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Everything posted by gorann

  1. Very nice and deep, and subtle as Elp says. Stars shapes are well under control now. If you want the Ha to carry more punch, you can isolate the red channel from the NBZ data and stretch it so the highlights becomes stronger than the red channel in the RGB data. Then add it to the red channel in the RGB data using blend mode Lighten (all in PS of course).
  2. Interesting, do you mean that the plastic broke? Hopefully he has improved it.
  3. I used to gave a sag problem, but at about the same time as I bought the holder I also bought ZWOs EOS adapter with filter slider and that may have helped. My previous adapter was not sturdy enough. https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p12422 So committed the scientific sin of changing two parameters at the same time🥴. In any case I see not sag in the setup now, only a bit of coma around the edge but that could be because the NBZ filter shifts the back-focus and the distance in no longer perfect. Maybe I should add a thin distance ring. I will see how it goes when I use it without a filter.
  4. Yes, I also exect that to be the case. It is just a bit off in the annotation. I often see that with small LDNs and LBNs. I assume Lynds did not possess as exact pointing aids as we have now.
  5. I recently solved a lot of problems by buying a 3D-printed holder with microfocusing ring from a small French company: http://www.astrokraken.fr/bracket-system-for-samyang-rokinon-135-f-2-telephoto-lens-a183920490 ( I have no connection with the company - I just googled for Samyang/Rokinon holders and found it). The ZWO camera-holder I used previously gave me tilt issues. I have now used it a couple of nights and it is really solid and easy to use for focusing. I use the Samyang as a piggy-back scope on my dual RASA8 rig and even if I attach it all with a SW piggy-back holder I found no flex-issues as far as I can tell. Here is a link for that SW holder: https://www.astroshop.eu/guidescope-mounts/skywatcher-guide-scope-mount/p,20120 Cheers, Göran Here is an image of Sh2-140 I took the other night.
  6. Very interesting comparison Robin! Did you try starless processing for the image (Star XTerminator or StarNet2)?
  7. Yesterday I posted what my dual-RASA rig caught Sunday night, and here is what my Samyang 135 with Omegon veTEC571 and NBZ filter caught during 8 hours while piggybacking on the RASAs. No less that thirteen objects from the Sharpless catalogue are more or less included in the image. I have added about 50% RASA-data to the centre of the image. Cheers, Göran Yesterdays post: What the Samyang found: Annotation shown a mess of Sh-2, LDN and LBN objects: And here is the rig. No I have no problems with flex as far as I can tell, but then FL 135 mm is quite forgiving!
  8. Thanks Robin! Please keep us updated on what you find.
  9. Sunday night I aimed my dual-RASA rig at an area south-east of Sh2-140 that looked quite interesting on Aladin Sky Atlas but still seems to be very rarely imaged. It contains many interesting features including long red filaments. Could they be bow shocks of a supernova remnant? Any suggestions? Since the spectral widths of the NBZ dual-band filter is rather broad I am not sure which of the blue areas are Oiii or blue reflection nebulosity. So, two RASA8 with ASI2600MC sitting on a Mesu 200. IDAS NBZ filter. 240 x 4 minutes = 16 hours. Processed in PI and PS, including Star XTerminator to allow more stretch of the nebulosity. Cheers, Göran Revised version:
  10. That is just great Charles! A lot of detail, great palette in my view (=no green), and perfect star control (no magenta).
  11. Excellent Wim! As you see there are more things than galaxies out there😉
  12. Thanks a lot boys! Yes, sharper and better in every way😄
  13. This is a two-panel mosaic of about 8 hours of RASA8 data (with ASI2600MC and NBX Ha+Oiii filter) from 2021 were I now have used starless processing of the nebulosity, which gives a very different (i.e. much much better) result for data like this compared to traditional processing. In particular, I did not have to press the Ha and Oiii filamets as hard to make them stand out behind the starfield. From Wikipedia: Simeis 147, also known as the Spaghetti Nebula, SNR G180.0-01.7 or Sharpless 2-240, is a supernova remnant (SNR) in the Milky Way, straddling the border between the constellations Auriga and Taurus. The nebulous area is fairly large with an almost spherical shell and filamentary structure. The remnant has an apparent diameter of approximately 3 degrees, an estimated distance of approximately 3000 (±350) light-years, and an age of approximately 40,000 years. It is believed that after its stellar explosion a rapidly spinning neutron star known as pulsar PSR J0538+2817 was left behind in the nebula core, emitting a strong radio signal. Cheers, Göran Here is the new version And here is the old one (where I tried to do my best by using EZ star suppression filter in PI).
  14. Thanks a lot Steve! Maybe that is why we do not see them anymore - Western Veil was their final destination.
  15. Thanks a lot Olly! I was thinking the same thing about that empty space in the center. I did look for dust there and there were essentially nothing to stretch, so it must have been blown away.
  16. Thank you both! I think we are talking about hot rod, so something like this. Cheers, Göran
  17. Thanks a lot Stuart! Glad that you see the same thing!
  18. Thanks! Yes 25 hours at f/2 helps even under a full moon.
  19. What to do under a full moon? Not the best for weak and rarely imaged nebulosity so I went for a 2-panel mosaic with my dual-RASA rig of these very bright and iconic nebulae and collected Ha and Oiii data with the IDAS NBZ filter over two nights. Starless processing of the nebulosity using Star XTerminator in PS. Quite a lot of data: 496 x 3 minutes, so about 25 hours. Please zoom in. Is it only me that sees a car on fire in the top half of the image, with Western Veil as the roof and Pickering's triangle as the engine?
  20. This is a wide field image taken with my Samyang 135 and Omegon veTEC 571C piggy-backing on my dual-RASA rig. To the Veil nebulae I have added about 50% RASA data captured with ASI2600MC at the same time. All with IDAS NBZ filters and sitting on a Mesu 200 mount. Starless processing with StarXTerminator in PS. 3 hours with the SY135 and 25 hours with the RASAs (two panels over two nights). All under a full moon. Cheers, Göran An here is the RASA image by itself:
  21. Those are three real beauties Olly! Star XT rules!
  22. Great project and the very best of luck with it! With more data I think you also will be able to bring out a bit more colours. Are you using any filter?
  23. Thanks a lot! Then 100 and 700 it will be. Got it to work with NINA. I never used NINA before so now I just have to find out some basics, like how I chose the folder for saving images.
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