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Posts posted by knobby

  1. Been watching this with interest as I have a C8 edge and have the same problems with living in built up area surrounded by  neighbours hot roofs.

    Seeing is always naff, planet jumps around and wobbles during capture.

    Here's one I managed with the same scope on the 2nd so don't give up.

    From memory it was a 2 minute avi around 0.7 secs and 300 gain ( ZWO 224mc) and a 2 X barlow



    • Like 3
  2. 8 hours ago, astroman001 said:

    Great capture, well done.


    Thanks Peter

    2 hours ago, U Cyg said:

    Lovely capture!

    Glad your shoulder is feeling better.   I struggle every time trying to  get my 8SE ota on the eq5 mount  -  because I am a sub five footer and I have to stand on tippy toes. 🤣


    I can relate to that ... Had to have the AVX as high as possible to clear neighbours roofs ... It was a bit like putting a heavy bag in overhead luggage on a plane 😃

  3. Managed a 30 minute spell last night between garage roof, neighbours roofs and trees. Very spur of the moment but egged on by finally being able to lift the C8 onto the AVX after damaging shoulder 18 months ago.

    Not fantastic but with the low elevation and heat haze from roofs pretty relieved to see it all still works 😃

    Best 25% of 5000 frames .Stacked in Autostakkert, registax wavelets and sent to phone to tweak colour balance / noise in Photoshop express.

    C8 edge / Televue 2 x barlow / ZWO 224



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  4. 12 hours ago, Relpet said:

    Pardon my ignorance, Knobby.  In my RAF days a SAM was a Surface to Air Missile.

    As an alternative I've been guided to this


    which  has the advantage of being clockwork and got a good workout in Sky at Night magazine last year.  A German friend has used one successfully.  Hmmm...

    🙂 sorry ! SAM = Star adventurer mini, about the size of a Rubiks cube, fitted in camera bag in the gap where a lens usually fitted.

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