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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Was the FOV not thrown around in a thread on CN and the general opinion was it was as you say 88-90 degrees, John. Still if the buyer is happy so what to size of the FOV, misleading though. It is completely different in size to others of the 20-21mm it's almost more Nagler like. Alan
  2. Beautiful collection of fine eyepieces John. You really need a label of the very old picture, a blast from the past, of Bill Sticker with, "wot no Ortho's". Alan
  3. I don't have an issue with skies to be honest though the SE direction of the town has got a little brighter since they have put up the LED type lights though I am sure I am better off than most people. It is worst when the snow is on the ground though that puts me off going out these days. I would not have to drive far to find a darker site as this area of Bulgaria is very rural and even some of the villages only have a handful of people living in them. At the very moment we have one light source we can do nothing about making a mess of things, the Moon, now that is LP for a faint and fuzzy fan, though I don't really class myself as one. Alan.
  4. Adam, The Meade versions of the Maxvision were black and green as it happens and looked really nice. I had all that range and the 28mm was my favourite, widh I still had it in fact. Alan.
  5. Ian, A nice collection of eyepieces in your case I must say, could you not have found a black and green screwdriver? Alan
  6. Derek, A very nice case but I would have held on the 3-6mm myself it is a big step between 6mm and 3.5mm or do you have the 4.5mm lined up? Alan
  7. Kev, PM sent. One thing I did see last night and manged to follow it until it went into earth shadow completely was the ISS. I could see the main body and the solar panels, the 31mm Nagler helped me a great deal, it was really easy to follow it, sort of points to a good Alt/Az bearing combination. Alan
  8. Damian, I hope all is going well though I know it is a slow process. Is this your first mirror as it is a big one. I made a 12 inch back in 1976, tried my best and still had to get it tickled up by someone that knew how. Back then there was no such thing as on line help or coma correcters that I knew of. Keep at it and good luck. alan
  9. Derek, I see the latter model here from time to time but never the Talisker, I last saw that in the cabinet at home when I was in England. Not in the same class but the local S market had VAT 69 for 3.96 a bottle, now that's cheap. If you ever find out what the plurals of Ethos and Delos are let me know, if it is latter of you group Delos will be Deli, good for a curry maybe. Sorry James, I don't like them at all I might have to sell 5 it sounds like an illness if I only have one it can stay as Ethos. Alan.
  10. Derek, Come on you should know, BTW how was the new TeleVue Talisker, good on doubles, it's Ethos'sssssssssssssssssssssssss. I have and am using a nice 18 year old Chivas number, it is the Televue wallet slimmer
  11. Stu, I think the table could be turned into a nice case with the right craftsman . I use a photographers vest made by Billingham for eyepieces, works great loads of pockets and very well made.
  12. Paul, Would you care to tell us about the lipstick on the top of the box? :grin: Nice set there though.
  13. I have loads of those gel packets they can't do any harm, I am told you nee to pop them in the oven to dry them out from time to time, I might try them to see if they will soak up this dam rain.
  14. John, How many oif them do you still have I see the 31mm Nagler and beyond that I am guessing. Pays to read the full post sorry, they say a week is a long time in politics but 5 years can be a complete change of reanges from TV, Most of the Radians have gone now. Alan
  15. It just goes to show how this thread has grown, it only seems just over a year ago I photographed mine and I think they are back on page 57 or 8. The trouble is since i have bought more eyepieces and diagonals and would need a page to get all mine on onless i posted thumbnails. Seems the more I have the worse the weather is getting, what happened to the cold crystal clear winter nights of a few years back with seeing to die for. 100, Geoff Boycott or what! Alan
  16. Richard, Many thanks for the kind words but I don't know where you got the idea I was experienced at anything, most ot the time I just thrash around in the dark. I do enjoy doubles but Nick is the one for them, I often observe purely on the back of his reports though I must confess to being in love with Sirius. I am sure Nexas is great but it will be very difficult and risky for me to get hold of from Australia and I will not use the States to buy from unless I am there which was I different matter, I do like to try and keep it within Europe. I have just also got hold of 3 very high spec Lenovo pro Thinkpads for silly money all with the RS232 port, these are very rare now and dam costly to buy a Laptop with one on. I think Argo Navis just sounds as if it lends itself better to a laptop as I do not have an i phone. I am going to play find the target for the moment as the strength of the pound and dollar has pushed the price of stuff up a great deal for me, just look at a 21mm Ethos form TS now 910 euros, though no doubt if you asked them to price match Telly House, which I did once, they would do it again. Alan.
  17. Simon, I know yours is a faster scope and for its size shorter by ratio but I can't imagine what an extra 4 inch must look like, I think when they get this size an observatory or two part rolloff shed is required. I noticed some time back one of our members in Australia has a 28 inch scope, that would be one to use outside while you look out the bedroom window with Powermate and Ethos arrangement in the focuser. alan
  18. Sam, That colour if you put it outside I should be able to detect a glow from here with my scope. Alan
  19. One-eyed-Sam, Looking at it closely I would say they are the exact same as I use under the Geoptik banner and mine are black so i can trip over them in the dark. The price sounds about the same as well, very good value cases. I have a Peli case and they too are great but designed to drop things out of 12 th floor windows. Rather costly too. alan.
  20. It's a good job I kept all the bits I can start to glue them back into place . I have another case on the way i will try it. Alan
  21. Gerry, I will be trying that though at the moment this is one area where i do have a small Light Pollution issue. It never was the case from the nearby town which is about 5 miles away, however they have changed a good amount of the street lighting to a new type and whilst not serious it is much worse than it was. Virgo rises in this general area so maybe in a month or so it will be a bit higher up in the sky. I trust you read the report, that is if I can find Virgo. Alan.
  22. Faulksy, I hear what you say and thanks for the information, I will await the outcome of such talks and drop a line asking, I would be happy to be their first order of one of these if they were able to pull it off, I have a full 700 quid in the UK account, better not buy anything in the next few weeks. Alan
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