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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. It will be interesting to see what AS settings you use Kostas thanks. Ive tried it on ocassions as I know Neil is a fan but haven't yet seen anything greatly different than registax. Its the batch processing and animation capability that has attracted me to waveharp.
  2. Plenty of detail on those Geof! The last 2 images are very good. 👍
  3. Thank Kostas I'm pleased and pretty surprised how well things went as the evening started off with rain and I wasn't expecting anything. Jupiter has grown so much since I last saw it and even in wobbly seeing much easier to focus. The animation as you say shows a different dimention with more constructed detail. Just need to process it some more. Wavesharp is starting to impress me more too. Many hours of processing ahead unless something better crops up but I'm not holding my breath looking at the forecast.
  4. Good to see you got some decent data too Geof! I was out last night also.
  5. Gave it a go last night despite the forecast being less than exciting but showing a wiff of clearish sky. Seeing was not the best but there were moments of detail. Here is a quick 3 image preview. Got nearly 30 captures from 22.22 ut to 23.41 ut. Pleased considering how bad its been this year . 10" Dob & QHY585c :
  6. Enjoy your weekend! I promise not to boast if I grab something magnificent 😎
  7. As I said the the CN forum this is a fabulous capture Harvey! One of the best UK shots this year for sure. On this particular image I can see some artifacts on Jupiter, possibly image compression as the text is distorted?
  8. Nicely captured Kostas! Sounds very similar conditions to what I got on Saturn the other week. I'm going to try tonight for Saturn and the GRS , shows possibly of clear spells. Getting desperate now 😬
  9. As JFK once said " we choose to image the planets not because it's easy but because it's hard" 😉
  10. Looks like you've been busy Geof! Congratulations on your new great grandson! Very good images of Saturn and Jupiter even if conditions were not great you've produced some nicely balanced images. Hopefully the weather will improve before too long.🥴
  11. You've certainly had your money's worth out of those filters Kostas 🙂 Excellent collection!
  12. Terrific! Getting the polar hood with a 8" scope is mighty impressive.
  13. They've come out well! I did wonder about trying Venus this morning but didn't think seeing would be any good.
  14. Thanks Kostas. Weather is going from bad to worse!
  15. Nice capture. As has been said it's a little over sampled so your signal to noise is weaker. Bit like using too much water with your orange juice. 🙂
  16. That's more than a tiny bit of detail! GRS has nice detail for starters. I reckon there could be more in those images 🙂
  17. As the rain lashes down outside I've been messing more with this capture. Could be as good as it gets the way the weather seems set. Selective sharpening and median filter in IA plus the usual stuff. Stacked more frames too to try and get more control on the dreaded noise.
  18. Yes Jupiter with the 585 also. I was going to take a R filter mono shot with the qhy462 but the cloud had other ideas. 😛
  19. Why restrict yourself to 5000 frames? The more frames you have more more selective you can be in Austostakert without worrying about noise kicking in. 10-20000 frames gives you far more options.
  20. Cheers Martyn! It was nice to see the ringed wonder after so many years. My first view of a planet through the eyepiece in 2009 was Saturn and I still felt that buzz from seeing this magical planet that appears as a faint point of light to the naked eye. I should mention this image is downsized 75%.
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