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Tom OD

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Everything posted by Tom OD

  1. Great detail Peter. Very nice. I m not familiar with that nebula at all. Great to see a "new" one Tom
  2. Its all there Brendan, it just needs more data to smooth the noise. Nice shot. Tom.
  3. Ha Ha, yes I can see that too. Pareidolia as its called. I had to do some googling after that word was mentioned to me. T.
  4. Ha yes I can see that now too. Little fingers from NGC whatever its called left of the Lagoon.
  5. Tom OD


    Very cool Yves. Lovely image
  6. Happy new Year to All. Maybe sitting in the near dark during lockdown and having too many beers made me see this, but now I cant un-see it. I have a large framed pic of my Galactic Centre mosaic in the sitting room. Last night I thought I saw the shape of a Man in it, and now its stuck in my head. What do you think? I m calling it the Galactic Conquistador I think its very distinct. Excuse my scribbley art skills. Tom.
  7. Excellent set of images. Astrophotography is possible from Ireland Love the Coat Hanger. Tom.
  8. Very nice. That semi circle on the left hand side caught me out before. I thought I had a flats issue, but its a dark area in the nebula. Looking forward to the full result. Tom.
  9. Looks great, and a good signal after 55mins as you say. Tom.
  10. Of course I do. Focus tilt, out of focus stars, lens flaring, dew on the optics which is what that prison of tech image looks like are to me, are In my mind all faults and aberrations in an Astro image They can be what ever they want in an art image, but for me, we work hard Enough to avoid these issues. I feel like the Astro art is de-evolving the Astro Science. Hence I think they should be in a separate category
  11. I m very disappointed to see this win. It’s even a poor image of M31, let alone the out of focus stars. They need to have an art section in that competition. Winning images of satellite trails, and lens flares?!?! Tom
  12. It was ridiculous the amount of them that were there. T.
  13. Thanks Mark I have already done star reduction, and blending in a lightly adjusted Dust and Scratches layer. With so many hours even in the narrowband, the stars over whelmed the image. T.
  14. Thanks very much Brendan. I should have made it 60 to get more RGB Tom.
  15. This image started off as something completely different. I was looking at the Tulip Neb to add to Ollys X ray Bow shock image. Some clouds came in and the mount moved, and started re-guiding on another star. It took a 30min O3 sub and I noticed a signal right at the top of the frame. I decided to switch to this image object. It took a few days before I found some other images of it. Turns out it is MWP1 a Planetary nebula. Just below and right of it is another ALV1 planetary. So a nice two for one in this area of Cygnus. This was a nightmare to process due to the amount of stars, and I m not happy at all with it. I need to do some serious revision and practicing to get more out of this, but I still decided to post it as is for the moment. This has 24hrs each of O3 and Ha, mixed with 6hrs of RGB. I do like that there seems to be an outer shell / shockwave of O3 data, while the Ha seems to be more extensive throughout the region. RA 21Hrs 17Mins, Dec 34:11 54hrs from Remote Observatory in France. Ha:O3:RGB Tom
  16. Great result. I love the dark nebula on a background of the central Milky Way. Tom
  17. You always make the browns look super. Bright, and not dark or dirty and noisy. Amazing detail for 6hrs of exposure. Excellent image, Tom.
  18. Ah I just sent it to him last night. He is looking into it, and he did mention that two cameras caught it. Lets see what he can calculate from the image and co-ods I passed on. Tom
  19. Thanks Mark, I tamed the light pollution as much as I could, but it did white clip somewhat.
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