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Everything posted by AstroAndy

  1. From the album: 2nd Album

    M13, also designated NGC 6205, Globular Cluster in Hercules, processed differently. This image was processed using the NASA/ESA Fits Liberator software, and is at a distance of about 25,100 lightyears away.
  2. From the album: 2nd Album

    M13, Globular Cluster in Hercules, 62 frames, 60x1 min, 1x2min, 1x3min, altogether 1:05hrs worth of exposures, 60 flats, preprocessed in DSS, processed in PS CS2.
  3. From the album: 2nd Album

    The Sunflower Galaxy in Canes Venatici, 1hr and 36min worth of exposure, 3x 5min, and 27x3min.
  4. AstroAndy

    m81lhargb 2

    This looks like it should be in magazines.
  5. From the album: 2nd Album

    M31, Pentax KX 4x3m and 5x30s combination w/ calibration frames.
  6. From the album: 2nd Album

    NWS preprocessed 4x10m 9x5m combo 22x10min darks 47x5m darks 47 flats/bias color converted histogram stretched.
  7. From the album: 2nd Album

    NWS preprocessed 4x10m 9x5m combo 22x10min darks 47x5m darks 47 flats/bias color converted histogram stretched, Photoshop processed, levels, unsharp mask applied, scaled.
  8. I wonder what the stats are on this...
  9. From the album: 2nd Album

    M27, the Dumbbell Nebula,, approximately1,350 light years away, 2x10m 22dm 41fb, preprocessed in NWS final processing Photoshop CS2.
  10. From the album: 2nd Album

    The Dumbbelll Nebula, designation M27 or NGC 6853, a planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula ( the Fox), about 1,350 lightyears away.
  11. It looks like a Klingon Bird Of Prey, maybe a Romulan war bird..you don't get too many of those in this quadrant.
  12. AstroAndy

    Whirlpool galaxy

    Looks good, strong colors, dark sky. :)
  13. AstroAndy

    My first ever picture

    Good Moon. :) Always awesome for the first pic to come out good.
  14. AstroAndy

    cigar galaxy M82

    Looks good to me. :)
  15. AstroAndy

    Double Cluster.

    Was one of my first ones, too. :)
  16. Therefore we get excellent cloud service.
  17. AstroAndy

    M15 Globular Cluster II

    Let me in on some of it, lol..although I get it right, I have problems w/ correct color, offsets etc w/ the Mammut Brightstar..also, the Night watch Studio software it comes w/ doesn't stack too well.
  18. AstroAndy


    Awesome..hard to believe, though, you must know s/thing, this is a cool pic.
  19. AstroAndy


    I wonder what the stats are on this.
  20. They say IRIS is clunky, but I like it, found ways to make the gradient removal somewhat easier.
  21. AstroAndy

    IMG 7923t

    Now that's some good-sized equipment.
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