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Posts posted by knobby

  1. Differential flexure is where the guide camera / guide scope moves independently from the imaging scope / camera.

    The focuser movement is a good place to start. Everything needs to be solid !


    Just watched the video of focuser ... That's shocking ! Need to find a way of stopping that. The weight of the camera as it flips across meridian will surely cause movement .

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  2. Hi Vlaiv, I love mine. It easily holds my SW72ED / reducer / filter wheel / zwo 1600M / finder guider approx 4.5 kg. I use the Star adventurer wedge on a manfrotto tripod with the Star adventurer counterweight (and M12 to M8 adaptor) I could really use another counterweight as the 1 doesn't quite balance.

    Never used it in AZ mode, just for imaging. I've used the wifi connection and recently gone to a Lynx cable ( use ascom or synscam mobile app) so I can use the laptops wifi to Teamviewer from the warm house !

    I agree about the 'quality control' if you get a good one it's a cracking little mount.

    The alignment has similar options to the other synscan mounts, 1 star / 2 star / solar system etc, you can even point your phone at something and it follows it. (I plate solve with APT)

    So far I've imaged up to 5 mins guided with fairly round stars.


    Lynx cable - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/lynx-astro-cables/lynx-astro-ftdi-eqdir-usb-adapter-for-sky-watcher-az-gti-mounts.html

    Windows sysnscan app - https://skywatcher.com/download/software/synscan-app/

    Ascom driver - https://skywatcher.com/download/software/ascom-driver/

    EQ custom firmware - http://skywatcher.com/download/software/motor-control-firmware/


    • Thanks 1
  3. Good news and bad news rolled into one ! maybe now there is evidence that light pollution WILL change or lives someone will start taking it seriously.

    Silly idea, but if Mr Johnson or Corbyn are listening perhaps they could introduce an after hours light pollution tax 🙂

    I'd vote for them 

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  4. 32 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    Got any pics? Despite my recent revisions and approach to my gear, I might be scaling down in the new year (temporarily) to just a DSLR and 71mm triplet so was eyeing up the Star Adventurer. But if the GTi in EQ mode is a viable option then I'm very interested. Can you add a counterweight?

    Star adventurer counterweight kit with a M8 to M12 thread adaptor (if I remember correctly)


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    • Thanks 1
  5. I used to have the star adventurer mini (no guiding) and never really got on with it. Bought the Az-Gti and love it , it has a bit of backlash and is by no means perfect ( fairly iffy quality control) but the ability to plate solve and guide fairly well has increased my effectiveness massively.

    I'd get one !

    Taken with Az-Gti on Manfrotto tripod/ star adventurer wedge / EQ firmware / ZWO 1600 pro / finder guider.


    Heart _Hubble_palette.jpg

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