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Posts posted by knobby

  1. Hi all, should have really researched before I bought the 5 position wheel 🙂 I ventured into mono a short while back (ZWO 1600mm / 5 pos wheel / LRGBHA)

    I've been so impressed with Ha at my LP garden (RED/WHITE ZONE) that I'm now thinking I should have got the 8 position wheel !

    Whats the best shortcut to try ?

    take out the Green filter  - put in an Oiii, therefore still allowing RGB with a synthetic green,  try Ha - Oiii of some sort or go the whole hog and ditch the RGB and get Oiii and Sii ... leaving an empty slot ?

    The 8 position would be too much additional expense so that route is out of the question and probably too big / heavy for the Az-Gti anyway


    Opinions gratefully received

  2. Does look a bit excessive but I guess it depends on processing ? What does a single sub look like ?

    There is a very long / informative thread about this on cloudy nights , might be worth a read.

    Good news is that the camera can create excellent images as the glow normally calibrates out .

  3. Reset alignment gives it a 'fresh' start ... I never bother though.

    In 2 star align, you choose 2 stars then begin alignment, th mount slews to first star ... Approximately, then you manually center star with keypad, then again on 2nd star.

    Also, in settings - connection you can choose emulator so you can play with the app without connecting the mount. Just remember to change it back afterwards or you'll be in a dark field one night trying to connect and after 20 minutes you'll remember !






  4. Ha is the best decision I've ever made in astro imaging !

    I live in a red zone, nearly white ... took the plunge and went mono cooled recently. Obviously could do with more data as it's heavily stretched as was near  pretty full Moon but I'm amazed how this turned out seeing as the sky was bluey orange.

    Thanks for looking

    Soul nebula_300sec_70_mins _Ha 1.png

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