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Everything posted by stash_old

  1. IMHO I would disagree - Dont change anything initially as it works by default 99.99% of the time. I use wired ,local wlan and a hotspot(with static address for laptop/tablet) works every time (ok as I say 99% of the time - rest is normally me and typing 🙂 ). Check all your settings first as there are many working "box's" with no problems so messing up files /suspending programs will cause more issues IMHO. Also use the network priority value to allow Astroberry to connect in the order you require - mine is Wired, Local Wireless and then if all else fails Hotspot server - as the latter will only be used ,in my case, when in the field. Not saying there couldn't be a problem but 1 against the many would suggest a "local" problem. To be honest I now just use a 5/2.4 Wifi Router (12v) in the field - doesn't weigh much and i just plug the RPI (any) wired connection. Better Wlan strength ,spread and less work load on RPI as its in Wifi client not server mode. Then just use the Hotspot in the field if I have problems. 🙂 As I say IMO.
  2. New version available on Win,Linux,Macos 0.9.68 Interesting addition is the DSLR F-Stop parameter which can be used in either manual image control or in the Sequencer Plan. This allows a DSLR (CANON in my case) to take images via DSLR len's and control the Aperture setting - this was missing from CCDCIEL before. I have tested this with my Canon 100d and I believe Patrick C (the author) has tested it with a Sony DSLR. NOTE DSLR only works via Indilib - I tested using Astroberry on RPI3b+ CCDCIEL (and Indi) now has everything except control of a DSLR Focus lens using inbuilt controls - but of course you can build your own focuser. You can even use this new feature to take Day Time images 🙂
  3. I dont know the TomTom at all but the Indi GPs Nema expects the device to be a server hence the network connection of UDP/TCP. So if the RPI can connect to a server via Ethernet its a no go as far as I can tell. The alternative is to use GPSD which normally expects a serial device (i.e. COM) which maybe possible for TomTom to provide via Bluetooth. So when you pair it may create a new serial port (do a lsusb before and after to see if the any new ports are created) which GPSD MAY be able to use depending how TomTom provides the correct protocol that GPSD recognises. To be honest you need to go on Indi Forum and get a developer answering your question 🙂 - OR just but a GPSD device on fleabay like this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/193149017114?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=193149017114&targetid=522856863278&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9046219&poi=&campaignid=7412990371&mkgroupid=76068633330&rlsatarget=pla-522856863278&abcId=1139366&merchantid=6995734&gclid=CjwKCAiA0svwBRBhEiwAHqKjFk4JhfGJzGDPpnIZNtzzplE5hR04NknxqxavrtEyzjK8qzSsv05lcRoC-KIQAvD_BwE
  4. If you are using Astroberry browser connection to the RPI3 then you are not exactly using VNC - Astroberry web browser connection uses NOVNC - but this just means it doesn't need a VNC client as it uses Websockify to "bridge" between a Web Browser and he VNC server on the RPI. Therefore you may try to use a "real" VNC client on your OS ( I believe Realvnc do one but they are others ) to see if its a Browser or Websockify compatibility problem. The RPI uses the default RPI VNC server Realvnc which works with VNC clients and Websockify connections (if using Astroberry). Realvnc is very very stable software! If they (vnc clients) have they same problem than I am sorry to say its your network or networking settings at fault (a good starting point anyway ) as its pretty box standard stuff. As I stated before changing to wired connection to see if the problem goes away or not is a good test even if you want to use WiFi in the end !
  5. Use the RPI3's IP address - so for example instead of the above. So long as you can PING the address then it should be ok. NOTE if you have a weak Wifi it will drop the link - then changing to wired or set up a better Wifi network.
  6. A frank and interesting report - However $3000 should read £3000 as we ,in the UK, tend to have to pay the same in £ as USA does in $. IMHO Pro's :- 1. Compact 2. Easy to set up. 3. Very Mobile 4. Useful for a complete solution for a novice of both IT ,Astronomy and EEVA. 5. Another option for many. Cons:- 1. Overpriced for UK market. £3000 would get a decent AND upgradeable set up - mount, Scope ,All in one PC and a CCD camera 2. Images not very startling,especially when factoring in the cost, even for EEVA use - get the same or better "Real Time" viewing using Astrotoaster software and some less expensive kit which could be updated in stages. 3. Seems a very unfinished product with many promises still even after a long wait in tech terms. 4. Too integrated and not flexible enough - as stated in thread already - any single item goes bang - not changable(?) and "updates" would ,most likely,cost the same again as this would most likely by a "newer model". 5. Integration with other software might be harder especially in the short term although may not be needed ! 6. Support - to early to tell I guess - especially for the "normal" user - not someone involved in product testing. 7. Tech moves forward faster than the evolution of this product. As I say IMHO which maybe wrong 🙂
  7. P.S. Dont forget to check Altitude limits otherwise the Synscan App will stop you moving below or above a valid range - default 0-75 I think.
  8. If you can do better write your own 🙂 You can use the handset BUT just for directional movements BUT why would you want to ?
  9. admittedly using Synscan App Pro emulation of AZ mount but it works and this is old software as I dont use it any more
  10. You have to understand Ascom drivers are multi App friendly - they can and do share the same Ascom Driver to many Applications all at once. The Synscan App just acts on what it is told by the driver regardless where the message came from. In theory the Ascom relay driver should work this way too - just have never tried it 🙂
  11. Yes you should be able using the SW Ascom MOBILE driver - this allows apps to talk to the Synscan App Pro directly and then the latter talks to the Mount. Sky Safari should also work this way. Requirement is that you install the Synscan Ascom Mobile Driver. Then in APT you choose the Synscan Mobile driver in the Ascom Chooser. NOTE Synscan App must be loaded and connected to the mount first. You should also be able to run CDC etc by selecting the same Ascom driver.
  12. Brendan you dont say where you live but is there a "local" Astro club near you - most are friendly and normally only too willing to help out a fellow Astro Nut 🙂 And yes dont try putting the cables together without the handset - blue smoke !!!!!!
  13. Simple answer is maybe - Indi GPS can , I believe , pick up GPS NMEA via bluetooth so I am assuming Astroberry can too. But both depend on IF the blue tooth signals are compatible from your TomTom to /from Rpi. https://www.indilib.org/forum/general/4816-gps-nmea-bluetooth.html
  14. No - nothing needs changing if you omit the handset from the equation. PC connects to mount using a USB serial adapter/cable (thats TTL serial NOT RS232 serial - both do the same thing but former is 5v or 3.3 v and the later is 12v and above so do not get it wrong) . If you haven't an adapter then yes the Handset firmware needs to be a certain level. On PC you run Synscan App Pro and choose "serial" and the correct "COM" port or the and off you go. If the above works and the "keypad" on the App works to your satisfaction then its "something" else that's wrong not the mount or the cable (as used) in this test - that's working on the approach there are hundreds of people doing keypad movement without problems. A quick point - you have got a decent power supply running this kit ?- bad power supplies can cause some weird things to happen! Sorry but I cant really help any further - "blind" problem solving is hard. Maybe SW can come up with something.
  15. 1. Dont have a problem with my "Arduino's" work for years just the cheapo dht11/dht22/am2302 plus others. 2. "Outside" in this case is in the OTA tube anti dew shield - so cannot be big - size of DHT11 is ideal. My other "outside" dht11 (in the obsys) have been working for a couple of years. Guess the OTA one takes a hit more of a direct hit of the elements - dew. I have been looking at these which are supposed to be "industrial" lol - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Temperature-Humidity-Transmitter-SHT20-Sensor-Modbus-RS485-High-Precision-RC/143433368655?hash=item21654b844f:g:7KIAAOSwdIZdwhoY but are too big! and these are temp only https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DS18B20-18B20-1-WIRE-Digital-Thermometer-in-waterproof-casing-BRAND-NEW-UK-STOCK-/190784248550 May look at the BME280 and see if it fits inside any of the DHT "screens" - which I have one or 2 knocking about. Thanks for the Info as normal! 🙂
  16. Need to replace my dht11,dht22,am302 sensors - they fail to often outside. Need to be usable in Adruino set up Suggestions ? thanks in advance 🙂
  17. have you double checked with APT forum - assume nothing have you changed the rate of movement - and dont be so hard on the button - you have to realise you can overflow the software by just holding down the keypad Also have you tried the synscan app (no ascom etc ) only approach (no hand set etc) and used its keypad - you have too many if/but/maybe which is not useful when trying to find a problem. Need to go back to basics. if this approach works you know your mount works fully and can test the next level! Sorry that's the way it is - especially for people to help - its hard doing remote support 🙂
  18. But what Ascom drivers - its the driver that talks to the mount - if that doesn't support AZ then any software that connects via Ascom wont either. You say SW AZ GoTo but what do you mean there has been various versions many with different board/firmware versions. SW Ascom drivers are for use with Synscan App (use Pro) and handset (but not both) and its that that talks to the mount and the Ascom driver talks to the Synscan App or SW Handset Using CDC or Stellarium in Ascom mode will mean they talk to the Ascom driver you choose. No point in using POTH as Ascom allows multiple client connections. The Synscan App can use UDP or USB/Serial(TTL) com port to talk to the mount. If your handset hasn't the correct(latest) firmware loaded that might throw a spanner in the works. There is more than 1 set of sky watcher command set so talking the wrong one at the wrong point will not work. See attached picture which might clear up the how/why etc (or might not 🙂 ) As for APT I am not sure it does support AZ via a SW AZ GOTO mount - check on APT forum site. I diagram showing what you are using and how you connect (with settings) will help !!!!! 🙂
  19. And has this cured the 4gb problem - they released a server 64 bit before but had problems using USB3 and anything above 2GB even with 64bit programs?
  20. Hint - dont minimise Synscan App just maximise Sharpcap Window (or other Window you want to see !) and then just Minimise any other Windows when you want to see Synscan Window - Its a stand alone app written , I beleive , in some windows gui called QT which IMHO is a bit "naff". You are just bringing the Synscan Window into foreground (and reverse into background) so you can see it. You can even use ALT plus TAB keys to sequence through the Windows. Also try and right click on the minimised Synscan and click "restore" - cant remember if that works as well. But if you do the above you wont have too ! I thought this behaviour was just pre Win 10. Also as the Synscan program is "stand alone" you dont not have to delete anything - its not installed in the normal Windows way. Unless your Anti Virus,Anti Malware is getting in the way. Normally only does this the first time you try to run it! You could also complain to the Synscan Dev team (email address on download site) they may have a fix!
  21. You cant use anything else with EKOS but Kstars (i.e. No Kstars no Ekos) - they are joined at the hip Siamese twins !
  22. Alternatively just use Astroberry on a RPI4 using native Raspbian and just Remote Desktop from IOS to control functions - Never tried the inbuilt RD from browser on Ipad but worth a try. Cons:- 1. 1 step behind latest Indi version sometimes 2. As per Stellarmate does not use Polemaster 3. Does not have all the bells and whistles of Stellarmate - yet Pro's 1. Its free. 2. Is using Native Raspberry Pi OS so Raspberry Hardware updates (RPIB4+ LOL) should be supported faster. But as "shadowoo2" correctly says do check ALL your kit is supported !!!!!!!!!!
  23. Think you are missing the point or we are at cross purposes. If everything runs on the Laptop and that is connected via the software (whatever you use - synscan etc) then you can control the laptop desktop from your lIpad using IOS APP Microsoft Remote desktop. Nothing else needs to run on the IPAD but it can change,run ,stop,see everything the laptop session does. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/microsoft-remote-desktop/id714464092#?platform=ipad Or am I missing what you want ??????? 🙂
  24. Then make the Ipad join the same network as the Laptop (i.e. Synscan Wifi Adapter) they should then be able to see each other . The principle is the same. And I know Ipad can remote desktop to Windows OS using the IOS Apple store "app" - assuming the laptop is Win OS not a Mac Book. You will buy these limited Apple devices LOL 🙂
  25. its enough to make you start smoking again - NOT LOL Cant be as bad as "her indoors" going shopping to Paris LOL 🙂 Is it true you are the leader of the strike and you only did it to stop her going back for more - 🙂
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