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Everything posted by knobby

  1. The flexible coupling 'should' prevent any damage but It will surely put extra load on the EAF. I'd be inclined to use washers as above.
  2. My effort on the original file in post 1 Siril software. Slight crop - background extraction (twice 🙂 ) - Archsinh curves - photometric colour calibration - saturation boost. Quite a lot of signal in there, possible tilt and incorrect flattener spacing maybe and focus looks a tad off but nice image !
  3. Not the only wat to do it by any means but Photoshop or GIMP works. TinyTake by MangoApps-15-11-2022-01-42-33.mp4
  4. In case you don't have any editing programs I had a quick dabble for you. Hope you don't mind ? Really nice Mars.
  5. Not 100% sure but I think he means one of these ... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/visual-oberving-rgb-filter-sets/astro-essentials-125-wratten-47-violet-filter.html
  6. 🙂 Still a lovely image !
  7. I love a good old handheld DSLR moon shot... Takes me back to where the imaging journey began 👍🏻
  8. Heq5 - old, reliable, solid, easily fixed and tinkered with. GEM28 - modern, light weight, varying build quality, but nice if you get a good one.
  9. Is this with the counterweight connected, sometimes the bar can be a bit loose and clunks as it changes direction ?
  10. Very interesting Geoff! I've just nabbed a 1.5 Barlow to try (if I ever get out again) on my zwo224 /C9.25 ... I usually use a 2x but as the seeing is always naff where I live, thought I'd give it a go.
  11. Interesting stuff ! Don't forget that with a polemaster it has to be calibrated on first use and again if it's ever knocked or moved. Possibly why differing results to sharpcap. I'm using an ipolar now and it's usually very close to sharpcap result.
  12. General wisdom says darks should match temperature of lights so with an uncooled camera might not be that effective. But give it a go and process with and without to see what you think maybe.
  13. Is everything screw fit ? don't know the redcat, but could the tilt be anywhere else ?
  14. Looks like tilt ... Use ASTAP as it's free, shows an approximation of tilt. This is your Ha from the google drive.
  15. Also try slightly warming the larger part.
  16. I can't be the only one that thought this was a thread about zwo mini cameras 😂
  17. My quick handheld capture with Nikon DSLR - 300 mm lens - Baader solar film.
  18. Hi chaps, did a quick lunch break grab with the Nikon D5600 - 300mm lens - DIY solar filter. 40 Raw files, stacked and best 50% sharpened in registax then colourised in CS6.
  19. Very nice ! Plenty of detail yet nice and smooth.
  20. Both 😂 Plus it's always cloudy !
  21. Very nice Peter. How long was the capture ?
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