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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. A lot of waiting and rain dodging gives first light to the 178 mono Single stack only the D/S did not turn out due to the clouds. Do the clicky thing for full res.
  2. I have both rain and sun at the moment.
  3. Looks to me like ice on the cover slip or chip. Maybe a change or recharge of the dessicant (if it has some) is needed. I use a small dew band on my SX 694 to keep it free and turn said band off when imaging.
  4. I fired up the meteor scatter as I was about to hit the sack and recorded these. pity I can't see to get the conditional actions to work and record while I get some kip. Mores the pity I am not as young and fit as I used to be and up in N Yorks camping watching them.
  5. We are in tier 3 so i don't think going on a trip to catch the conjunction would go down well.
  6. Thanks. I intend on using a scope nearer the closest approach and if it is clear I think it will be an early afternoon daylight session for me.
  7. Getting nearer. I did have a false start and had to relocate. Canon 7D 120-300 lens and a set of ladders.
  8. Great -now can we please have a couple hours of sunny weather please to go along with it.
  9. I fitted a EQ5 Go-To kit to mine when the SS2000 gave up the ghost. Quite easy to fit and works well. The fit could be a bit better but you cannot see it in the dark.
  10. I have moved my post so as not to distract from the OP's in California nebula thread. I found that the Ha & S2 were much stronger. Here are my NB stacks from earlier this year. Not saying there is no O3 but it is very subtle in my captures or do i have a problem with the O3 data. Ha O3 S2
  11. IIRC the Jellyfish in Gemini is the same.
  12. It stopped the 127 hitting the ground. It won't connect I suspect it is the USB connector. I was rushing to swap to Ha.
  13. WL only as I have broken the Chameleon Bresser 127 Herschel Wedge
  14. I restacked and processed the Ha and WL from the other day
  15. Thanks Richard. Its that time of year for musical mounts -just wait for the music to stop.😄
  16. Very good start. I'm sure you will.
  17. I don't hunch as my pc is on a stand with a shroud and a thermal blanket to act as a shield., I spend hours out there. The 127 is a recent toy that I got for use with the HW and yes briefly but the seeing was not up to it I'm afriad. I am hoping for better when its gets a bit higher next year, at present it gets about 15° max.
  18. That would be OK for me as I stand 😄
  19. Thanks Dave . So have I .I thought I had missed out as the forecast was good for Thurs when I went to bed at about 4-30 am and we had cloud all day, I was most suprised to wake up to the sunny skies on Fri as the cloudy forecast is usually correct.
  20. Thanaks a lot folks. I use it on either the ED80 or Tak 60. With the Chameleon cam I did a a 3 pane mosaic(I can do 2 but it can fail to register esp if its a low activity day) There is some vignetting but I use a flat field and gentle use of shdows & highlights in P/S. I really could do with an electric focuser though.
  21. Seems like ages since my last view of our local star. At this time of year I need to move the mount around so I can get a chance to view it but from home but it still creeps across the rooftops.I do have a spot earmarked only a few hundred metres away that overlooks the fields and would be much better, but if I forgot something it would be a royal PITA as I could not leave the kit unattended even for a short while. Ha Lunt 60mm double stacked with coronado rich field tuner. Cak Lunt BF600 with the ED80. WL Herschel Wedge continium filter Bresser 127/1200 frac. All taken with the Pt Grey Chameleon cam. Do the clicky thing for full res (well worth it for the Cak image IMO)
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