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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. Nice to see some good results with 100ED 🙂.
  2. Fabulous report Stu. Those pics remind me of the view through my 102ED Tecnosky 😁.
  3. You were right John, had a good 45 mts before the cloud came in 🙂.
  4. Many thanks John, that's kind of you, I'm very pleased you managed to observe it and had great seeing as well. 🙂
  5. Observed with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 from 6.50 to 7.50pm. The seeing was outstanding to begin with, as good as I have had on the Moon for a good while, and the best with the Tecnosky. Gassendi was superbly placed a little away from the terminator, ideal to see floor detail. Certainly the best I can recall seeing it in recent memory. A wonderful sight. I wish I had had some drawing materials with me, but I didnt want to go indoors to fetch some while the seeing was so good. Indeed it deteriorated after about 15/25 mts though still good till some cloud came in. I did take a single frame with the Olympus, but of course visually it showed much more detail. Very pleased I had some clear sky at this time.
  6. Glad you had a good view John. When I wrote the post the seeing really was excellent, best Ive had for some time. The detail in the Tecnosky 102ED was fabulous. The seeing got worse about ten minutes later, but it was still good until the cloud came in.
  7. 7.15pm, as well placed as Ive ever seen it, and seeing great too!
  8. Here's a couple of pics I took before my observatory roof blew off as a storm swept through!
  9. I had an unexpected clear patch from 6.45pm to 7.30pm when cloud started to thicken. Views were between cloud so the seeing was a little turbulent, but delighted to have three days on the bounce. The S Highlands were spectacular as usual, but the highlight was the sun rising over Copernicus. Using the Tecnosky 102ED F7, took a few single frames with the Olympus including the one below taken at 7.05pm. Crops from the same frame. As usual, better visually.
  10. You've certainly had a good session John, I wish my seeing had been so good. I was observing in those turbulent gaps between cloud passing over - still very enjoyable though 🙂.
  11. That was a great report John, I really enjoyed reading it. Pleased you had such a good session. I had, unexpectedly, some clear sky from 6.45pm to 7.30pm. I spent much of the time watching the sunrise over Copernicus 🙂.
  12. Certainly Fozzie. I use a Baader Maxbright Binoviewer, a x2 Celestron X--Cel LX barlow, 24mm Kyson Orthos and 16.8 Kyson Orthos. Because of the binoviewer factor, the magnification of each pair of eyepieces is x4 that of using them as single eyepiece. I sometimes use x3 barlow of the same make, but only if I need more magnification and the seeing is very good - not very often with the seeing I generally have alas 🙂. PS Forgot to mention. I use a Baader T2 BBHS prism, with 2inch nosepiece which gives a far more secure connection - particularly when using the binoviewer angled out at the side. https://www.baader-planetarium.com/en/baader-t-2-stardiagonal-(zeiss)-prism-with-bbhs-r-coating-(t-2-part-01b).html
  13. Thanks Fozzie, it was good to hear about your session. I use a binoviewer with Orthos for Lunar and planetary sessions and find it a big improvement over any single eyepiece I have ever used - irrespective of cost or reputation.
  14. Well, close to it anyway, 8.39 days old and illumination 52.2%. Observed with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 from 7.20pm to 9.30pm. Very good seeing at times, the best I've had on the Moon since buying the Tecnosky last December. The views were superb at times, excellent sharpness and contrast,reminiscent of a flourite doublet. Deslandtes was placed well as was the Straight Wall nearby where the sun was rising. The Alpes and Apennines were spectacular as usual along with the E half of Mare Imbrium. Single frame below with a couple of crops taken at 7.45pm with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/160 at 200 asa - though alas far inferior to what could be seen visually.
  15. Yes, that's absolutely true folks! On the day it was due for delivery, I was looking out for the courier, hardly making a noise in case I missed them. I checked the tracking regularly, and then had an email to say they had delivered it! I thought it was strange as I had heard nobody knocking. I looked everywhere for it outside - no sign of it! Started to think it had been dropped off at the wrong address, disaster! Then, as an after thought I checked the wheeley bin outside, and there it was, on its end in the bin. To be honest I was overjoyed it hadn't gone to the wrong address, in fact I laughed - though this could have been hysteria 😄.
  16. I was out with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 from 9.45pm and packed up at 10.50pm when the seeing deteriorated beyond poor. Still, had good moments visually with many nice features on show including Rimas Ariddaus and Hyginus. The area of the S end of the Caucasus Mtns and the N end of the Apennines was particularly fine. Including long shadows from some peaks of the Caucasus Mtns headindg NW towards Aristilluus and Autolycus still in darkness apart from their E rims. Lunar X was visible, N of Werner which was still mostly in shadow. A bit further N along the terminator, Hipparchus and Albategnius showed good detail. I took a single frame at 9.55pm which is below. Also a couple of crops from the same frame of some of the features mentioned. As usual, the views with the scope were much better than the pic indicates.
  17. Yes, the Messiers were impressive John, there was a lot of detail all across Mare Fecunditatis. I thought it was one of the most impressive terminators I've seen for a while. I'm pleased you had clear skies 🙂.
  18. They look great Kerry, I like the style of them. I'll also look forward to see your drawings from 'life' 🙂.
  19. Thanks for the put down regarding the quality of my humble photo Mike, I did my best. 😔. 😁.
  20. Yes, without the barlow. Because the Olympus has a macro 4/3 sensor, it effectively doubles the focal length of the scope from 714mm to 1428 mm.
  21. I observed from 6.15pm to 7.40pm using my Tecnosky 102ED F7, and binoviewer with x2 barlow and 24mm and 16.8mm Orthos. The seeing was very good at times. The terminator showed fine detail along most of its length. In the south I watched the sun rising over Janssen and Valleris Rheita. Fine detail was also visible in Palus Somni to the W of M Crisium, and in Lacus Bonitatis adjacent to the NW of Crisium. Further N the terminator was showing incredibly fine detail as it passed Atlas, of which only the rim was illuminated, and passed by Endymion and de la Rue heading towards the N cusp. The detail was breath taking. I've attached a single frame taken at 6.45pm with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/30 sec at 200 asa. Also crops from the same frame. They show the areas I mentioned, but are rather a pale representation of the spectacular views through the telescope.
  22. Many thanks Nigella. Hopefully it will be better, or at least more robust, in its' reincarnation 🙂.
  23. Thanks Mark. I had a good lunar session. Put this post with a pic on the Observing Lunar forum. https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/373960-march-16th-moon-334-days-102/
  24. Thanks Mike, it was taken from my new roofless observatory! 😊. My session ended when it went behind my chimmney.
  25. There was some nice detail on the terminator tonight, including Endymion, Messala, Geminus, Cleomedes, Petavius, Snellus, Stevinus and Furnerius. I observed with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 refractor from about 5.50pm to 7pm. It was nice to see the Moon in an increasingly dark blue sky as the dusk progressed and the earthshine became visible. The seeing was not great but in better moments there was good detail using the binoviewer, x2 barlow and 24mm Orthos, giving around x119. I took the attached single frame at 6.35pm with my Olympus E-M5 Mk11.
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