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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Personally I find the Moonraker overdone, the understated Zeiss says quality that has gone into the optics, not the bling.
  2. Great pic! I was able to find the moons in photo paint. You might try something like this: Create a circular mask around the planet (it can have a wide margin) Invert the mask Stretch the histogram until the moons appear, the background will become grey move the black point until the background matches that around the planet. You can tweak the histogram. Clear the mask For images where the moons are more obvious, you can just mask around them and use the same technique. I did this to bring out Mars and Regulus on my shots of this morning's conjunction.
  3. Don't rush. You've got all the time in the world.
  4. A 450D has live view - does anything show on the screen?
  5. Stub Mandrel


  6. From the album: Lunar

    Compilation of the 27 September Lunar Eclipse.

    © Neil Wyatt

  7. Stub Mandrel

    Eclipse three

    From the album: Lunar

    Third attempt, hopefully this one won't pass through a grey square...
  8. Stub Mandrel

    Lunar Eclipse

    From the album: Lunar

    This replaces earlier video, but higher quality and it is about 7.5 Mb, so not much bigger
  9. Stub Mandrel


    Some with a bridge camera, some using my 150PL
  10. Stub Mandrel

    Uranus 1

    From the album: Planets

    First try at imagine Uranus.
  11. LOL! I made a model boat that took 16 years and cost me about £20
  12. From the album: Planets

    Quick grab with bridge camera.
  13. I'm getting this irrational compulsion to spray my cheap 'frac white...
  14. I must admit I am surprised how many people use 3-4" refractors and have brilliant results. I had always thought 3" was a kind of 'minimum spec'. It's made me look again at my cheap refractor and discover that it is capable of much more than I thought.
  15. Where can I get one of those wall-mounted tripods?
  16. I think it picks up local time from your system clock? It certainly is giving me times in BST rather than UTC here.
  17. Stub Mandrel

    Messier Objects

  18. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Messier Objects

    Getting better...
  19. Stub Mandrel

    Non-Messier DSOs

    This will probably be mostly thiongs I found by accident...
  20. Stub Mandrel

    Mirachs Ghost

    From the album: Non-Messier DSOs

    Spotted this red blob right on top of a star, the star was easy to find so I thought I'd give it a go!
  21. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Messier Objects

    Work in progress... like M101 this is one for when I an get longer subs and some flats.
  22. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Messier Objects

    Quite pleased with this one, lots of nice colours
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