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Posts posted by knobby

  1. OK, finished flogging dead horse, this is my last attempt at planetary for maybe a few years ! I believe Damien Peach says he doesn't bother with planets below 20 degrees Drove to darkish field with @skywatcher250 and @Blazar for a better chance at capturing something decent.

    Usual kit C8 - TV 2 x barlow - Altair ADC - ZWO 224. best 15 % of 3500 frames, Autostakkert and Registax wavelets ( very heavy to pull out any detail )

    🙂 got halfway there and remembered camera was in other case ! ... good night though.

    Saturn 2019-08-25-2140_7_pipp_lapl6_ap20.png

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  2. Still plugging away at Jove, re kindled interest since getting the Altair ADC.

    90 seconds approx 5000 frames stacked best 20% in Autostakkert, RGB align (very minor adjustments needed) sharpened in Registax.

    I believe the shadow is from Ganymede.


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  3. Had a dabble on Wednesday but only clear for 20 mins, looks like too much fiddling around to me ! focused with L filter, then moved to R and (to be expected I guess) had to mess around with exposure as very dark 🙂 .

    I'll possibly try again one day when I have more time but looks doable.

    I'm going to stick with the 224 and try an ADC

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