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Everything posted by Physopto

  1. I keep on looking at the pristine field that Lesley keeps for us due to all her hard work and how it changes as soon as you lot get there......... Tyre tracks, spilt gravy discarded under sized pies and mud from the pressure washing the gravy off the Dobsonian Dual ............................................😈 Derek 😂
  2. Oh well, I suppose you could say "Cleanliness is next to Astronomerlyness" 🚿 I am now wondering if this is how the DOB MOB clean their mirrors. I know Damian has hinted on a special way of removing the Dried Gravy off the Viscosity Measuring Adapter, for the Dual Purpose Dobsonian Pie Measuring Device he's been working on of late. This conversation is now even getting too silly, even for me!!😈 Derek
  3. I can see that I Will have to be More Specific about my comments onthe meaning of "a bottle",( 🥃 "The Water of Life"🥃) for our poor "down yonder" cousins benefit! Head And Shoulder, next here will be mixing it with milk ta get it doon yere throat's! 😂 Derek
  4. Builds Astronomers Fortitude. 😂 Congrats on your new gear. Derek
  5. Aye! You twerps for down yonder way are the cause 😈 You'll need to bring an extra bottle then 🤣 Derek
  6. If the lens is scratched you can forget repairs. The optics come as a matched set glued and aligned in the factory. I very much doubt that any repair could sort that out. If it could be done I recon it would cost more than a complete replacement unit. I would look around for a replacement in perfect condition second hand. Derek.
  7. This Galloway Autumn Star Camp At Galloway Hi everyone, Can everyone who has actually booked up with Lesley and had their pitch confirmed please PM me with their actual fore, surname and SGL name. As in :------Fred, Bloggs and SGLname. You do not have to but it would help enormously as I need to match bookings with names given to the site owner and those here (on this SGL forum ) who have said they have booked. I just need to ensure there are no mistakes. I need to confirm we have the list (Names) and numbers (pitches) correct. This is purely due to Covid restrictions. Normally it would not be any problem. Also it will be nice to put a name to our attendees. P.S. (Next time it will be Passport pictures, full names, National Insurance Numbers and Inside Leg size !!!! ) OK only joking about this last bit 🤣 Keep Safe, Derek
  8. I really like that image. The different pallet makes a stunning view. Derek
  9. UPDATE !!!!! Reason for this unexpected post is : We have just narrowly averted a potential disaster for one member. Those wishing to attend the Star Camp MUST READ the ANNOUNCEMENTS to avoid potential future disappointments ! I cannot stress this enough. We are in the hands of the Scottish Government rules on Covid Restrictions Hi Everyone. I spoke to the site owner Lesley yesterday, she is still awaiting an announcement from the Scottish Government as to when she will be able to open up the site to the general public. At present Scotland is at Stage 1. and we are hoping that within the next few days or so this will change to Stage 2 with extra freedoms for the Scottish Population. Lesley is still hoping that Stage 3 will be introduced around 15th July if everything goes according to expectations, and herein lies the problem! EXPECTATIONS!! Please note: Our Star Camp is now fully booked at 25 pitches. (no general public are allowed during those dates). If and ONLY IF all restrictions are relaxed the site may become open to more than the expected/hoped for present 25 person limit. Then those on the waiting list ( which is on a "First Come First Served" basis ), will be able to attend also up to the normal camp limits. I will as I have already said, keep you all updated as soon as more information comes my way. I have noticed a very worrying trend where I live. Yesterday we needed some essential items of food. Whilst out we went to a local ASDA and ALDI. In neither shop, virtually no one was wearing face masks or covering. (I would estimate 95% without any precautions) To cap it all most were ignoring the shop's own one way direction of travel up and down the aisles. People were just not respecting the 2 metre rule or for that matter even a one metre separation. At both shops the inside the policing of this has been completely abandoned. COVID-19 is still at a high in the UK population. Estimated at around 1-2 in 1000 people. My wife is now allowed to visit her mother in hospital as she is dying. Annette was a Sister on a the same ward before retiring. She knows the nurses there. During the worst of the Pandemic the nurses were tested. It was found that over 80% of them have had the virus most without any substantial symptoms. You could be among those carrying the Covid-19 bug !!! And again my best wishes to all and PLEASE KEEP SAFE! Derek
  10. Hi Barry, welcome to SGL. My first suggestion as you live in Sunderland Or in the general area is to join Sunderland Astro Society. I was a members few years ago and can recommend them. They are a great bunch and can help you out with all you will need to know and plenty of ideas as to how to get the best out of your gear. Derek
  11. Hi Ed, welcome to the forum. Always room for one more here. Derek
  12. Sorry Julian, but that will not be possible unless the Covid restriction rules are completely relaxed before the Autumn Star Camp. The limit is 25 and these places were completely booked by the 25 May this year as stated in an earlier post. You must book ahead. I did warn every one about this. Lesley will not allow any more due to the Scottish Government restrictions. She would be prosecuted and possibly shut down. You can book on the off chance if anyone drops out, or if the rules are relaxed by the Star Camp date. But it is strictly first come first served if that happens. If people turn up without booking or on the off chance they will be turned away I am afraid. Derek
  13. Sunderland astro painted the inside of their original dome with some sort of black paint. It all flaked off in nasty big patches. That was a fibreglass dome as well !! If yours does do that clean off the paint and repaint with pond type paint. https://www.cotswoldkoi.co.uk/product/g4-black-pond-sealer/ https://www.kingfisheruk.com/epoxy-pond-paint-item-63pp5#63ppb5 Or similar. Glad you seem to be sorted out though. Derek
  14. With a Lunatic joke like that I think you need to check your temperature just in case you have caught the bug.🤣 Derek
  15. Yes as others have said a very nice image. Welcome to the forum. Hope you find plenty of interest here. Derek
  16. We have Flemish Glass in some of our windows. There were more when we bought the house 38 years ago but as time and finances permit, they are being removed. There were quite a few warnings some years ago about this type of glass and the possibility of fires. It was about the time that warnings went out about the Bulls Eye glass fitted in doors etc. Never had any problems but why take the chance if you don't need to. There are plenty of houses in the UK with this glass type and so far never actually heard of any fires caused by it. Still a bit old fashioned for my tastes. Derek
  17. Ouch !! Accidents can happen but in truth I suspect many a time it is user error or lack of knowledge about the subject. Done some daft things myself in the past. It only needs a moments distraction sometimes.
  18. I just thought some more information might be of use for the upcoming October Star Camp. I have taken it from https://www.mooninfo.org/moon-phases/october-2020.html New Moon October 2020 Moon phase details for Friday, October 16, 2020 • Moon Phase: New Moon - 20:32:14 ↑ • Illumination: 0% • Moon Age: 29.44 days • Moon Angle: 0.55 • Moon Distance: 363,407.357 km • Moonrise: 06:31:38 • Moonset: 18:23:53 • Sun Angle: 0.54 • Sun Distance: 149,070,605.152 km • Sunrise: 07:25:27 • Golden Hour Ends: 08:11:31 • Sunset: 18:08:10 • Golden Hour Starts: 17:22:06 • Length of day: 10h 42m 43s So nice long dark nights between the moon phases being visible up in the sky at all. In fact the moon is setting later and later as the month progresses, a benefit to us all. ( That is apart from Damian who loves the moon of course! Sorry Damian). 😈
  19. Hi Khalid, Welcome to SGL. You came to the right place. Plenty of information here and knowledgable people. Load of past posts with all sorts of details about hundreds of different astronomy setups. New information constantly becoming available as well. Derek
  20. I will give you a bell sometime soon Ian. Just for a general natter ☎️ Derek
  21. Hmmmmmm, I thought condensing a twenty/twenty-five minute talk as Lesley was just finishing her shopping, down to a few lines was pretty good going. The ice cream Lesley had just purchased had just about melted by the end of our discussion. 🤣
  22. UPDATE Hi Everyone. This is just a short update for all those attending the Scottish Star Party at Drumroamin this October. I spoke to the site owner Lesley at some length today. To cut a long story short there basically is no real changes to what has been said already. Lesley has been awaiting any new announcements from the Scottish Government as to when she will be able to open up the site to the general public. At present Nicola Sturgeon has said that she is expecting hopefully to change the Scottish stance on Covid precautions at some time within the next 10 days, ( this was as of yesterday). At present Scotland is at Stage 1 So hopefully within the next 10 days or so this will change to Stage 2 with extra freedoms for the Scottish Population. Lesley is hoping that Stage 3 will be introduced around 15th July if everything goes according to expectations, and herein lies the problem! EXPECTATIONS!! The reason for this post is that one of our members has read posts on Facebook by Lesley. She has to look after her business and so is advertising the site as possibly open for business from the 15th July. This is so she can take advanced bookings for the general public, on the understanding that the Government do relax the restrictions as expected. Please note: None of this has any effect upon our Star Camp bookings as the site is fully booked ( 25 only ) for us only, (no general public allowed during those dates). So whatever you may read on Facebook about the site bookings, it has no bearing upon our Scottish Star Camp. The only thing that will affect us is if restrictions are not relaxed! On the other hand if all restrictions are even further relaxed the site may become open to more than the present 25 person limit. Then those on the waiting list ( which is on a "First Come First Served" basis ), will be able to attend also up to the normal camp limits. ( I would at present, looking at what is happening guess that this last bit is almost a none starter I'm afraid, still we can but hope!) I will as I have already said, keep you all updated as soon as more information comes my way. My best wishes to all and KEEP SAFE! Derek
  23. I will join in in welcoming both Alice and dad. Great hobby and this forum is full of information for anyone interested in astronomy. Derek
  24. Ideal for any attendees who may want to go a bit earlier. Just one small point though. Please make sure if you want to attend earlier than the official start date, that you do check with Lesley the site owner that it is OK with her. Derek
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