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Everything posted by gorann

  1. Maybe my diagnosis is laziness🤣
  2. Great image and I fully agree about the ASI2600MC. In my case I upgraded from an ASI071 some years ago and everything was just cleaner and deeper. Since then I never use darks (I made some master darks but never noticed any improvement by using them). I soon sold the ASI071 to finance a second ASI2600MC.
  3. Beautiful! We have all seen so many of images of this comet by now, but this one really stands out. Great idea to combine the IFN data with the comet data. I don't think I have seen that take on it yet, and it could probably only be done this good with a RASA.
  4. Thanks a lot! These new CMOS cameras have small pixels, but I did help it along by doubling the the "resolution" (pixels per inch) in PS before I started processing this crop.
  5. When processing my recent image of the Jellyfish and IC444, I noticed a small PN-like object in IC444. Loking for it in Aladin Sky Atlas I found that it was HoCr 1, a quite small (73") planetary nebula also known as Howell-Crisp 1. It was discovered relatively recently (2006) by amateur astronomers Michael Howell and Richard Crisp, see: www.horizontalheavens.com/planetarynebulaproject.htm. I have here made a drastic crop and further processed the image to make the PN stand out a bit better, and I am slightly impressed by the RASA8 to pick up this small thing under a full moon. There are of course some more detailed images of it using longer focal length scopes, like this nice one by @Petergoodhew: https://www.astrobin.com/pn6nlr/ I attach my Jellyfish nebula image where I have marked the PN. So, caught with my dual-RASA8 rig and ASI2600MC with IDAS NBZ filter (Ha+Oiii). 191 x 5 min. Processed in PI and PS, including BlurXT. Cheers, Göran
  6. Thanks Dan! The framing was rather accidental. I put my attention on framing the RASA image and see what ever the Samyang piggyback is catching as a bonus. I only focus it manually, but the temperature was rather steady, falling from -5°C to - 7°C during the night so it did not affect focus.
  7. Trying to find objects that will stand out under a full moon. This is what the Samyang 135 caught piggybacking on my dual-RASAs two nights ago. I spiced it up with about 50% RASA data to the main features. There are 11 Sharpless objects in the image, and of course M35 - the star cluster at the bottom. Camera was Omegon veTEC571C with IDAS NBZ (Ha+Oiii) filter. 85 x 5 min, so about 7 hours. Processing in PI and PS, which of course included Russ Croman's magnificent XT-actions. Cheers, Göran
  8. Thanks! Personally I have always been struggling to see the jellyfish🤣
  9. Thanks, and great that you also see it!
  10. Thanks Steve! Yes, it is a pity that the Greek did not do much NB imaging😆
  11. Thanks a lot Alan! Interesting observation about possible shock waves from Tejat. I now tried to look for these in other images of the area. Almost all have a very blown out Tejat and with disturbing halos (apparently my RASA+ASI2600MC+NBZ filter made a good job at suppressing such artifacts), However, I found this image by Chris Heapy on Astroboin. I think is may even indicate that Tejat may be sending ripples through IC444: https://www.astrobin.com/281272/
  12. This was caught under 100% moon last night, so I had to go for something bright like this iconic area. The dual-RASA rig allowed me to catch almost 16 hours before the scopes started imaging the tree line. I like all the central dark nebulosity captured, but I really should go back to it one moonless night to catch more of the dim dust around. A big fight with gradients of course due to the moon. I am just glad we only have one moon and not 92 like Jupiter..... 191 x 5 min caught with RASA8 and ASI2600MC with IDAS NBZ filters. Processed with PI and PS, including nearly all of Russel's magnificent filters (BlurXT, StarXT, NoiseXT and GradientXT) Is it only me seeing a dog sticking his/her thin tongue into an ear of a puppy? Cheers & CS, Göran
  13. Thanks a lot Olly! Yes, that extra aperture of the RASAs appparently makes a lot of difference. The Ha signal in the image was collected with the NBZ under the current full moon, which makes the performance of the system even more impressive.
  14. Thanks a lot Alan! Yes, I often see that the objects from the old catalogues (LBN, LDN, Sh-2) are a bit misplaced. I assume it was not that easy at the time to determine the exact coordinates. Maybe someone will take on the task of updating the coordinates.
  15. Here I have added about 9 hours HaOiii data (ASI2600MC with IDAS NBZ filter) collected yesterday to 6 hours of RGB data (no filter) collected 19 April 2021. This really lifted the background and the strikes of dark nebulosity on top of the Ha dust in Sh2-202. There was not much Oiii signal and the blue structures are reflection nebulosity most apparent in the RGB data. This is what Gary Imm had to say on Astrobin about these objects when he imagined them a few years ago. He is exceptional in reading up on the objects that he images: "The large red emission nebula on the right is Sh2-202. It is believed to be ionized by the cluster at upper right, Stock 23. This cluster is somewhat in the shape of a miniature Hercules Keystone. This is a magnitude 5.6 cluster of about 40 stars located 1200 light years away. It is sometimes called Pazmino's cluster, after John Pazmino wrote about it in Sky and Telescope in the late 70's. This cluster was surprisingly not included in any of the major object catalogs. The two reflection nebula on the left side are vdB 14 (top, illuminated by star HD 21291) and vdB 15 (bottom, illuminated by star HD 21389). These nebulae are about twice as far away as the emission region, at a distance of 2600 light years. The two blue refection nebulae have a pinkish cast, presumably from emission in the vicinity, and they each span about 20 light years." Cheers and CS, Göran
  16. Thanks a lot, much appreciated! And I agree.
  17. If one can talk about a close up when using a RASA at 400 mm folcal length. But this nebula is just so very big and this was not a planned shot. I aimed at it out of frustration when I realized that the moon was just next to my planned target for the night. Great thing is that it is very bright so a lot of detail came through even with a nearly full moon. The NBZ filter of course helped, so this is a HaOiii image. To me it looks like there is a big dark nebula protruding into the Ha from the left. I had not noticed that in other images of the California nebula. Imaged with my dual-RASA8 rig with ASI2600MC (IDAS NBZ filter) on a Mesu 200. Processed in PI and PS using StarXT, BlurXT and NoiseXT. 131 x 5 min, so about 11 hours. I also throw in the image that the piggybacking Samyang 135 caught the same night (6 hours with NBZ filter). Not as deep and detailed, but at least the whole nebula fitted in🤣 Cheers & CS, Göran
  18. A great image to be proud of Wim! I know getting those 20 hours took a lot of determination and stamina!
  19. Actually, I have lately experienced that the cosmetic problem with star shapes in RASAs can in most cases easily be fixed with a dose of BlurXT on the linear unstretched image.
  20. I can agree that star shape is not the strong side of RASAs, but it is their light grasp and what they can achieve, especially if you run them for 10, 20 or 30 hours. Then they will see things that no refractor has ever seen. They just go so much deeper and that is what excites me about them. If you have an OSC or a mono at the end of them does not to seem to make a big difference. Here is an example where I by chance realized that there is a big SNR just next to the Heart Nebula: https://www.astrobin.com/6zp16s/?
  21. I should probably start paying more attention to what he SY135 is aiming at. So far I have mainly looked at it as an extra bonus and only checked out what it captured after I have stacked and processed the RASA data, which got all the planning for the night.
  22. Thanks a lot Steve! It was totally fortuitous. The Samyang is just hanging in there on top of one of the RASAs and gets what it gets, happy that I at least fix its focus and hoping not to fall off🤣
  23. Thanks a lot Michael! Yes, it is a bit like a galaxy chain but with nebulae.
  24. Here is what my Samyang 135 caught the other night while piggybacking on my dual-RASA rig, aiming at the area around Lower's Nebula in Orion. It reveals quite a lot of faint nebulosity even if the moon was out, so the IDS NBZ filter helped a lot. The annotation reveals that the image actually contains 16 nebulae from the Sharpless catalogue (Sh-2). Processed in PI and PS, including StarXT, BlurXT and NoiseXT 65 x 5 min, so 5.4 hours. Omegon veTEC571C with IDAS NBZ dual-band filter (Ha+Oiii).
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