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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. I Thruxi may have been hinting that he doesn't know what 'PM' in the introductory message means, or if he does, he doesn't know how to send one (bear in mind there is no longer a 'message member' button on posts).
  2. Sound sits transmitted by air molecules moving. If the air as a mass is moving at a significant speed (say 250 km/s relative to the galactic centre) the propagation of a sound wavefront will be slower in the direction of movement as the energy to accelerate the molecules is constant and therefore can't move them as fast in the direction of movement due to relativistic effects. Extreme example, a nuclear explosion of a bomb moving very close to c sends out a wavefront of particles at an equally high velocity in all directions, to a stationary observer the explosion wavefront will barely be progress at all in the direction of travel but will be left stationary in the opposite direction. Siound propagation is not materially different from the propagation of particles by an explosion.
  3. Kick a man when he's down! can't moan we just beat Slovakia
  4. That's the route I have followed, but wcrsmac says my camera isn't supported.
  5. Anotehr update the camera is a PCVC 820K/20, If I change the numbers to match the hardware ID of my camera (rather than the one given for an 840K in the example), it tries to load, but fails as it says the files security hash no longer matches the one in the catalogue :-( I guess W7 didn't do this security check, but W8 does.
  6. Thanks, Its not a PRO one, it's a PCVC 820K/20, I have found the same instructions in English on Cloudy Nights. If I change the numbers to match the hardware ID of my camera (rather than the one given in the example), it tries to load, but fails as it says the files security hash no longer matches the one in the catalogue :-( I guess W7 didn't do this security check, but W8 does.
  7. OIK, I've got it all running - the old Lappy has both XP and 2K on it, so i worked under XP.I used Phillip's on capture program and WcRmac as described on the threads. wcrmac says it is a toucam XS and that it is not supported by it. BUT the camera installs itself as a Toucam II 820K Oh woe! I found this on cloudy nights, I will try it: http://www.cloudynights.com/topic/275496-getting-a-toucam-pro-840k-to-work-with-windows-7/
  8. Will a Windows 2K machine do - I have one in a drawer?
  9. Hi folks, Will this work for a TOUCAM II? I have just received a brand new unopened box one, ready for me to dismember for LX mod and peltier cooling...!
  10. Result - or so I thought, today a brand new never unboxed Toucam that cost me 12 Euros arrived from Spain. I am getting very confused trying to find W8 drivers for it, can anyone point me at a SIMPLE solution?
  11. Did you use any flats? They might get rid of the smudges.
  12. Another innocent victim of the astro-virus!
  13. It amazes me how some parts of the sky are overflowing with stars like that shot, and others are almost empty - at least until you use a Hubble to spot the zillions of galaxies hidden in the background.
  14. Long ago the editor of Practical Electronics apologise for the spelling 'flourescent' in an article. He said something like "we've downgraded our typist, because graded brains make finer fluor."
  15. LOL! I think it's your telescope buying power that is the stuff of legend
  16. Sorry Will, I was punting for a free sample ;-)
  17. Is that dog really looking through the finderscope? ;-)
  18. This situation is almost exactly analogous to that for Chinese-made machine tools. At first sight identical machines from the same factory, but each importer's version made to s different spec that can be slightly or wildly different in the detail, and differences in QC as well, not to mention the differences in spares stock and after sales support between good retailers and those who 'operate out of a container at the docks'.
  19. Rotate 90-degrees clockwise to make it match the upright 'camera view'.
  20. Looking down on my small scope tracking the transit. Note the 'advanced solar hood focusing aid' lying on the grass...
  21. A very good post, but my thought is that the area on far right is occupied by bright stars in MOST images is tiny but we can explore it. Choosing an image of a light-polluted sky (over Walsall's light dome) Corel Photo Paint has an option to adjust histogram clipping. Its auto setting allows 5% clipping and the histogram of a rather light polluted sky looks like this, kjsut as it would in Photoshop or on the back of the camera: Now look at this histogram with 100% clipping allowed: In particular note the 'secondary peak' at far right, that's the bright star Arcturus and other brighter stars. The interesting thing is that it doesn't appear to be significantly clipped... A shame Photoshop doesn't have this great feature of Photo-paint.
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