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Posts posted by knobby

  1. Generally for an SCT you'd want to use an off axis guider (cuts out guide errors caused by the mirror moving) also it's very hard to guide at 2000mm focal length accurately especially with an AVX mount (I have one)

    On the flip side I've seen decent images produced with your set up 👍

    I'd be inclined to get the 0.7 reducer (drops focal length to 1400mm) but that's £350 on its own 😒 and try for a used finder guider / mono camera.

    Probably end up totalling £450 ish though.

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  2. Where do you image from Neil ? I ask as I recently did the same thing, went mono and bought a 5 position wheel, R G B L and Ha ... Then saw how amazing Ha was in light polluted area and ended up ditching the R G B and buying Oiii Sii and Ha. ZWO 1.25" and very happy with them ( make sure you get the newer version as Oiii has reflections greatly reduced)

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  3. 5 minutes ago, alan potts said:

    Now that's very nice indeed Knobby, I want to shoot this but I need to change scopes over, I feel the Borg at 330mm and the 183mc will get it all in.


    Thanks Alan, that was with a 335 focal length / ZWO 1600 mm so might be tight with the 183.

    3 minutes ago, carastro said:

    That's come out very well.

    A few tips.

    If you want to get rid of the magenta around the stars, you can use filter noise/reduce noise and move the "reduce colour noise" slider right over to the right.

    If you want to change the colours of the image, play with the sliders in image adjust/selective colour.  I would suggest your Ha is too green at the moment.


    Thanks Carole, I'll have a dabble later

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  4. Slowly dabbling with narrow band and the processing that is becoming more like art than science 🙂

    I really am enjoying it though, Imaged this in my red zone back garden last night, it's 10 x  300 secs each of Ha Oiii and Sii ( no darks as they looked weird )

    Thanks for looking / feedback.

    DSS - Photoshop levels / curves - gradient xterminator - photoshop channel combine as per @swag72 tutorial - photoshop levels to balance colours to my taste - slight noise and star size reduction  (Noels tools)

    Heart _HaOiiSii.png

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