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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. In plain English Mike, you mean you're just a big softy 😄. If you think you're getting old now, by the time you reach my age you'll be in a state of hibernation most of the time 🙂.
  2. Well, I started this thread as it looked to be set fair for me on 10/11th. As it turned out I had rotten skies and saw virtually no starlight. Last night it was even worse. I'll certainly not be posting any more weather forecasts, I should have known better!! 😁.
  3. I think he probably can Jeremy. Mike has got used to being a sub four inch type of guy 🙂.
  4. Let's hope your boss isnt a closet astronomer - or a member or regular visitor to SGL if you do decide to blob tomorrow night 😄.
  5. Shropshire is a great county though, lots of lovely countryside - and it probably has more clear nights than Yorkshire. Just not on this occasion alas. Fingers crossed the forecast for your area is a duff one!
  6. I wondered if anyone would spot my deliberate typo Ade. 🙂 I'm not going to edit it out though, or your post won't make any sense, or my reply to it 😄.
  7. The world over - but bear in mind, most people born around these parts never move further than five miles from where they were born. (only joking! 🥴)
  8. That's the down side of the night for me John - being a lunar type of guy 🙂
  9. I wouldnt normally put clear skies in a post on this forum - but up here it's a rare event to be clear all night at the moment. We've not had an all nighter for some weeks and for the last week or two we've had snow every day. It looks like many of us will have a completely clear night. Just one thing, put your thermals on. Overnight it's forecast to be at least -6 to -7 degrees, and that includes if you live in a town or city. It will probably be colder if you live out in the sticks. Have fun 🙂🥶
  10. If anyone has any information, who has to be contacted Peter?
  11. Well, you contributed more than I could have done John. I thought MTF was a type of hardboard 🤔.
  12. Many thanks KP. I'll still try it for myself though. Its steadyness will also depend on the tripod used, observing technique, and other factors which can be different from observer to observer. Not to mention how tolerant the individual is to any damping time that does occour 🙂.
  13. KP. I'll try the Tecnosky on the AZ5 - when there is an opportunity. I expect it will be OK at lower powers, but it will be interesting how it performs at the higher magnifications.
  14. Mike/Steve. Mike, while I did use the Tak DL on the AZ5 at your house, it was really because it was easier than puting my GP equatorial in the car when I came over. In my view the AZ5 wasnt steady enough at the high powers the DL could sustain for regular use. Steve, I have the Tecnosky version of your scope,which as far as I know is identical to your version. I havent yet used the Tecnosky on the AZ5 yet, as I think it would be inadequate at higher powers also I have used the Tecnosky on my AZ4, and as Mike said, it is much steadier but without the slow motions. I generally use the Tecnosky on a Vixen Super Polaris in altaz mode which is much better than both the AZ5 and the AZ4. It holds the Tecnosky far more securely than both, and the slow motions of the SP are silky smooth, and far superior to those on the AZ5. On the plus side for the AZ5, it works really well with my SW 72ED, a great highly portable combination.
  15. Some valid points there Mike. I would add though, you are a very talented observer and artist and many observers will probably need a bigger scope than a four inch (sorry, 3.9 inch) to see the detail you can record. By the way, I'm impressed with your chess knowledge 😉.
  16. I observed at the same time you did by the sound of it John. Alas unlike yourself and others, my seeing was terrible! Still, it was worthwhile observing, it couldn't have been better placed.
  17. Thanks Mike. The 'cup handle' has been used for years, though other names for it have come into use. It is used because, er well, it looks like a cup handle! 😁. The Bay of Rainbows is not a name for this illumination effect, , it's just a translation of Sinus Iridium. 🙂
  18. I was out from early evening, very cold with frost on the telescope and me when I finished observing around 7.40pm. The Cup Hadle was visible, and it looked quite stunning with the blackness either side of the sparkling highlights of the Cup Handle itself. Quite beautiful. I was using the Tecnosky 102ED f7 with the binoviewer and 16.8 0rthos. Single frame below, and some crops, using the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/320 at 400asa.
  19. Looks a great scope, in fact it looks exactly the same as my Tecnosky version of the same telescope 🙂.
  20. Fine thank you, you too, I'm just delighted the 80mm is in the hands of someone who can make such good use of it. 🙂
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