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Everything posted by gorann

  1. You may need to update the kit listed in your signature😁
  2. Since I just found this thread and posted my first images, maybe I also should post images of my current set-up with the Samyang piggybacking one of the RASA8 on a Mesu 200. My guide scope (an SW Evostar 72) is piggybacking on the other RASA8. The holder for the Samyang is from Astrokraken.fr which includes a fine focusing ring. The camera is an Omegon veTEC571C, and in between is the ZWO filter slider. It is all attached with a SW adjustable guide scope mount which appears steady enough and allows me to adjust the framing. Cheers, Göran
  3. Well spoken Olly! As far as I know you can not stretch an image to create false detail as someone claimed. The problem with false details has more to do with fancy AI filters like Topaz. Stretching too far just creates noise in my experience, and and an ugly image. But with our new fast optics and sensitive CMOS we can reveal structures that have previously been unreachable with slower systems unless you spend weeks of data capture.
  4. Yes, that is it - here is my RASA image (two panels but still not enough to cover it all):
  5. Aha! As I said in my post I also added RASA data to central parts of the image so I think what you see is the edge of the RASA data.
  6. I think that it has to do with the width of the bandpass for Ha. For the NBZ it is around 30 nm (judging from this spectrum) while a Ha only filter is often 3 - 7 nm. It appears to be a general impression that the narrower the bandpass is the more details you can get out which may be an effect of dispersion our atmosphere. That is why some of us are prepared to pay a lot for the 3nm filters. With regard to Oiii, the NBZ filter also picks up quite a lot of blue reflection nebulosity which is blocked by a narrower Oiii filter.
  7. I had missed this thread (or forgot about it). After having had my Samyang 135 on a shelf for a while it is now piggybacking on my dual RASA8 rig providing me with bonus data and a "wider picture" of what I am aiming at. Here are some of its recent images taken with an Omegon veTEC571 and an IDAS NBZ (Ha+Oiii) filter, with some RASA data added here and there. Details on the captures can be found on my Astrobin page. Cheers Göran
  8. That is nice and sharp Lee! Yes, there is plenty of Ha around. This is 37 x 5 min = 3.1 h taken with a Samyang 135 @ f/2 and an Omegon veTEC571 piggybacking on my dual RASA8 rig. I used the IDAS NBZ filter so not as narrow Ha bandwidth as a pure Ha filter and probably therefore not as detailed. Like you Olly I add a bit of RASA data to the central details. Cheers, Göran
  9. Brilliant Olly with soft and yet sharp dust. (For perfection you may want to crop the artifact along the left edge). Göran
  10. If anyone is looking for 150mm binos then APM have a cheaper offer, and it has ED glass and angled eyepieces: https://www.astroshop.eu/instruments/apm-binoculars-150mm-45-d-ed-apo-bino/p,62258
  11. I feel we are moving away from the subject, from beauty to pure quantity🥴
  12. Really nice - is that a SY135 shot?
  13. Yes, stunning image with all the bright fluffy dust - a RASA hallmark when imaging RGB. Much of what other scope-camera combos just detect as dark nebulosity really shines here. Congratulations!
  14. Just wash you car, do some gardening, watch the World Cup or make dinner while you are waiting. You get even more time for that when you get an ASI6200😁 EDIT: You may even take a walk with the dog or spend some time with your partner
  15. Fun! But why did you put in a fly instead of a bee? Says confused entomologist😉 Cheers, Göran
  16. A net site that will show you what your field of view is (just dial in your focal length) and what good targets are up at the moment (dial in your latitude and longitude) is https://telescopius.com/
  17. gorann

    M81 & M82

    Thanks Mark! I had almost forgot about that library - I posted there during my first year of astrophotography. Nowadays I use Astrobin for gallery posts, and here is a more recent image of M81&M82: https://www.astrobin.com/full/bftjgc/D/ CS, Göran
  18. Very impressive, especially with such a small scope and short integration time. I assume the IMX571 camera has something to do with it, in addition to excellent processing of course!
  19. This is my prettiest scope, almost sexy, when it first arrived and waiting to get into the obsy, and when it finally took its place there, weighing in at around 35 kg with the Homeyer scope cradle and extra Losmandy bar. Cheers, Göran
  20. You have every reason to be pleased with that final version and can move on with a good conscience!
  21. Well, it is interesting that prices started to move. One may suggest that the IMX571 chip has been the biggest game changer for amateur astrophotography in a decade (but now I am sticking my nose out🤫)
  22. I just saw that OPT in San Diego are selling the ASI2600MC for 1799 USD. Maybe ZWO have adjusted their prices to be competitive, and have started in the US? https://optcorp.com/products/zwo-asi2600-pro-usb3-0-cooled-color-astronomy-camera
  23. Eternal clouds have settled here so I started digging in my data bank. This is data from January 2021 that I at the time had given up on since the star-field was overwhelming and framing turned out quite odd. Now equipped with Star XTerminator and Noise XTerminator I had another go at it, and soon realized that there are quite a lot of structures in the area between the well known Ghost and Sh2-187. So I thought it was worth posting, especially since I could not find any other clear images or designations of those central structures. However, the dark nebulosity intruding into much of the image appear to be part of LDN 1306. Materials and Methods: RASA8 on an iOptron CEM70, and with an ASI2600MC. No filter. 71 x 4 min, so close to five hours. Stacked in PI and processed in PS. Cheers, Göran
  24. Great image, and yes HH555 is there - a clear sign of quality!
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