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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. I do have some LRGB I don't think i have enough though. 😃 I will stack what I have and go from there.
  2. Vey nice . I am in exactly the same boat as you with this object and I am wondering if I should delay the change of scopes. So far I have only stacked the Ha.
  3. It looks as though it might glow in the dark and those tripod legs look so spindly and they would perform like a spindly thing sat on top of jelly.
  4. Thanks Peter. The seeing was better on the 19th/20th than last night from here. pipp has just done chugging through last nights/this morning data. Hoping Mars improves as the year goes on.
  5. With the C11 using the colour ZWO on the morning of the 20th and the mono Chameleon on night of the 20th & morning of the 21st Loads more data to sift through from this morning, but I have decided its the mono for the gas giants for a good while yet.
  6. Thanks. Foecast is for cloud the rest of the week.
  7. Thought it was about time for my yearly battle with the planets. I moved the mount this afters to a place where I can get a bit more of the soutern aspect,polar aligned,ascended the new steps and fitted the C11,slewd to jupiter and poof the clouds appeared. I managed 1 ser of 1000 frames 20% stacked
  8. Good stuff. Seeing from here was not great.
  9. Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chamelon cam Ed 80 reduced & Lunt 600 Cak bf do the clicky thing for full res.
  10. Last night I thought about 1 to 1-30 was the best. Though the NLC's and moon turned up by then.
  11. I managed to get DSS comet stacker to work 😲 I found a spot above the local LED streetlamps, fortunately not much passing road traffic, the horses did come to see me once I parked up but decided they had a better view at the top of the field. Once I located Neowise it was hard to believe I missed it naked eye, though I must admit I did get distracted watching the bats. The tail was evident and at its best arround 1-30 UT The moon did play a part in washing it out later on but the NLC's had already done that. Give them a click or 3 for full res.
  12. Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chamelon cam Ed 80 reduced & Lunt 600 Cak bf do the clicky thing for full res.
  13. Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chameleon cam 200 frames stacked do the clicky thing for full res. Slightly different process to bring out the prom at 9 o'clock
  14. I agree. I will have time to try it again, that is if I don't get any pressing tasks from the other half.
  15. Thanks. Yes thats what I have been using. It put the 9 panes together no bother.
  16. Thanks for your comments. I have gathered a bit more data to expand the area but the software is struggling to join it properly. I am saying software but it is more likely poor data and will have to wait while the moon gets out of the way and the weather improves again before I can try again.
  17. Photoshop magic. Using the eliptical Marquee tool set to the approx size of the sun disc I nudge it to fit and using the select to to increase or decrease by a pixel or 2 , then using curves the grab the white point and drag it to 0, select - inverse and colour to taste.
  18. Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chameleon cam 200 frames stacked do the clicky thing for full res.
  19. Thanks. I am positive it would be easier with one of the bigger chipped ccd's I have.🌞
  20. The IC1318 image turned into a 9 pane mosaic of 5 x 300sec with the SX H9 and the 12nm ha filter plus the 27 x 300 I took the other day. Obtained using NINA stacked in APP and tweaked in PS Do the clicky thing for full res.
  21. Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chamelon cam Ed 80 reduced & Lunt 600 Cak bf do the clicky thing for full res.
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