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    Cornwall, UK

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  1. Hi Guys i was thinking about getting the Sky Watcher Sky Adventurer has anyone got any advice??


    1. Cornelius Varley

      Cornelius Varley

      Please ask your questions in the main forum possibly here so it will get answered by a larger group of people.

      SGL mods team

    2. toilandtrouble123


      Get it and love it!!! It's on my wishlist! 

  2. A friend really galvanised my interest in astronomy in the late 90's thanks in no small part to his 4" Vixen on a SP mount. One like it is still at the top of my wish list. I suppose the A105M is the current equivalent but whether it is just the change in colour scheme (gone is the grey/green hammered finish), the appearance of quality in the acros seems to have fallen. Don't know if that's true, after all it's just my visual perception. Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  3. I'm also in Cornwall and this is exactly my plan. I love my 200p dob but a frac would be lovely when the weather is marginal. I'm only 8 miles from Land's End and right on the coast and when the weather plays ball a nice frac would really shine as we fall within the dark sky area and they can be breathtaking. But in the meantime I'm enjoying the dob and my new pair of 10x50 bins.Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  4. That's the idea! And to keep the dust generated by 3 kids and other assorted furry creatures off of my nice shiny mirror. One of my best investments for the princely sum of £1 for 2, it works a treat.Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  5. New post!Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  6. Apparently the Frac crew reckon its getting a bit quiet here so here's my 200p. Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  7. Nah! Just put the scope on a taller stool [emoji3]
  8. I think they're great. Definately the best way to geta youngster started with a cheap real telescope. Much better than anything else in this sort of price range. Mine's a Skyliner 200p and we all know what they look like so I haven't bothered to post a photo, besides the little heritage is much prettier and more interesting to look at. Also it's one of an elite group of dobs that are educational to look at as well as look through.
  9. My son's Skywatcher Heritage 76 Mini Dob International Year of Astronomy special edition.
  10. Just hoping the price is competative or else an eq3 pro might be a better bet. Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  11. Yes I really fancy one too. It would mean I could have a bash at some dslr ap with my existing kit for the cost of the mount. All my astro gear is purely visual (read dob). Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  12. Anyone seen one of these yet? Looks like an interesting bit ok kit. http://www.teleskop-austria.at/shop/index.php?lng=eng&m=2&kod=mont-adv-ent-01&skod=%2013&om=Mounts Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  13. My son also has the SW Heritage version. A little more expensive but has a finder scope and better supplied EPs, SW's usual 25 and 10mm Super MAs. A search will turn up my review. Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
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