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Everything posted by Phillyo

  1. Yes, RGGB used for all 3 times I tried it (60s alone, 90s alone and mixed 60/90s subs)
  2. Lovely image! I particularly like the number plate on the truck in the last image
  3. I'm not sure how to do that but I'll give it a go tomorrow to see if I can figure it out. If I don't need to drizzle the data then I won't. It'll save me a lot of time in the preprocessing phase!! Thanks, Phil.
  4. @vlaiv I'm not even going to pretend I understand much of what that means, however I'll take your word for it! That being said, before and after doing 2xdrizzle on my images makes a big difference. Images show before and after drizzle of roughly the same area of sky around M31.
  5. Yeah I did a HDRcombination and that worked. I was just a little surprised and confused that the drizzle would cause that strange pattern.
  6. I'm imaging at a scale of around 6"/pixel so I'm severely undersampling. The image I linked is after drizzle. Before drizzle is very noticeably worse
  7. Yes. That's part of what is confusing me.
  8. Hi Dave, what do you mean by 'it didn't work'? Phil
  9. I went with the ASI533 and I'm really happy with it. Might go mono further down the line but for now working with these clean files (bias and darks are a thing of the past) is just so lovely. Shooting with fast optics (f2.8) and a wide 135mm lens gave me really clean results with only 3-4 hours of data on M31.
  10. Don't give up Lou. Once you're home I'll come visit you for a night when it's looking clear and we'll get it sorted!
  11. Update: Drizzle integration of the 60s subs and 90s subs seperately caused no issues. Redid them combined making sure to debayer and it causes the issue shown. Now I need to figure out why and if there's a way around it! Phil
  12. So I've actually just had a look at the 90sec master light and 60sec master light prior to drizzle integration and neither of them show this pattern, so it's being caused during the drizzle integration part. I'm wondering if drizzling different length subs is the issue? I'm going to drizzle them seperately and report back. Thank you.
  13. Hmmm, thanks Olly. I thought I'd selected the debayer. I'll run it again and make sure it's selected. Phil
  14. Hi all, I've just stacked a load of images in Pixinsight using the WeightedBatchPreprocessing script and I have this strange pattern across my image? Camera is the ASI533 which is an RGGB array I believe, but I left the settings to auto (as usual) and I've not seen this before. I calibrated using flats and darkflats at 2 seconds, no bias or darks. It hasn't been an issue before now? I also stacked about 125 x 90s and 70 x 60s together. Should I stack them seperately the combine? Thanks for any help! Happy to answer questions if required. Phil
  15. Thanks Dave. Taken with the Samyang 135mm lens at f2.8 and mounted on the HEQ5 Pro.
  16. Thanks Adrian. It really is a great little camera. Doesn't even require dark or bias frames. Makes life even easier! Phil
  17. I was out fiddling with some bits n bobs on the rig last night and got things working. As it was clear I decided to set it off doing 90 second subs on M31 until the moon came up (or clouds ruined play, whichever came sooner). I gathered about 90 minutes of data on M31 and below is my result. Looking forward to adding data to this to hopefully improve it. I'm wondering if a dual narrowband filter (IDAS NBX) would add any of the Ha into it? Thanks, Phil.
  18. I hate the moon. There I said it! Right, with that out of the way I can show you my 2 hours of data (with 3 hours thrown away due to a bright moon) on the Cygnus Loop. Captured with the ASI533 + IDAS NBX, Samyang 135/2 @f2, 3min subs x 40 on the HEQ5-Pro. Using ASIair for everything, oh and guided with a 120mini. I need to visit this again and get more data as I know there's a lot more to capture here. Once the moon has gone maybe? I've pushed the data a bit, due to only having 2hours but I'm happy with what I have. Sucking up data at F2 is pretty cool!! I've added a starless version as well as a star reduced version. Image was fully processed in pixinsight. Thanks for looking!
  19. That mosaic is absolutely stunning Olly. From a OSC camera too! I was initially concerned I'd made a mistake with my ASI533 but seeing images like this, albeit out of my capabilities, gives one hope for the OSC cameras moving forward.
  20. Thanks Olly! Having lost hours of time trying to get accurate alignment and even finding my target I decided to upgrade the mount at the weekend so I now have a belt modded HEQ5 Pro. Hopefully this will mean more time capturing photons and less time sitting on a cold floor trying to align the astrotrac. It's a great little mount, but it is limited! Phil
  21. This data is beautiful. The stuff we can only dream of from the UK! Here is my attempt in the SHO palette in Pixinsight. Usual DBE, curves, star reduction stuff. Thanks!
  22. You wouldn't need to lose sleep if you were running an obsy on your dry arid sunny lands though. Just set it off and go to bed!
  23. Haha, when I did 300x1min subs at the weekend it took my PC about 5 hours to calibrate and integrate them with 50 darks, 50 lights and 50 bias frames. I'm only running an older i7 6700k though so I'm hoping an upgrade to a new AMD 9 5900X soon will help out with that! As a true glutton for punishment I also did xdrizzle data. Then did it all again with just flat frames to compare. Turns out I don't need darks or bias! Lovely M31. Can't wait to see the final product with the integrated Lum and Ha details.
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