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Everything posted by Merlin66

  1. Pete, I use a BF15 on my set-up, no issues with vignetting. I also regularly use a x2.5 Powermate, again no issues.
  2. To be honest only for visual...but I do of a few who have had some exciting images from it.
  3. OK, I should have guessed - good Pommie humour!!! IPA = ""Iso Propyl alcohol"
  4. I'm still using Synscan V3.27 on both my HEQ5 and NEQ6pro mounts...... not an issue.
  5. I still have one of the original Meade Comet Seekers - Schmidt-Newtonian 6" f3.5. If yours performs as well as mine - you're in for an exciting time.
  6. Pete, I use a Coronado BF on my SM60 DS set up..... and yes the 1.25" nose piece on the ASI 174. Nowadays I've added an ASI 1600MM as well.
  7. Lawrence, Doesn't do any harm leaving it on the PC - you'll never use it. Make sure you have the latest ASCOM installed, and the EQAscom files. Best used with a planetarium interface - I use Cartes du Ciel.
  8. The KimTech wipes are fantastic! Used with IPA, never use them dry! Cleaned my CMOS sensor and filters 100%. I recommend them.
  9. Piero, Didn't work for me.... The holding screws quickly chewed it up.......
  10. Why take bias frames????? There are only of use when scaling darks for different temperatures???? All images include bias. Flats and Flat darks should be all that is ever required. Agree/ disagree??
  11. In Victoria, Australia..... First relatively clear day for a while - still some cloud and windy but the smoke haze has decreased. Last week we registered PM2.5 >150 !!!
  12. ......six years later...... The HEQ5 tripod is still stored outside under a Patio Chair cover.....the powder coated feet have suffered - but only cosmetic. No issues with the mounting......
  13. Bajastro, It's a long and painful story.... but just let's say JTW are no longer licensed to manufacture the Spectra-L200, and I haven't as yet found a replacement manufacturer.
  14. The holding screws have to be slightly off set to each other, then they work well.
  15. The optics look good for a >f6 when used with 600 l/mm or less.... Updated SimSpec3D attached. SimSpec V4.3_Paul3D.xls
  16. Jagho, The original LowSpec was designed around a 45 degree angle. Not sure what it finally became - Paul can confirm. (Note: this needs to be included in the SimSpec3D spreadsheet.... If correct, then the 30 x 30 mm grating with 1800 l/mm would be OK at f7.5))
  17. Louise. The eFinder will get you to the target area..... the guider will give you a view of the slit position. I don't think you'll have any difficulty working between them Start with a bright star target....once you see what's happening -you'll be OK.
  18. Tried many different solutions - metal tape, epoxy, etc etc etc none of them worked really successfully - just canvass the suppliers to drop the (un)"safety recess".
  19. Louise, based on your numbers on the eFinder I shows the relative guider/ finder FOV......
  20. OK..... What about adding a x0.5 reducer to the front of your eFinder camera? This would increase the finder FOV to approx 54 x 42 arc min - larger than the full moon.......
  21. Marius, Hmmm It unfortunately will be worse when/ if you add a Barlow. You may be able to rig up a support from the end of the dovetail????
  22. The target star just needs to be visible in the guide FOV, not necessarily spot on the middle.....you do have a lot of lee way...... Your guider field of view will be much larger than mine!! When you try it for the first time I'm sure you know what I mean.
  23. Marius, Re using a barlow... Caution, as you know the magnification varies with the back focus distance, when adding the spectrograph the slit plate will be probably further back than normal (with an eyepiece) and the magnification higher. Also consider how to give the instrument some support - to maintain the alignment on the optical axis. I occasionally use a x2 Powermate (with my Genesis f5) and use the T thread adaptor to improve rigidity. On the C11 I added a support bar to hold and align my Spectra-L200.
  24. Louise, I think you are worrying unnecessarily..... You'll find it easy to centre the star in the guide slit plate - trust me! Your LowSpec will work at f7 and give acceptable results - My Spectra-L200 was designed for a maximum of f7 but I have used it many times with scopes down to f5 and still obtained useable results..... I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you get your first stellar spectra! Just remember to start with an A type star......
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