halves of a model aircraft wing together if they become damaged. Loctite used to do an adhesive specifically for repairing glass, though I don't know whether SuperGlue will do.
  22. As of 6:52 this morning, I am now a great-uncle :binkybaby: ...makes me feel even older! :evil62:


  23. The word telescope comes from the Greek tçleskopos, which means far-seeing... tele = 'far' and skopein = 'to look or see'.
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