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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Lovely Monkey head in SHO Michael. Hope 2023 brings you a bigger haul. CS Adam.
  2. @iwols would you mind posting the stack of the data to see what it looks like, looks like there might be some good potential here
  3. Colour looks a little blue and I think it might be a little over processed
  4. I bought a decent 1mW green laser from a reputable site. It just isnt quite bright enough as a sky pointer. Unless it's hazy you cant see it and even then you have to look for it. You reckon 5mw would be enough? I only use it myself and no one else is allowed to handle it.
  5. Hi Paul. I have to say it looks really good and you’ve brought the dust out beautifully. The only thing I would suggest would be softening the stars a little as they look too well defined, a very slight blur on that layer.
  6. This is my favourite image of 2022. I lost my desire to process my data from winter 2021 until a few weeks back so I am delighted with getting back into it again, and more so with this lovely dark nebula in Cepheus
  7. Thanks for the comments everyone 👍🏻👍🏻
  8. I use SGPro which doesn’t do synchronous dithering so I just accept loss of a sub. Two minute subs makes this ok. In the past with my CCDs and 20 minute subs, I used APT to synchronise dithering, since losing a long sun was a disaster. However APT doesn’t offer the framing wizard so I’m sticking with SGPro. I have briefly tried NINA but didn’t stick with it.
  9. My pulsar dome door is also positioned in most aesthetic position and easiest to assess. No consideration was made to the scope inside. My door is positioned south.
  10. Thats very impressive for two hours of data with a DSLR, great job on the processing.
  11. Thanks Danny, just chipped away at it over a few weeks, patience is required in this game
  12. Thanks Neil. 2 minutes for both the luminance and the OSC. The few ha subs were 5 minutes long.
  13. I spent a few nights collecting data on this stunning dark nebula in Cepheus. The data taken over several evening sessions - 20th November, 28th November, 11th December, 12th December, 13th December, 15th December. Varying moon phases between unrisen and 88%. Scopes: 2 x APM LZOS 105/650 Cameras: 268M / 2600MC Mount: Mesu e200 Guiding: OAG / 290MM Acquisition: SG Pro / PHD2 Misc: Pegasus Power Box Advance / Atik EFW3 / ZWO Filter Drawer I used a total of 11.1 hours of luminance and 8.3 hours of OSC data taken with 268M and 2600MC. In addition I also took 50 minutes of Ha data with 3nm Chroma filter. Total integration time approx 20 hours. Stacked in APP, processed using Pixinsight, ImagesPlus and Photoshop 2023. This might be the first image I've sat back and looked at and been genuinely quite satisfied. I even used PI for a couple of things, and it's finally starting to sink in. Any C+C welcome Adam.
  14. Thanks Lee, didnt see the link the first time I read your post. Is it printed in GMT and BST, or is time not important in it, and just focusing on days and months.
  15. Very nice indeed: soft blues, central red region and wonderful star field colours. You got the balance between stars and nebula just right imho.
  16. Cheers! I have an EFW on the mono camera and a filter drawer (and oag) on the OSC.
  17. A takahathi you say Chris…is your surname… 😂
  18. Sorry to hear about this, very disappointing this can happen so easily. I’ve a new Pegasus power box advance and the 12v input and 12v output are the same size of connector so it is easy to accidentally feed 12v into the box and destroy it.
  19. Just had the camera/lens resting on a ledge and took a few seconds of exposure.
  20. Thanks Rodd. I’m in a rural area, but I do image directly over my house which isn’t ideal. I’ve a dark enough sky but again my southern horizon is over a number of distant towns.
  21. You could also try the APP forum Chris as they usually are very helpful if you don’t get sorted here
  22. @geeklee thanks for that reply with all the information graphics. So I did just that - I inverted the image, and gave it a 'weak' run of HLVG in PS. Inverted it back and it looks better. I did try to tweak the colour balance in the one I posted above, but didnt do it enough I guess!
  23. Thank you Michael for your great comment. Cheers Simon, appreciated! Thanks Dave, didnt turn out too bad
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