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Everything posted by wimvb

  1. That should work. You need 55 mm distance from the back of the coma corrector to the camera sensor. Most dslr cameras have a flange (front) to sensor distance of abt 45 mm. The camera T-adapter adds another 10 mm, so you should be ok.
  2. Regarding the old verion of i2c, have a look here https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?t=9940 I don't have time now to further investigate and implement the change, but feel free to experiment. As for the math error, this can happen if the rh value is 0. The code should be improved to catch low values of rh: if (rh == 0) : (exception code) else: ... Again, I don't have time at the moment to implement and test this. Btw, the warning and error may very well be related. If i2c is fixed, the math error will vanish as well.
  3. You will need to load the index.html file if you use the regular version. For the mini version, you don't need this file. But on the esp32, this file must be named main.py. You will also need to set your network name and passphrase in the boot.py file of course.
  4. Ok, now I tested my setup I took a clean ESP32 device and erased its flash from the command line: esptool.py --chip esp32 --port COM4 erase_flash worked ok installed a stable firmware version from the command line esptool.py --chip esp32 --port COM4 write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32-idf4-20210202-v1.14.bin Then I opened Thonny and connected to the device. There was already a boot.py file on it which I deleted. Uploaded mlx90614.py to the device by saving "Save As ..." Notice the text highlighted in blue. When ever this showed, the file that I was about to save wouldn't save properly. I clicked the red STOP button until I got the REPL prompt back. When I hit Save As ... again, the save dialog would show which files were already on the device, and saving worked. If the File Save dialog doesn't show which files are on the device, the save will fail. Hit the red STOP button to get back to the REPL prompt. I don't know why this is. My guess is that the ESP32 USB interface is not stable. All four files are now on the device. The "Main.py" file is the main-mini.py file on GitHub. I can't test if everything works, since I don't have any sensors connected to this ESP32. I hope this solves your issue. Cheers,
  5. I will test to upload code later today, and report back here.
  6. Congratulations winners! Those were magnificent entries. Well deserved. I agree, @MartinB; that must have been a tough choice selecting the winners. There are many wonderful entries.
  7. I answered to the github address, but copy here. Hi, I’m not at my computer right now, and won’t have access to an ESP32 for the next few days. So I can’t test right now. A few suggestions though. Have you tried uploading other code to the esp to verify that uploading works? When I reinstall the esp firmware, I always use the command line tool, esptool. I have used uPyCraft for a while, but then switched to Thonny and the command line tool. (Can’t really recall what made me switch.) Nevertheless, once you have the firmware installed, upload code and verify that the esp works. As soon as I’m back at my computer, I can do some tests. Good luck, Wim
  8. @Stargazer32584: did you receive my email? I’m not at my computer until after the weekend, but try the things I wrote in my mail. I’ll look into it once I’m back.
  9. Will you redo/fill in this image with long exposures? It might help pull out more of the background.
  10. Lovely image, Rodd. Good to see that you worked out your mount issues. 👍
  11. There is an argument to be made here in favour of your night time activity in your garden. It will make the neighbourhood more secure, as any potential burglars will shy away to less active areas.
  12. Hmm. That reminded me of an odd looking mount I saw a couple of years ago. http://www.astro-imaging.com/Equipment/Mesu_Mount_Engels.pdf
  13. No. In fact if they were, you wouldn't be able to see the reflection. In the original article that Daniel links to, there is a clear offset between laser and screen. https://www.sxccd.com/support/maintenance-information/aligning-the-ccd-in-an-sxvr-camera/
  14. Any edge causes diffraction, and any regular pattern will have associated with it a corresponding diffraction pattern. Microlenses will certainly affect this diffraction pattern, but not alter it in a significant way. There will be a pattern even for sensors without microlenses. The size of the grid (pixels in case of a sensor) will determine the spacing (of the dots) in the diffraction pattern. The smaller the pixels, the wider the spacing.
  15. Update to my previous post: Tonight I managed to tune in my gear: - Polar alignment despite passing clouds. I got it to 10 arc minutes before a cloud parked itself near polaris. - Focus adjusted. I don't have a focus motor yet so used the B-mask of my MN190 (!) and manually focused. Worked good. The scope is slow (6.8 vs my usual 5.3), so I didn't even have to use the fine focus knob. - Dialed in guiding. The mount has no problems with this gear. A very nice looking calibration and guiding rms 0.5 - 0.6 ", despite clouds passing by. At one point guiding went berserk and the mount started spiralling. I purged the calibration, recalibrated and everything worked fine after. - Ekos consistently sets the camera to bin 1x1, which results in 95 MB image files. After the first image downloaded, the computer just froze. I've now purged the configuration file. Tomorrow I will also remove the guide camera from the imaging cameras USB hub and connect it directly to the computer. The large image file and a constant stream of guide images may have proven too much for the USB port. This will hopefully solve the problem (I don't plan to use the camera in bin 1 mode). Because clouds started to mess up the guiding (the last few guiding captures barely showed any guide stars), I decided to call it a night and closed down. It's nice to be able to work the problems before astro season starts in earnest.
  16. Thanks, @Chris. This one came out good, despite the lack of Luminance data. Glad you like it.
  17. One way to silence an heq5 is to replace the gear wheels with a belt. At least that's my experience. When I did a belt mod for a friend, his heq5 ran a lot quieter.
  18. Nothing to worry about until you get more experienced. There are so many oter things to worry about when starting out, and sampling is way down the list. Better concentrate on focus, framing, tracking (guiding), exposure and processing first.
  19. All dressed up and nowhere to go. I had hoped to at least focus and polar align my new scope. But alas, the first cloudy night in ages put a stop to the fun.
  20. Does that switch show in the capture software, or do you have to go to the driver (ascom?) to access it? I know that in INDI/Ekos such features are accessed through the INDI controll panel.
  21. Yep, face on for most of you. A bit more edge on from my vantage point.
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