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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Reading the description implies that they are aimed at eclipse watchers. I think they would be really great for that but as you know they don't crop up often. You could get a semi decent higher mag astronomical binocular for not much more, this could be multi purpose if you make up some decent solar film covers and attach them very well.
  2. I saw them advertised a couple of weeks ago, my initial thought was; would you be able to see much at 6x?
  3. Hi, am I right in thinking you've been after a 19mm Luminos eyepiece for some time? If so ones justcome up on ABS :)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. garryblueboy
    3. garryblueboy


      Think it's mine that's the set now .  Once again thanks 

    4. Chris


      No problem, glad you got sorted :)

  4. Hi, subs are sub exposures, so if you take 10 x 30 second exposures you have 300 seconds total exposure, but the inidividual 30 second exposures are the subs if that makes sense?
  5. Good purchase, isn't it a joy in alt/az mode, I really like mine this way
  6. Take aim, fire! wonderful collection you still have there. I'm a bit surprised that the Ikharus is the workhorse scope when you have the equinox and others. I remember looking at the Starwave equivalent last year, researched them and heard the optics were somewhere between Achromatic and Semi Apo? Lovely fit and finish on the other hand.
  7. I might be joining you in the 60 degree zone, I've only guessed 75 by eye so it's subject to possible change.
  8. Very nice big brother to mine Lot's more room on the 6/8SE version by the looks of it, and the Moonlite sets the whole thing off a treat I've set an Alt limit of 75 degrees on the handset so it hopefully won't suggest objects above this, I don't want to crash into the mount!
  9. Lovely scope Mike, and quite a mount by the looks of it too!
  10. Definitely Yummy, I remember salivating over these on the Skylight web site last year
  11. How about an ironic name like 'Tiny'
  12. Your ED80 looks really smart on the AZ4 Jules, and your going to really like the views for it's aperture
  13. Hi and welcome back to SGL from a different Chris in Ipswich
  14. Sounds utterly utterly amazing, can't wait to hear more!
  15. I've just seen his welding on the mirror cell and alt bearings which look perfect! Very impressed, I was rubbish at welding when I trained in engineering which is why they stuck me on the lathes
  16. I've just read a few of the above comments and flicked back and seen a few pics of the beast which have sent goose bumps down my spine! It might take a a while but I'm going back to page 1 and reading the whole shabang My hat off to you faulksy, you clearly have some mad DIY skills
  17. Congratulations on your dream scope Zhao! It's a great choice for a dream scope and looks absolutely beautiful I must say! Have you had the chance to look through it yet?
  18. That's a great capture, I was expecting more false colour, I take it you processed it out.?
  19. The APM 130 and AVX combo looks really nice, John I've owned an AVX and really liked mine. try a two star allignment John, this should be enough to get objects in the eyepiece and is really quick and easy to do
  20. That's quite some kit you have Ken! 2 x C11 Edge's?? and a Tak baby Q I'm guessing? I shouldn't say this on the frac thread but gawd do I miss my C8 Edge.
  21. Thought you were going to say 8" not 7", what a size difference indeed!
  22. Thanks deejay, that's a lot of work but it really shows in the end result! I think you have definitely added value if anything Have you checked out the Moonraker and Skylight telescopes websites, I think you'd approve.
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