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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. Taken over several nights with the QSI and the reduced Toscano RC running at about 1400 f/l 29 x 600 s L 16 ea 300 s RGB give it a click or 3 for full res.
  2. When I first got this cam I had a nightmare gettting rid of them. I say that as it was quite easy to get rid of the more obvious ones but the last 10% drove me round the twist. They turn up again when there is high cloud,the tilter gets an accidently knocked , I am not quite on band, when i rush due to incoming cloud or conjunction with the conservatory roof or when there is an R in the month.
  3. Yes despite doing flats ,I have been rying to tweak the tilt to get rid of them.
  4. Lunt 60mm D/s chameleon cam The AR from the other day appears to have kicked back into action. Give it a click or 3 for full res.
  5. That AR seems to have picked up again today - either that or the seeing was worse than I thought yesterday.
  6. My D/S is from a different manufacturer.
  7. Thanks. That little activity from yesterday seems to have gone.
  8. Todays efforts give then a few clicks for full res
  9. Clouds were a problem today. Give it a click or 3 for full res.
  10. Not too unhappy with this as it starts a bit close to the unfriendly streetlamp and just clears the garage roof, I don't think i will bother again though. 16 x 300s ea RGB 12 x 300secs L 14 x 600secs L
  11. I got some CLR via Amazon at the time and it worked for abour a week.
  12. Not sure mine was still in warranty but it was free. But even if you have to pay they will not break the bank https://luntsolarsystems.com/shop/solar-products/hydrogen-alpha/lunt-replacement-parts/blue-glass-for-lunt-blocking-filters/
  13. Just for info on the Lunt site https://luntsolarsystems.com/shop/solar-products/hydrogen-alpha/lunt-replacement-parts/blue-glass-for-lunt-blocking-filters/ Not exactly expensive if you have to buy one.
  14. I got mine FOC last year. It did make a difference.
  15. Lunt 60mm Chameleon cam seeing was a bit fast today.
  16. 3 evenings worth of data so far 26x 600 L 21 x 300L 36 Ea x 300 RGB all binned 2x2 Not sure if I will give it bit of Ha . Taken with the 200mm RC and the QSI ccd give it a click for full res
  17. Does anybody know the spacer distance for the original field flattener (not the reducer /flattener) please TIA Steve
  18. Thanks , its was the last of the hedgerow I missed yesterday.
  19. My solar scope gets more use than the others i have.
  20. A battle with the high cloud today. Give it a click or 3 for full res. There it was -gone
  21. Thanks. Just a bit of PS jiggery pokery, it does set off the proms quite nicely I think.
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