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  1. A good hint Astromuni, I gave the saved fts file to Nebulosiry and debayered it there. It took a lot of stretching but came out OK. Much better detail than either the saved jpg or tiff saves. Chris
  2. I have just installed Graxpert and it certainly does a good job of removing gradients. At the final step of saving the stretched image I am obviously missing something as the "saved mage" comes out as a black and white checker board. What have I missed? My work around is to screen dump the page and use Gimp to cut out the image, hardly satisfactory. Chris
  3. Thank you tiffsastro, I poked around in options and my screen layout is restored. Chris
  4. Thank you Clarkey, perhaps I should have said blue rather than green but that is by the way. The question that remains is:- how do you get the image panel moved up the physical screen? Chris
  5. NINA help needed please Learned people, The night before last I was acquiring images with NINA,OK . My screen layout is to have a narrow camera panel on the left, an image panel in the middle and a narrow sequencer panel on the right. Whist an exposure was in progress I clicked the OPTIONS tab in the left pane. My screen became entirely green with no sub panels. I could not get rid of this screen, but the image capture was unaffected. Last night I started up NINA with the target focused and centred, again the sequence was successfully captured captured despite the green screen.. This afternoon I started up to try again and no green screen and the three panels I wanted were available. The image panel top was low on the screen and the drag up action would only raise t a small way. What do I need to do? Chris
  6. Thanks Stuart, that did the job
  7. Folks, For a long time I have used NINA for image acquisition with my QHY8l. I updated NINA . NINA then starts and tells me to update the Ascom platform, which I did. Now NINA starts and asks about profile, no idea what that means, so I chose the second entry. Then I can ask to connect all. My Sitech controlled Mesu mount connects but not the camera. I then started Nebulosity and asked for an Ascom canera and nominated the QHY ascom camera, all well, that connected. Has anyone have an idea of what is going on? Chris
  8. well Vlaiv , another camera with 7.8 micron pixels us the QHY 8L. I have ordered one from a UK supplier, His quote includes VAT. When I bought my Mesumout from Mr Mesu The was no European VAT. So shoud the same apply from the UK to a another country?
  9. Yes Vlaiv, both the Starlight and the QHY8l have 7.8 micron pixels. The Starlight uses a Sony ICX453AQ sensor and the QHY a Sony ICX413AQ sensor but I can not find anywhere to tell me the difference between these sensors
  10. For Elp fov ; about 30 seconds from my Mewlon 250 budget ; they are all expensive so just bite the bullet and get a suitable camera
  11. Hello folks, As my QHY8l is probably dead I am looking to replace it with a large pixel one shot colour camera. One that seems to fit the bill is the Starlight xpress trius pro 25c. Has any one have experience with this camera? Or any other suggestions? Chris
  12. Yes I ran iplatesolve3.8.0 stand alone on an image captured last night, (NGC1566) and the centre it reports is very close indeed to the J200 coordinates (allow my time to start guiding), In NINA I tried the location as C:\chris\nina, which is from where the stand alone was launched The executable is called platesolv38.0.exe. As NINA expects just platesolve3 is this likely to be a problem? Chris
  13. With help from here NINA is taking image sequences, as in the attached image. But my start up procedure is cumbersome slew to target with CDC plate solve with Sitech server II , then slew to target with CDC and repeat until satisfied that the target is centred then start guiding with PHD2 and finally take a sequence with NINA. Sitech uses Platesolve3 so I want to use it with NINA also. I followed NINIA's instructions and entered the telescope & camera parameters. In NINIA options platesolving it asks that the platesolver location be entered, so I filled the field with :C\chris\nina as this is where Platesolve3 is shown in file location by Windows. When I ask NINA to plate solve an error message "... please enter the correct location for the plate solver" is displayed. So I have obviously missed something, but what?
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