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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. A bit like the 'if only everything in life was as reliable as a Volkswagen' advert which omitted to mention the reliability of a Volkswagen was no more than average at best.
  2. So strictly all us imagers should hang our heads in shame and exit, pursued by a Great Bear.
  3. Looks like it may well be an early end to the current cycle after all. http://www.sidc.be/silso/home Seems to be projecting an end in late 2018, about a year early. See the pages on 'spotless days' with divides transitions into those before 1915 (long, lots of spot-free days) and those since (short, fewer spot free days), except the last minimum in 2008 fitted in the 'Victorian' sequence. Seems we may be heading for a long dry spell for spot-hunters.
  4. To be fair it is rather well done and he does explain the core point quite promptly. But there are so many vids out there by people who spend ten minutes waffling and a few seconds on the actual 'meat'.
  5. Six minutes of video? The live commentary said 'at X seconds the sparklers will ignite to clear away leaked hydrogen'.
  6. Clearly the 'side by side' scope choice isn't just an extravagance then, but brings real benefits.
  7. I noticed the mission description said nothing about the payload aside from the length of the fairing. Clearly the 'reconnaissance' payload is classified.
  8. This is interesting. I would be keen to know how big the difference is between a single OT+splitter and a dual OTA. My guess is that you must lose about two stops of light gathering with a splitter compared to two OTAs (and one stop compared to a single OTA), but is this effect very noticeable?
  9. @Dromr @NatReconOfc @jaredhead See you back tomorrow at 1 p.m. PST? @TotesMcGotes @NatReconOfc That outghta be a song. The ULA #DeltaIV #NROL47 launch for the @NatReconOfc was scrubbed today due to an issue with a ground system valve.… https://t.co/MZkZVG5EgX
  10. It's on wikipedia. They are launching a spy satellite. Apparently almost all delta-V missions have been military, presumably as it's an expensive option. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_IV That said, it was used for an orion capsule test.
  11. "There's a man here, he says his names Mr Kim and he wants us to use his red button..."
  12. Darn, another myth exploded... I found cooling helps a lot too. This is a stack of 23 600s Ha shots with an exif camera temperature of 2C, the actual sensor will be a lot cooler than this well below zero. The banding is there but not very obvious. 450D so I think the same sensor as yours? Processed you can still see some banding at the bottom right of the nebulosity. Probably processed far too much.... It seems to be worse if no darks are used but I'm not 100% sure which image was processed which way... I use batteries only and internal SD card.
  13. Same here, but my old Nokia phone has a smashing camera so if I put a memory card in it, I can use it.
  14. Don't forget the weight of a large print. It could be sufficient to upset the dynamics. IMHO moving the print head gives you a more predictable solution for abig printer.
  15. Ah, this is what I was originally looking for. Note they say it gets confused by I2C = one wire. https://coolcomponents.co.uk/products/8-channel-bi-directional-logic-level-converter-txb0108
  16. https://coolcomponents.co.uk/products/logic-level-converter-bi-directional?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=45222911630&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1afSBRD2ARIsAEvBsNmtiBhYHF9tvN-U08cXi6OQS0KfxrKRVm0Fcf8jXgn6m8K2MNxD9zIaAqOdEALw_wcB You might find these useful?
  17. Sorry my brain assumed GPIO5 meant it was a 5V line... There is another way using a voltage divider: 12V - [10K] - Gate - [1.5K] - GPIO When GPIO is at 0V the gate is at 1.6V, with GPIO at 3V, the gate is at 4.2V.
  18. Jeepers! Why all eth complications? You could replace all that with one logic-level FET.
  19. Thanks, this is a lovely machining challenge to take on!
  20. That looks pro! I've been looking at making a 'daisy wheel' reduction system, how does yours work? Any pics of it in pieces?
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