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Everything posted by tomato

  1. Just took this off a snowboarding website, @vlaiv, it looks to be right up your street:👍😉 Asymmetrical Sidecut: A board that has a different-size sidecut on either side. In a shifted asymmetrical sidecut board, the center of the heelside radius is shifted back farther than the toeside radius to compensate for uneven weight distribution between the 2 edges.
  2. If it’s a OSC camera won’t you lose the colour data if you bin when taking the subs?
  3. Thank you for the link to Morten’s marvellous image on Astrobin, I will certainly have a go at this object in the coming galaxy season.
  4. Brilliant result, I admire your dedication, clearly I was being hopelessly optimistic trying to capture the gravitational lenses on Abell 370 with 6 hrs on a 6” refractor. Alas, an 8” CFF APO would seriously distort my wallet.☺️
  5. I’m with Lee on imaging on every clear night, I can always do something with the data but there are too many cloudy nights when I can’t collect anything to let a clear (but moonlit) night pass me by.
  6. Merry Christmas to you and thanks for your many interesting and thought provoking posts over the 3 years. And congratulations on your meticulous record keeping, have you kept a similarly accurate record of your Astro spend, I keep that one close to my chest.☺️
  7. Faint and big, just right for your dual RASA rig! I might be wrong but this could be the first image of this object posted on SGL.👍
  8. That's a great result, your experiences are very similar to my own with previous deconvolution tools, so BXT is a real step forward in my processing workflow. Here is my BXT'ed M31, a combination of RASA8/Esprit150/RC10 data so my stars look a bit strange at 200%. Maybe we can get a thread of BXT M31 images going?
  9. I confess that until now I have not been a serious user of deconvolution tools, my attempts to use them have yielded little or no improvement. However, BXT is so simple and quick to use I can quickly establish the benefit or otherwise of it's application. It's great!
  10. My experience to date is I see more noticeable improvements on 'deep' data sets, maybe the AI has more signal to work with? Here are NGC 7331 crops (20 hrs of OSC data), one with SPCC and BlurXterminator (default settings). Wow, you better put the coffee on!😄
  11. Spending £300+ on software to use only one or two tools does sound excessive but having just gone for an IMX571 mono camera for £2K, I think that wrt image improvement the software option will give me more bangs for the buck compared to the hardware outlay.
  12. That’s really good, you got a much better balance between the Ha and the OIII than I achieved. For a more pleasing composition it would be nice to have a few more panels to have the entire SNR in the FOV. Easy to ask for, not so easy to do in the UK.
  13. A trio of very worthy winning images. Congratulations to all.
  14. Great detail in the core, top notch. Has this been processed with BlurXterminator by any chance?
  15. Thanks for the suggestion, I will attempt another version with some star reduction at some point, but I had just got hold of BlurXterminator and was itching to try this on some more photogenic subjects.
  16. This is another of my "how deep can you go" efforts, Abell 370 in Cetus. This is 305 mins made up of roughly half LRGB with the Esprit150/ASI178 and half with the Esprit150/IMX571 OSC. Calibrated and stacked in APP, processed in PI and AP. I have only used NoiseXterminator on this one, StarXterminator included the galaxy cluster with the stars, so BlurXterminator made them into neat and tiny red stars. This is the most distant of the Abell clusters, some 4.1 billion light years away. I was hoping for perhaps a tiny hint of the gravitational lensing arcs as seen on the HST images, but I was being too optimistic. This object only achieves an altitude of 35 degrees from my location, right above my neighbour's roof. Thanks for looking. Crop
  17. Does anybody else find it a bit ironic that Pixinsight which rightly or wrongly has a reputation for being difficult to learn and use, now hosts three (one currently exclusively) of the most powerful but easy to use tools out there, namely the trio of RC Xterminator tools? I would love to see some stats on the frequency of PI processes being used, I bet the RC suite is right up there.
  18. I know this thread is already full of posts like this, but here is a crop of my IC342 before and after SPCC and BlurXterminator have been applied. I could never get close to version 2 with my processing abilities so it's $80 very well spent IMHO (assuming you already use PI). Having tried to improve my processing skills the hard way, it does feel a bit like cheating, but I'll take it anyway.😉
  19. So I suppose the question is would a 14” ODK BXT processed image beat a 6” APO BXT processed image? @ollypenrice, please could you dig out your AN article data by any chance?☺️
  20. I agree these tools are a game changer, the killer is they are so easy to use. It reminds me of when auto guiding came in, a whole raft of intense effort required to produce good results in AP was just taken away by the advances in hardware, this one is processing related which suits me just fine.
  21. I think there has already been a thread on this topic, so apologies for the repetition. My wife got me a copy of this book for my 65th birthday. Needless to say it is full of superbly detailed photos from the Apollo era, many of which I have not seen before. It should be essential reading for all of the "They never landed on the Moon" conspiracy theorists. They should take particular note of the shots of the astronauts back in the LM after their EVA. Covered in Moon grime, the fatigue, wonder and sheer elation etched on their faces is not something that can be faked, and I don't think acting talent was high on the attributes list for selecting the Right Stuff.
  22. Oh wow, that’s not good. I have missed engaging both sides of the dovetail on my RASA8 a couple of times but I don’t let go until I look up from the lower end and see both sides in the saddle. Unfortunately it doesn’t take much lateral force on the corrector plate to see it off. There have been a couple of threads on here about getting broken plates replaced by Celestron. Last night my proper clear night was blighted by a filter wheel that refused to function despite being connected OK to NINA, but that’s way down on the frustration scale compared to your event. Given your previous trials and tribulations with the RASA, I hope you can get it repaired promptly.
  23. Yes, when I purchased the OSC version a year ago, I had to specify if I wanted the AR or UV/IR window on the order. I specified the AR window and use a separate UV/IR cut filter with it.
  24. Ok apologies, that does make sense on the dust mote shapes. I have only ever seen ones from refractors and a RASA, I forgot what kind of scope you were using.
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