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Space Hopper

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Everything posted by Space Hopper

  1. That looks an excellent amount of activity. I'll see if i can see anything in my 15x50 binocs. I've not used the HW in my scope for a while ; not since it nearly smoked it last summer.
  2. Exactly. My own experiences were with an OO VX12 F4 Dob. My story : I was using a Baader Mk5 bino with a refractor at the time but wanted to use it with a Dob. OO Newts tend to have the focus point 'quite far out', so much so that you often need an extension on eyepieces to enable them to focus. This was my experience, so at the time I upgraded to a Moonlite focuser (remember those ?) with an extended 60mm drawtube and used the one inch spacer to get my eyepieces, usually a 2" widefield, to focus. I then decided i wanted to binoview, but realised i would probably need the Newt gpc to do it. But before i invested in that i thought i'd try my existing 1.7x gpc to see if that would work. I have all 3 of the gpc's - the 1.25x, 1.7x and the 2.6x that i use with my refractors. In the Mk5 (as well as the Max 2) the 1.25 and 1.7 gpc's screw into the back of the bino. I tried the 1.7x but it was not even close to focusing, and it should be noted that i removed the spacer from the Moonlite, and was using the primary mirror on the lower setting (primary mirrors in OO Newts can be raised up a cm or so to a higher setting) I then brought myself the dedicated Baader 1.7x gpc / coma corrector for Newtonians, (about Β£180) and this worked fine, but it tied me into a fairly high power and a loss of those rich field, wide angle views i craved for. As a binoviewing enthusiast, i'd wanted to try a 'Powerswitch' system for a while, as it's the best way to get a lower power magnification to use when binoviewing. The Denkmeier Binotron 27 system referred to above listed a 'low power setting' on the Powerswich of 1.3x. But there was another option : a sister company (Earthwin binoviewers) that offered a similar product, with a listed 1.2x low power, in their bino, that was quite a bit cheaper, so i opted for that. Still a fair old whack pricewise, but it worked, and worked well with the 12" F4. Low power magnification was around 60x which with my 24mm Panoptics, which gave me those rich field views i was craving. The 'Double Cluster', for example was very nicely framed and looked stunning from a dark site. The downside was the weight hanging out the focuser at 2.5kg. I had major balance problems - OO tubes a pretty lightweight, and i often used to view with my knee supporting the tube at lower altitudes and the OO's friction brake was next to useless with that weight. But it was a nice scope and a great binoviewing experience. Someone made me an offer for the scope a couple of years later, and wanting to downsize and upgrade my refractor, I sold it, and the Earthwin bino soon after. If i was to have my time again ? The weight of these binoviewing systems necessitates a big primary to mitigate balance issues, so i'd really look at a bigger scope in the first place - something like a 16" mirror in the F4.5 range* and then go with a Denk Binotron 27 and use their 45mm OCS which is optimally designed. * iIt should be noted that these binoviewers will only pass a lightcone in low power setting of around F4.45 or there-abouts. So with my own F4 scope i was probably losing a bit of aperture and illumination, but not too much to spoil the views. But with big Newtonians and Binoviewing the Denk system is the way to go I think.. And despite the apparent cost, you get 3 different power level options, so potentially, when you take into account the saving you get buying addition eyepieces, it becomes more compelling.
  3. @PeterW A date for your diary ? March 11 2023. Free entry, free talks. Lots to see. https://practicalastroshow.com
  4. Although i work on the trains, its a good old trek from Derby to London, then a couple of different tubes to reach South Kensington. I've attended many times in the past : seen many great talks from the likes of Allan Chapman, Brian Cox, Stephen James O'Mara, Lucie Green, to name a few. Also my one and only time I saw the late Sir Patrick was at Astrofest. But i've not been since 2017 when i was a little disappointed with it. I'm in agreement with Mike, thats its run its course. Then theres the PAS show in Kettering as well as the IAS in October. Both easier to get to, and i've had my 'astro show fix' from them both. I do enjoy an astroshow though, it's always a great atmosphere when the astro community have a get together.
  5. Very sorry to hear this sad news. Despite the fact we must have lived pretty close to one another, I must confess I never had the pleasure of meeting John. I know he was passionate about his new Rowan alt-az mount and his refractors, a man after my own heart. May he rest in peace.
  6. You want Baader item #2456300/1 As you say, it looks like they are out of stock for the foreseeable. Maybe worth putting out a wanted ad ? I've used one myself in the past ; they do work ! I had an OO VX12 Dob with it. It corrects for coma as well. (When i say they do work, i tried using a 'normal' 1.7x gpc, but it was nowhere near able to focus) Another option is to try a 'Powermate' 2x or...if you've ordered something like the SW Flextube, try lowering the poles a bit to throw out the focus a bit.
  7. No, sorry Chriske, i'm not seeing anything either. Just empty black boxes.
  8. Very impressive set up Gary. That mount looks very nice too.....
  9. Just a humble eclipse shot from me, from October 25, which for a change was visible from start to finish 😊
  10. Well done. Good to hear you are able to do some observing around your masters degree. I always check both Uranus and Neptune out, assuming they are visible, just to keep my 'planetary targets spotted list' looking respectable' The recent weeks and months have been excellent and nearly all of our solar system neighbours have been well placed for observation. Uranus itself is in an ideal location, and is an obvious disk to me through my scope, that has a washed out pale greeny grey colour. Neptune is a tougher one to ID convincingly at times as its so small, but with decent conditions is similar to Uranus (a bit more blue) only quite a lot fainter. Some guys on here, with big scopes, better sky's and better eyes than me report they can detect Uranus' 4 faint moons, and also Neptunes big moon, Triton, but I myself have never come close to bagging them. Regarding observing, i must confess i cheat and am a bit lazy : i have Bortle 7 sky's here, so use a DSC computer on my alt-az to easily find stuff, but get out to a couple of darker sites when i can which are a Bortle 4/5.
  11. Totally clouded out here in Derby i'm afraid πŸ”­πŸ‘ŽπŸΌβ˜ΉοΈ
  12. Beautiful scope ; i'm sure it will provide some memorable views the way big refractors do. Congratulations on your purchase. It will look the business on your AZ100 πŸ”­πŸ‘πŸΌ More photos please........πŸ˜€
  13. Barbara from W&W will sort you out. https://dewheater.com
  14. Where is the flight case from and what size is it please ??
  15. looks like you've captured Rigel 'B' in the middle image πŸ™‚
  16. Magnification ? Low power, generally 40 - 65x Higher power i have a 2.6x Baader gpc which lives in its own prism diagonal, so i swap over the diagonal (easy and quick to do with the quick coupler) rather than fiddle about with the gpc's themselves. I also have the 1.25 & 1.7x gpc's but don't use them so much, just tending to view san gpc for low power, and with the said 2.6x gpc for high power work (mainly lunar / planets) Using the gpc for high power is important, as it corrects for prism induced spherochromatism. Always use a gpc rather than say, a pair of 3.5mm eyepieces. With the 2.6x in place magnification is now 106x - 170x which is ideal for 90% + UK visual high power observing. I use 3 pairs of eyepieces : Televue Panoptics in 24 and 19mm, and a pair of 15mm APM ultra flats, with a Baader Mk 5 viewer. Scope is a 140 / 980mm apo refractor. I'm also testing a Zeiss mirror based viewer possibly the same as Jeremy's above. I'm also considering fitting Dioptrx to my 24mm. In the past i've used a C8 SCT. SCTs and binoviewers work well together (no focusing issues) as long as you keep the lightpath length as short as possible.
  17. To Jeremy, Steve and Don & others, a big thankyou to you all for your contributions here πŸ‘πŸΌ As i don't use a Newtonian and mainly use mid angle fov Panoptics I think they are worth me trying out. I'm looking at trying them with my binoviewing 24mm Panoptics....possibly using 0.75 and 1.0 Dioptrx, rather than my current 0.50 and 0.75 current prescription, and also ordering a 0.75 for my 35 Pan as well. Not pressed the order button just yet, though. 365 Astronomy seem the best price so far, but a 4 week leadtime.
  18. Yes, i saw that one as well, it was a beauty. I was at M1 J28 motorway, so just shows you how bright it was.
  19. Nice job, its come out very well i think. 🐴πŸ”₯πŸ”­πŸ“·πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™‚
  20. Personally, i've never considered contact lenses. My wife has used them for years and has 'daily disposables' but they are not cost effective really (Β£400 + / year) I have used reading glasses for 10 years, and distance glasses for around 3 for driving mainly. I've tried varifocals, but couldn't get on with them at all. My eyesight is pretty average for my age really, just a normal and slow age related deterioration. Regarding Dioptrx, with them being a Tele-vue item, i would sell them on if my prescription were to suddenly change. I would expect a decent return for them second hand, like most of their gear, so no issues there really. You make an interesting point with exit pupils, because mine are already pretty small. Only about 3mm fully dilated i believe. I think the only way to see if they will benefit me is to try them, but i would be interested in users thoughts before i commit. Thanks
  21. Hello all. I've been umm-ing and arr-ing over astigmatism correctors for a while now. I'm currently 55 and have 'distance' glasses for driving, but i've never used them for astro, and don't really want to go down that road if i can avoid it. When i look up to the stars without glasses, the stars look a bit contorted : no longer what i'd call sharp points of light. Looking through the scope, its a little better with good focusing, but i often feel my own worsening eyesight is the weakest link here. I often blame insufficient cooldown or poor atmospherics, but maybe its my eyes that are the real issue. I only have the one scope : an F7 refractor with very good optics. I binoview most of the time, and currently have pairs of Tele-vue Panoptics in both 24mm and 19mm. These are my main 'workhorse' eyepieces and they get the most use. I also have a single 2" widefield : a 35mm Panoptic. Dioptrx is compatible with then all, although i'd need adapters for the 19 & 24s Out of interest, i also use a 12.5mm Noblex (Docter) for single eye viewing, which is exceptional. But is this due to its 'anastigmatic' design, or something else ?? My latest prescription lists the 'cylinder' -0.50 left eye and -0.75 right eye, so fairly weak correction is needed. For mono viewing with the 35 Pan, or whatever else, i always use my left eye. My left eye is my better eye. I'd be interested in hearing anyones opinions here, and i apologise in advance if this topic has been covered in detail already. Are there any issues using then for bino-viewing ? I realise the eye-lens and eyecup will be bigger with Dioptrx installed. But my IPD is a very average 66mm and my nose is also pretty average in size, and i find binoviewing an easy pastime. And would i be better off getting a slightly stronger option : say 0.75 and 1.0 so i can 'grow in to them' as i assume my eyesight will deteriorate slowly in time ? I've quickly shopped around online and 365 Astronomy seem to be the best option price-wise (sorry FLO πŸ˜‰) Thanks in advance.
  22. I'm glad you are enjoying them ; the eyepiece holders and diopter adjusters are excellent aren't they. Beautifully engineered the German way. Was it me who sold you the Max 2's ?? I lose track.....
  23. It looks excellent, good work ; and don't worry, we never tire of watching this stuff πŸ˜€
  24. Indeed. And just how does it have quote : Shorter cooling time than similarly specified triplet telescopes
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