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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Considering it costs nothing it is a very useful software program, with me it is just a case of not know which buttons to press. Looking at it if I am right I can use it with the AZ EQ 6 as well. Alan
  2. Well thankyou for all your help, I managed it now. The trouble is I do not use these programs enough and I forget how to sometimes. Ten years ago I was very good on Photoshop as I used it most days, now it is easier to use I am lost on it. Alan.
  3. You two are not just pretty faces . So I guess you have to do that with every comet that you wish to view, I thought they came up straight away as you input the data file, didn't realise you had to call them up. Now all I have to do is put it in the other laptops. Alan
  4. No disrepect inteneded, but whenever someone tells me it's simple I never seem to get it right. I have used the loader to load an MPC file and a KML file and as far as I see I have done this and there is Nothing showing on the charts and I know where Lovejoy is. Any ideas apart from get someone that knows what his doing? Alan
  5. I will try that but will it show the path for Lovejoy say, OK it is not hard to follow at the moment but?
  6. I have more than a few laptops and many software programs on them but on my LX I have tended to use the Meade program. This however as many times as I have tried never seems to have comet data uploaded to it. I can connect in the obsey to the internet as well but I must do something wrong. My main use of the laptop is for startmaps and goto combined and whilst the computer is not new it is a very high spec Dell model made for professional use with the RS 232 port. I was thinking of giving Carte du Ciel a try which I have loaded, can someone either take the time to tell me how to up load data or is there a link showing how for software dimwits like me and I do mean dim. Alan.
  7. Steve, Then we can tell you how much better 'A' is than 'B' and then your back to phase 1 .
  8. James, Every word true, I have rescued mine but I don't know if it will survive for long.
  9. The 26mm would be my only inclusion with what you already have but then I guess you know exactly what you want. Alan.
  10. Tinker, It was always a tug of war between the TV Panoptic and the 40mm XW for wide field, in the end I couldn't get one either and that was 3 years back, I guess the other 3.5mm is just a bit too short for you. I always wish they had made a few more in the range especially at the short end of things. Great eyepieces and as John always say's, what would they have done if they set out to make a range of astonomical eyepieces .
  11. Oh come on Tinker where is the 3.5mm and 40mm. The former is a superb eyepiece and I prefer it to my Delos but only just. Lovely set of eyepieces and rare to see so many Pentax's, many, like myself have one or two but that's almost a clean sweep.
  12. Thanks for posting the link John. Did you see any CA at the edges? I am always careful about that aberation as it can be the scope. Alan
  13. A stunning collection you have there, I have or have had most of the TeleVues but what is that liitle huddle in the centre of shot, not Zeiss and Supermono's is it? Alan
  14. This is something that cropped up before over a year ago and I am not sure we ever got to the bottom of the question. I have a Televue 41mm and that has a 68 degree FOV, now TV being who they are have always pushed the limit of the envelope. Myself I find it hard to accept that a company albeit a very good one can out Tele-vue Tele-vue, with 1 more millimeter and 4 more degrees, without vignette issues. The 41mm in fact show a mild vignette when used in my LX 12 inch scope with a diagonal, the one it was bought for. The limit of what can be seen as you probably know is governed by the size of the field stop of the eyepiece, this must be within a very tiny amount identical on both eyepieces in order to fit the telescopes. If the Vixen is 72 degrees and 42mm I struggle to understand how they do it. I am not saying this is not the case but personally I do not believe it. I have even considered buying one to see for myself. If there are like eyepieces (65) from your supplier and you ordered 72 degrees based on a picture then I for one would not be happy with what you have received, my advice is send it back and make sure they pay for the postage, it's their mistake. Alan
  15. Some good ones there Nick, sadly I have to wait a while for these to be in the right place. I either have to knock the house down or cut a walnut tree down, now where is that chainsaw. Only other problem is the weather, terrible now for 11 days. Alan.
  16. Lovely collection you have there, though Televue cases is one expense I will not stretch to. Alan
  17. Taliking about the rare BGO's I got the 6mm 7mm & 9mm without much fuss but I have never seen a 12.5mm at all. I got the Hutech which is fine for me, that too seems optically pretty spot on. I have the Kasai in at number 18mm and that is very good too, I am not sure but I wonder if these are all the same just dressed differently. Anyway Stu a very nice set of eyepieces just to get back on thread.
  18. Good luck, years ago I made a 12.5 inch and didn't quite get it right but after correction by Hinds, I think it was called, it was still in use back in 2005 and recoated twice now. I think it was 1976 it was made. You though at 22 inches would laugh at 12 inches I am sure. I hope it all goes well as 100 hours is a lot of work, bet you have arms like Arnold. Alan
  19. The most important thing with eyepieces is that you are happy with them, that is a nice collection and as Stu says cover all bases, it don't matter what everyone elae has, if I was more like you my pockets would be more full than they are. Alan
  20. Stu, No Delos, shock horror!!!! this means a visit from the Tele-Vue inquisition, prepare yourself for the cuffy chair.
  21. James, I like a man with taste. Beautiful collection, thinking of adding a 5mm Nagler myself even though I have the XW, I've run out of things to write about at the moment.
  22. Shane, Bulgaria as well, I still have his 7mm Nagler. Sorry Stu I missed that from you, yes I still have it but have you still got my 10mm Delos or did I buy it back from Mike? Alan
  23. Agreed but I would still like to try a Nikon 100, a ZO ll and XO 5mm which is of course Pentax. Alan
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