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Posts posted by knobby

  1. On 15/05/2018 at 15:42, FLO said:

    We've been experimenting today...

    There is an experimental firmware for the AZ-GTI mount which enables it to operate in EQ mode:


    We couldn't resist testing to see if EQMOD would then work - you need to connect to the mount from the APP to put it in EQ mode first, but then it does indeed work with EQMOD. 

    The EQDIR cables we currently sell don't fit the AZ-GTI so we are going to get a batch made that will - would anybody be interested?

    It may be that the functionality of EQMOD can be replicated over the wireless interface using the Sky-Watcher drivers but for those of us who prefer a wired connection and like using EQMOD, this may be a good option.

    Old post I know ... do you know if the custom setting in EQ mod still needs to be used or is that old school ?

    Just bought the cable from @FLO top speedy service as usual 🙂

    Edit ...

    Found info


  2. Hi Adrian, as banjaxed said, FLO will sort you out !

    Things to check ... normal complaints are backlash (wobble in gearing) - wifi unstable (take outside away from your or neighbours wifi) - power problems (the connector on the internal battery holder is loose / spins)

    Are you visual or imaging ? either way I'd update the firmware when you get it.

    Good luck with it from a fellow Essex boy.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, eshy76 said:

    Hi everyone!

    Captured this data in one night from my back garden. My struggles with the Hubble Palette continue...on this occasion I went for the slight adjustment to hues in PI and then SCNR green approach and then tweaked curves from there....I think I made the colour adjustments too late in the process which put some noise back into the image...but colours are getting there.

    6.8 hours of SHO integration, WOZ73 + CEM25P + ASI1600 + Astrodon filters.

    Full details here

    Thanks for looking!


    Lovely image, especially the way you've captured the cloud of gas blown from the baby's bottom

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