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Everything posted by AdeKing

  1. John, I've been trying to decide between the 1.25" and 2" versions but was wondering whether or not you could confirm whether the ND filter is fitted internally or whether it needs to be attached to the end of the eyepiece. From the manufacturers blurb it sounds like it's internal, but on the 1.25” version the filter has to be attached to the filter thread of the eyepiece. I'm keen to minimise the potential for forgetting anything to a minimum and so if the filter is internal it can just stay there permanently. As I'm intending to use a polariser and a #58 green filter I don't want any chance of missing the ND. I also have another question regarding whether an extra ND is needed to make viewing more comfortable in addition to the mandatory ND and a polariser. Hope you don't mind me asking, but my finger is poised over the buy button and I want to be sure. Ade
  2. I was disappointed by the azimuth flexi-drive location as well, especially as the azimuth control on the AZ Pronto looks to be better placed in my opinion.
  3. I'm really liking the sound of this new mount, I'll be very keen to hear the first light reports. Ade
  4. This is looking really good, I'm enjoying the thread and I'm taking loads of notes that I can refer to when I do my own Truss Tube build in the not too distant future.
  5. So @Chriske have I got it right that you'd replace the parts you've drawn above with threaded bar and use nuts inside and outside the tube? @saac apologies, I didn't mean to hijack the thread, I just wanted to know what the parts were called.
  6. Excellent, thanks @jacksdad that's exactly what I was looking for. I knew someone out there would know the proper name for them.
  7. Jim, Your build is looking great so far, I shall be folliwing closely as I'm looking to do a similar build in the not too distant future. Can I ask what you did to connect the theaded connectors to the end of the vanes? I can see that you've used threaded rod couplers and have drilled through them, and cut a slot into them to accept the vanes, but what did you use to fix them in place? I'm currently trying to make a more secure attachment for the spider on a 12" DarkStar Dob that I'm restoring I have the threaded rod couplings but can't work out how to secure them to the vanes of the spider. Looking at my Skywatcher OTA it appears that they have used small diameter split tubes inserted into the holes but I don't know what these are called or where to get any from. Is that the sort of thing that you've used? As I'm a real novice, any help would be appreciated. Ade
  8. A friend of mine had this problem and used a screw extractor bit which worked for him. I think this is what @SonnyE is referring to as they have left hand threads on them. Screw Extractor Set
  9. Is it just me or does that tabletop mount setup look like it was modelled on ED209's foot?
  10. AdeKing


    A bit late viewing this one, but I think its a Lobster Moth Caterpillar (Stauropus fagi). https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=lobster+moth+caterpillar&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=swWdVZz9JYPwUODYt5AL&ved=0CC4Q7Ak&biw=1280&bih=899 As you can see from Google Images, it can be quite varied in size and colour. Hope that helps
  11. Lovely views of the moon with the stock lenses, some nice detail in jupiter, the double stars of Castor and also Mizar and finally M44. Enough to keep me happy, but the second night there was a lot less visible because of the moon.
  12. Thanks for this excellent thread Adz, I took delivery of my Skyliner 200p earlier this week and this thread showed me exactly what to expect when it was delivered. Have used it three times before the clouds rolled in today and absolutely love it.
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