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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. Got a hint of detail using the QHY5-lll-585c tonight.
  2. Just seeing these on my big monitor and they look even better than on my phone. Considering you had cloud to contend with they are excellent! Where did you get your 462 mono? I can't find them anywhere 🙂
  3. Super shots Kostas! Nice detail on the OSC image. Seen a lot of colour images showing detail this year.
  4. Thanks Neil. It's good to hear people's opinions as there is no set rule with Venus. As Kostas said the IR was burning through on the first image. To be fair the IR is only providing colour on this as seeing and elevation had nosedived for the IR shots. Next time I'll use my old Windows 10 laptop with the qhy mono as the cam's drivers don't support windows 11. Had it running at full speed using FC v2.4 on win 10.
  5. Mercury is a planet I've never captured. Well done!
  6. It's all very experimental at the moment. The IR was taken through an apple tree with a floppy filter which has now been secured with an O ring. QHY in their wisdom provided unmounted filters with the QHY5-iii-585 so I've had to butcher one of my own cells and transplant the filter which is thinner glass hence the O ring to secure. 🙂
  7. Thanks Kostas. The measurement in winjupos may have been slightly off for the IR. Didn't know I needed a synthetic green 🙂
  8. First time I've tried this. Combined the mono UV with IR850 from QHY5-iii-585c. Auto Dob 250 + QHY5L-ii m (UV) & QHY5-iii-585c (IR850) : UV(L)IR(R)UV(B) :
  9. Thanks Kostas! Yes the other one is 75% stacked. So few frames to play with. I know this cam is capable of much more. Problem with Venus is there's no real reference image as the cloud patterns constantly change.
  10. Thanks Neil. I'm not sure how much to sharpen as its not obvious what is artifacts and what is cloud structure.
  11. This is same capture but with only 25% of frames stacked :
  12. Finally got something half decent to post. Seeing was better at first and despite issues with my old mono qhy5l-ii only running at only 17fps and 34ms (convinced its a driver issue) I've got some cloud detail. Auto Dob 250 & qhy5l-ii mono + bessel U + 3xtv = f15
  13. Only got the #47 🙂 I'm convinced it's a camera driver issue. There is no up-to-date driver. I'll try it with sharpcap next time. Clear tonight 👍
  14. Classic mistake is sharpening whilst lying down. To be fair most of my images look better 3 feet away! 😜 This looks like the one you won a prize with on the imaging challenge? Get that seeing at over 50 degrees with the 12" mirror and they'll be dancing in the streets of Suffolk, Mississippi 😁
  15. As Peter says a tad heavy with the sharpening 😉 Cracking data. So this is what you've got to eclipse with the Stella 🙂
  16. Always found Pipp great on planets when there's variable trans though as3 seems to have improved over the years dealing with variable conditions. I had to use the limit function on solar shots for as3 to stack properly because of the drift so will be interesting to run those through Pipp first.
  17. Tried it last night and it certainly makes a big difference to fine detail with tiny craters showing up. I bet it works for Solar too.👍
  18. Nice shot Peter. I've seen several images showing detail in RGB this year. Might be worth a try if seeing is good.
  19. Not sure you'd be happy with 40fps at max resolution. Then again if it were 100fps I'd fill the SSD in 10 mins! 😜
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